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This book celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by showing how global human rights norms have influenced national government practices in eleven different countries around the world. Had the principles articulated in the Declaration had any effect on the behavior of states towards their citizens? What are the conditions under which international human rights norms are internalized in domestic practices? And what can we learn from this case about why, how, and under what conditions international norms in general influence the actions of states? This book draws on the work of social constructivists to examine these important issues. The contributors examine eleven countries representing five different world regions - Northern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe - drawing practical lessons for activists and policy makers concerned with preserving and extending the human rights gains made during the past fifty years.
Maja Zehfuss' book offers a fundamental critique of constructivism, focusing on the work of Wendt, Onuf and Kratochwil. Using Germany's shift towards participation in international military operations as an illustration, she demonstrates why each version of constructivism fails in its own project and comes apart on the basis of its own assumptions. Inspired by Derridean thought, this book highlights the political consequences of constructivist representations of reality. Each critique concludes that constructivist notions of key concepts are impossible, and that this is not merely a question of theoretical inconsistency, but of politics. The book is premised on the notion that the 'empirical' and the 'theoretical' are less separate than is acknowledged in international relations, and must be read as intertwined. Zehfuss examines the scholars' role in international relations, worrying that, by looking to constructivism as the future, they will be severely curtailing their ability to act responsibly in this area.
The author explores why a large number of international organizations adopted sanctions against the apartheid regime in South Africa despite strategic and economic interests that had fostered strong ties with it in the past. She argues that the emergence of the norm of racial equality is the reason.
In this collection of CUDES 2017, wide spectrum of topics that occupy primary place in the current debates of International Relations and Law were addressed by the papers presented at the Current Debates in Social Sciences Conference which was held in İstanbul, on December 14-16, 2017. The purpose of this conference was to provide a forum for scholars, researchers and students to foster discussion and expand understanding on the current themes of Social Sciences. In parallel to changing and multiplying dynamics of world politics, papers reflect diversity of issues in International Relations and Law including: the impacts of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on EU-Turkey relations, lone wolf terrori...
ULUSLARARASI İŞLETMELERİN ÖRGÜTSEL ÖZELLİKLERİ 150 Biçimsellik 150 Uzmanlık 150 Merkezleşme 151 Özet 152 Kendimizi Sınayalım 153 Yaşamın İçinden 154 Kendimizi Sınayalım Yanıt Anahtarı 154 Sıra Sizde Yanıt Anahtarı 155 Yararlanılan ve Başvurulabilecek Kaynaklar 155 Uluslararası İşletmelerde İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi 157 ULUSLARARASI İŞLETMELERDE İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ 159 ULUSLARARASI İŞLETMELERİN KADROLAMA POLİTİKALARI 159 Etnosentrizm 160 Polisentrizm 160 Geosentrizm 161 Regiosentrizm 161 ULUSLARARASI İŞLETMELERDE İŞE ALMA 161 ULUSLARARASI İŞLETMELERDE EĞİTİM VE GELİŞTİRME 162 Eğitim İhtiyacını Değerleme.
An ambitious volume which asks why hopes are fading for a single European identity, despite decades of European integration.
Etrafımızdaki dünyanın ve onun bilgisinin büyük bir hızla dönüşüme uğradığı bir dönemde yaşıyoruz. Bir önceki yüzyıla ait bütün bilgilerimiz hızla geçersizleşiyor, sosyal bilimlerin içindeki disiplinlerarası ayrımlar bulanıklaşıyor. Uluslararası göç, küresel ekonomik krizler, küresel çevre sorunları, enerji krizleri, ulusüstü oluşumların derinleşmesi, savaşın yeni biçimleri uluslararası ilişkiler disiplinini kuran ve onu diğer disiplinlerden ayıran, içerisi ile dışarısı arasındaki ayrımın geçerli olmadığı iddialarının yaygınlaşmasına yol açıyor. Hukuksal bir statü olarak egemenlik korunmaya devam etse de bütün bu sözü...
The world’s problems are indeed world problems: social and environmental crises, global trade and politics, and major epidemics are making public health a pressing global concern. From this constantly changing scenario, global health diplomacy has evolved, at the intersection of public health, international relations, law, economics, and management—a new discipline with transformative potential. Global Health Diplomacy situates this concept firmly within the human rights dialogue and provides a solid framework for understanding global health issues and their negotiation. This up-to-the-minute guide sets out defining principles and the current agenda of the field, and examines key relatio...
Businesses are important for economic development of nation and increasing of living standards of people. Also, management is a critical factor for both businesses because it creates utility for businesses. All the success and failure depend upon business functions and management. In this context, this book contains three important factors of business management. In the first part of the book covers strategic management subjects; especially entrepreneurship and human resource management. The second part of the book includes accounting and auditing. The third part of the book is about marketing.