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Introduction Are services millennium-proof? Certainly not. At least not at this moment. There is no thorough research needed to derive that conclusion, simply ask around. The evi dence is overwhelming. True horror stories exist of all types of services in all types of sectors. It is even becoming a business in itself. Television shows that are based on customer complaints about services are becoming more and more popular. As is the case in the millennium problem, management of service companies experiences a lot of problems in the hardware and the software of services. There are still prob lems in defining and developing the service, and problems in creating, realizing and managing weil defi...
The role of the consumer has changed from seeking the most satisfaction from goods and services to reconciling consumption with active citizenship, which links consumption to modern social issues such as environmental protection, sound business ethics, and fair working conditions. Understanding consumers -- the way they buy products, the way they relate to questions of environmental importance, and the way they participate in public policy formulation processes –is of vital importance to modern society. In this book, eminent researchers examine contemporary issues related to the field of consumers, policy, and the environment.
Bill Warren's Keep Watching the Skies! was originally published in two volumes, in 1982 and 1986. It was then greatly expanded in what we called the 21st Century Edition, with new entries on several films and revisions and expansions of the commentary on every film. In addition to a detailed plot synopsis, full cast and credit listings, and an overview of the critical reception of each film, Warren delivers richly informative assessments of the films and a wealth of insights and anecdotes about their making. The book contains 273 photographs (many rare, 35 in color), has seven useful appendices, and concludes with an enormous index. This book is also available in hardcover format (ISBN 978-0-7864-4230-0).
The first German women’s movement embraced the belief in a demographic surplus of unwed women, known as the Frauenüberschuß, as a central leitmotif in the campaign for reform. Proponents of the female surplus held that the advances of industry and urbanization had upset traditional marriage patterns and left too many bourgeois women without a husband. This book explores the ways in which the realms of literature, sexology, demography, socialism, and female activism addressed the perceived plight of unwed women. Case studies of reformers, including Lily Braun, Ruth Bré, Elisabeth Gnauck-Kühne, Helene Lange, Alice Salomon, Helene Stöcker, and Clara Zetkin, demonstrate the expansive influence of the discourse surrounding a female surfeit. By combining the approaches of cultural, social, and gender history, The Surplus Woman provides the first sustained analysis of the ways in which imperial Germans conceptualized anxiety about female marital status as both a product and a reflection of changing times.
Inhaltsangabe: Inhaltsverzeichnis:Inhaltsverzeichnis: 1.Einleitung 2.Zielsetzung und Aufbau der Arbeit I.Grundlagen und begriffliche Abgrenzungen I.1.Begriff und Inhalte der Kundenorientierung I.2.Der Innovationsbegriff I.2.1.Definition und Innovationskriterien I.2.2.Klassifikation der Innovationsarten I.2.3.Phasenmodell des Produktinnovationsprozesses I.2.4.Quellen für Produktinnovationen I.2.4.1.Interne und externe Quellen I.2.4.2.Die Bedeutung des Kunden als externe Ideenquelle I.3.Die Konsumenten-Produzenten-Interaktion als Mittel zur Verfolgung der Kundenorientierung im Rahmen des Produktinovationsprozesses I.3.1.Initiativenursprung einer Konsumenten-Produzenten-Interaktion I.3.2.Unter...
The Architecture of Landscape, 1940-1960 provides a groundbreaking collection of worldwide perspectives on a vital and underappreciated era of landscape architecture. It is also the first critical assessment of this period, with information and insight previously unavailable to English-language readers.
DIVA historical study of modern German advertising, from the Imperial period through the 1970s, that explores mass consumption in modern society and the relationship between business mentalities, artistic creation, consumer behavior, and ideology. /div
Die Frage nach der richtigen Gestaltung der Kommunikation zwischen Banken und der kritischen Öffentlichkeit ist derzeit hochaktuell. Dieses Buch zeigt Strategien und Wege für eine gesellschaftsbezogene Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.
Michael Mick McCann spent ten years of his life in a Belfast political prison for his active involvement with the Irish Republican Army. Although now free from captivity, McCann is not yet free from the IRA. He no longer wants anything to do with the organization, but they wont let him loose until he fulfills one final mission. McCann is sent to Los Angeles, where he has been assigned to protect Ciara OMalley, the daughter of a powerful IRA general. Ciara, a Red Cross Aid Worker, places children orphaned by the devastating Indonesian tsunami with American host families; compared to McCann, shes a saint, and he figures his final assignment will pose no problems. Unfortunately, fate is a cruel mistress; McCann arrives in LA to find that Ciara has been kidnapped by the ruthless Russian mob. Desperate, he soon enlists every gang-banger and criminal he can find to rescue Ciara. The City of Angels may break out into explosive battle if McCann doesnt move quickly. This is his last chance at freedom, a clean slate, and redemption.