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This collection of essays is devoted to the diversity of the conceptual and terminological definitions of the notion of the “absolute”. Absolute comprises both the concepts of the Western world related to God and the verbal constructions flowing from these ideas in the spheres of law, philosophy, linguistics, politics, medicine, literature, and arts. Over time, absolute and its neologisms have undergone various modifications, assuming the associated characteristics of syntactic ambiguity and inflation. Absolute can imply an increase in the degree of a quality attached to some object or phenomenon and can be used as either an adverbial modifier or a proper noun. In its appearances as a procedural term, absolute mostly conveys a negative connotation when evaluating some action. The question posed in this book is not what absolute is, but what possibilities exist with regard to perceiving and conceptualizing it in human terms, both historically and in the present.
Il Manuale di traduzione di Jurij Lotman è un contributo innovativo nella ricerca sulle basi semiotiche della scienza della traduzione. Questa disciplina, che troppo a lungo ha trascurato i preziosi progressi fatti dai paesi dell’Est europeo in generale, e della scuola semiotica di Tartu in particolare, ha modo di arricchirsi se si leggono anche saggi rivolti alla semiosfera e alla cultura in generale come applicabili allo specifico della traduzione. Il semiotico estone di origine pietroburghese, noto per gli studi letterari e linguistici, è meno conosciuto da noi per la sua attività specificamente semiotica, anche perché questa disciplina non ha avuto finora molta fortuna in Italia né presso gli studiosi né presso il vasto pubblico. Proprio la traduzione è in grado di riportare la semiotica al centro del dibattito, poiché il processo traduttivo per Lotman è alla base del pensiero e della cognizione.
Zsfassung in engl. Sprache.
Relying on the structure and methodology of classical and postclassical narratology, this book explores the phenomena of story and narrative, narrator, focalization, character, time and space, as well as the beginning and the ending of a narrative. It upgrades the theory of the unreliable narrator and introduces three new categories that have until now been exclusively used to refer to unreliable narrators, namely commentators, interpreters and evaluators.
Beauty is a central concept in the Italian cultural imagination throughout its history and in virtually all its manifestations. It particularly permeates the domains that have governed the construction of Italian identity: literature and language. The Idea of Beauty in Italian Literature and Language assesses this long tradition in a series of essays covering a wide chronological and thematic range, while crossing from historical linguistics to literary and cultural studies. It offers elements for reflection on cross-disciplinary approaches in the humanities, and demonstrates the power of beauty as a fundamental category beyond aesthetics.
Knjiga govori o tesni navezanosti smrti in poezije, kot se je odražala od začetkov pesnjenja do današnjih dni. Vloga smrti v zgodovini literarnega ustvarjanja je očitna, čeprav v tej knjigi zgolj sugerirana. Različne obravnave nadgrajujejo pojme tematizacije, imaginacije in konstalacije motivno-tematskega opomenjanja smrti v literaturi, odpirajo pa temeljna poetološke razpotja. Smrt kot osnovna matrika človeškega mišljenja, ki se manifestira v poeziji, prehaja v poetično stalnico. Na ta način poezija, sposobna ontološko-eshatoloških dimenzij, na vprašanja o t. i. večnih resnicah, ki se zastavljajo ob tem, paradoksalno odgovarja z življenjem – prav tako v jeziku poezije. O slednjem govori drugi del knjige. V tej publikaciji je mogoče brati raziskave in refleksije izpod peresa znanstvenikov in pesnikov, ki ponujajo globlji vpogled v ustvarjanje nekaterih domačih in tujih pesnikov (F. Prešeren, G. Leopardi, A. S. Puškin, C. Baudelaire, W. B. Yeats, A. Gradnik, A. Ahmatova, G. Strniša, V. Memon) ter hkrati z vsakim prispevkom monolitno razmišljanje o poeziji tudi presegajo.