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This book examines human rights and penitentiary law in Central Eastern European and Latin American countries from a comparative perspective. How are penitentiary systems and human rights currently being transformed in both regions? This question guides contributors hailing from both Central Eastern Europe and Latin America, filling the gaps at both the international and national level. The book compares Central Eastern European countries with Latin American countries, shedding new light on similarities and differences alike. The main themes of this book are the analysis of penitentiary systems in different countries and a general analysis of criminal and criminological issues. The respective chapters examine how penitentiary laws are changing within different contexts and regulatory regimes. The book seeks to cross boundaries to understand new divisions, fragmentations, and forms of authoritarianism in today’s world, more specifically in Poland, North Macedonia, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Mexico.
This book examines subjective wellbeing in China in terms of life and job satisfaction from a longitudinal perspective during the last decade. Using quantitative methods, the research presented in this volume performed a longitudinal analysis of data collected by the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) from 2010 to 2018 to study the effects of social and economic transformations on life and job satisfaction among the Chinese population in this period. Using Mplus software, the authors applied different quantitative methods of longitudinal analysis – such as latent growth models (LGM), latent growth mixture model (LGMM), parallel analysis, cross-lagged models (CL), latent change score (LCS), ...
This book provides a comparative study of people's mask-wearing behaviour in response to government policies between European-Northern America and Asian countries. Examining citizens' attitudes towards their state during the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspectives of history, linguistics, politics, economics and sociology, the contributors in this volume explore to what extent people accept the wearing of masks in countries where governments have made it mandatory as compared to countries where people wear masks voluntarily. The book thus looks at mask-wearing from a political dichotomy between authoritarianism and liberalism and posits the extent to which political divisions could have existed in public opinion over the measures taken against COVID-19. Filled with invaluable insights through research in 13 countries, this book will appeal to readers in policy making and influencing public opinion via the Europe-Asia comparative study.
This volume focuses upon the complex nature of the work-family interface, and how families around the globe deal with the inherent dilemmas therein. Chapters examine how work affects families in both overt and discrete manners, as well as how family life, in turn, affects paid employment.
This book contains 17 papers presented at the conference devoted to cutting-edge technologies and concepts related to image processing. A broad collection of problems including man–machine interfaces, comparison of quantum and conventional computing in deep learning, medical image processing, image segmentation, face recognition, outdoor scene analysis, image rendering and colorization, map generation, traffic analysis, hardware acceleration, data association, and visual cryptography is investigated. Research on these issues is important, among others due to that large amounts of video data are collected continually. They can be easily stored, but their analysis is still a challenge. The book is primarily intended for researchers and practitioners in image analysis and generation, as well as for students in the fields related to computer science. However, any reader interested in the subject matter of the book will find some chapters interesting and valuable.
This book analyzes China's new foreign investment law which came into force in January 2020. The new law implemented sweeping changes and overhauled China’s foreign investment law regime of the last four decades. The foreign investment law aims to make the business environment more investor-friendly and address some of the contentious issues between US and China in the ongoing trade war. The book explains how the law enhances regulatory transparency. It also outlines the new approval process, that is the pre-establishment negative list system which has replaced the former approval system for foreign investment projects. The book also analyzes China's series of anti-sanction laws. This book will help give readers a better understanding of major changes and benefits under the new law and will be the first of its kind looking at the implications of this important law.
Listen to the podcast about Cory Blad's chapter in this book 'Searching for Saviors: Economic Adversities and the Challenge of Political Legitimacy in the Neoliberal Era'. This book seeks to explore welfare responses by questioning and going beyond the assumptions found in Esping-Andersen’s (1990) broad typologies of welfare capitalism. Specifically, the project seeks to reflect how the state engages, and creates general institutionalized responses to, market mechanisms and how such responses have created path dependencies in how states approach problems of inequality. Moreover, if the neoliberal era is defined as the dissemination and extension of market values to all forms of state institutions and social action, the need arises to critically investigate not only the embeddedness of such values and modes of thought in different contexts and institutional forms, but responses and modes of resistance arising from practice that might point to new forms of resilience.
Obok ukazania stanu gotowości poszczególnych państwowych systemów prawnych do sprostania wymogom zapobiegania i zwalczania pandemii walorem opracowania jest zestawienie ze sobą i porównanie krajowych rozwiązań legislacyjnych oraz praktyki ich implementacji w obliczu zadań służących zapobieganiu szerzenia się pandemii COVID-19 jak też w zakresie leczenia i izolowania osób zakażonych. Takie porównanie ma dwojaki walor: z jednej strony pozwala na zestawienie i skonfrontowanie efektywności przyjętych ram prawno-organizacyjnych zwalczania pandemii, z drugiej – ukazuje przez pryzmat przeprowadzonych porównań znaczenie i efektywność zastosowanych sposobów i środków imple...
Gdy spoglądasz w otchłań, również otchłań spogląda w ciebie. Od ponad wieku jedyny Kontynent Ekumeny dzieli na pół linia okopów. W tym frontowym pasie Nieludzkiej Ziemi skażonej magią bojową wojska demokratycznej Republiki ścierają się ze sfanatyzowanymi wojownikami teokratycznego Cesarstwa Yoryckiego. Tymczasem z dala od zgiełku pól bitewnych toczy się zupełnie inna walka, może nawet ważniejsza dla losów cywilizacji: niekończąca się batalia przeciwko mrocznym kultom, które oddają cześć złowrogim bytom zrodzonym u zarania czasu. Wyznawcy demonów nie spoczną, póki nie uwolnią swych panów z więżącej ich Otchłani, by ci mogli pochłonąć ludzkość, tak jak czynili to z innymi rasami zasiedlającymi Ekumenę przez miliony lat. *** Motywy z mitologii Lovecrafta, historyczne inspiracje, nowe światy i demoniczna groza w zaskakującym debiucie powieściowym z pogranicza fantastyki, kryminału i horroru.