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Jack Foleys Gedichte sind poetische Texte eines Dichters der US-amerikanischen Beat Szene der Westküste, der sich zu einem Experimentierer entwickelte. Der Titel des Gedichtbands ist auch Titel eines langen Gedichts, das ebenso wie ein anderes Gedicht dieses Bands an Foleys irische Wurzeln denken läßt. Andere Gedichte sind Menschen wie dem Poeten Michael McClure und dem Fotografen Robert Fisher gewidmet. Das letzte Gedicht des Bands gilt nicht von ungefähr Walt Whitman...
Das rote Spielzeugauto und andere Erzählungen In den gesammelten Erzählungen dieses Buches wird von Einsamkeit, Abgründen, Verzweiflung und Hoffnungen berichtet. Ein Mann beschließt an seinem Fenster zu erstarren, ein junger Mann sucht in Kriegszeiten seine erste Liebe, ein anderer erzählt vom Schicksal seines Stammes. Zwei Menschen treffen in der S-Bahn aufeinander und finden für einen Moment das absolute Glück. Ein Erzähler trifft einen Mann, der seine Träume verloren hat. Diese Sammlung besteht aus Geschichten, die bewegen und zum Nachdenken anregen. 2. überarbeite Auflage Der Autor Robert Bahr, lebt in Mönchengladbach, singt bei Melpomenes Experitext, einem Theater-Punkprojekt, sowie bei Wolrd Break Down. Zudem schreibt er Dramen, Gedichte und Kinderbücher.
This book offers a coherent representation of the etymology of historical and contemporary lexicalised idioms involving colour. The investigation covers idioms such as Grundonnerstag, Thursday of Holy Week', blau sein, to be drunk', rot sehen, to get angry', idioms from other languages, such as the Dutch Blauwboekjes, defamatory writings', the French conte blue, lie', loan translations such as blaues Blut from the Spanish sangre azul."
This book examines the work of Jünger and its effect on the development of Heidegger’s philosophy of technology. It offers a unique treatment of Jünger’s philosophy and his conception of the age of technology, in which both world and man appear in terms of their functionality and efficiency. It demonstrates Jünger’s influence on Heidegger’s conceptions of will, work and gestalt at the beginning of the 1930s. At the same time, Blok evaluates Heidegger’s criticism of Jünger and provides a novel interpretation of the Jünger-Heidegger connection: that Jünger’s work in fact testifies to a transformation of our relationship to language and conceptualizes the future in terms of the Anthropocene.
Seeds are a vital part of life on earth. They are fundamental for plant reproduction, and many seeds play an important role in the diet of man and domestic and wild animals. Knowledge of the appearance of seeds - seed morphology - is of great importance to botany and seed identification in relation to: seed setting, quarantine work, forensic work, seed poisening, studies of seed dispersal, seed banks and archaeological studies.;This bibliography contains 3775 references and is divided in two parts: handbooks, and articles and monographs. In the latter the bibliographical reference is supplemented by information of importance to seed identificaiton: genera mentioned in articles, keys, descriptions, drawings, photograph, scanning electron micrographs, anatomy and chemical methods. The index of authors contains the names of an extensive number of authors, cited in the bibliography, and in the index of genera more than 3900 genera, described in one or more of the publications are cited.
This is the first monographic study devoted to S l awomir Mro z ek, the most prominent contemporary Polish dramatist. It centers on Mrozek's development as a playwright, shown through the analysis of his complete dramas. Also discussed is Mro z ek's experience as a journalist and theatre critic, satirist and short story writer, author of cartoons and movie scenarios. The monograph spans Mrozek's beginnings as the Eastern European representative of the Theatre of the Absurd and his expatriate existence during which he transcends the absurdist model. Mrozek's return to Poland in 1996 reestablishes him as a major literary figures on the contemporary Polish scene. His continuous presence in Western and Eastern European theatres testifies to the broad appeal of his plays. The presentation of Mrozek's entire artistic profile is supplemented by information on the reception of his writings in Poland and abroad, including the most important performances of his plays. The volume also provides a chronology of Mrozek's life and works, a complete listing of primary texts in Polish, English and German, a list of theatrical premieres, and a bibliography of secondary sources.