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Contents: I. INSTRUMENTS OF IMPERIAL RULE. ECK, W.: Lateinisch, Griechisch, Germanisch ...? Wie sprach Rom met seinen Untertanen? TALBERT, R.: Rome’s provinces as framework for world-view. KOKKINIA, C.: Ruling, inducing, arguing: how to govern (and survive) a Greek province. SLOOTJES, D.: The governor as benefactor in Late Antiquity. LIGT, L. DE: Direct taxation in western Asia Minor under the early Empire. II. CONQUEST AND ITS EFFECTS BIRLEY, A.: Britain 71-105: advance and retrenchment. ROSSUM, J.A.. VAN: The end of the Batavian auxiliaries as ‘national’ units. COULSTON, J.C.N.: Military identity and personal self-identity in the Roman army. BRUUN, C.: The legend of Decebalus. III. R...
Over the past few decades, a growing number of studies have highlighted the importance of the ‘School of Salamanca’ for the emergence of colonial normative regimes and the formation of a language of normativity on a global scale. According to this influential account, American and Asian actors usually appear as passive recipients of normative knowledge produced in Europe. This book proposes a different perspective and shows, through a knowledge historical approach and several case studies, that the School of Salamanca has to be considered both an epistemic community and a community of practice that cannot be fixed to any individual place. Instead, the School of Salamanca encompassed a variety of different sites and actors throughout the world and thus represents a case of global knowledge production. Contributors are: Adriana Álvarez, Virginia Aspe, Marya Camacho, Natalie Cobo, Thomas Duve, José Luis Egío, Dolors Folch, Enrique González González, Lidia Lanza, Esteban Llamosas, Osvaldo R. Moutin, and Marco Toste.
ECDL2000, the Fourth European Conference on Research and Advanced Te- nology for Digital Libraries, is being held this year in Lisbon, Portugal, following previous events in Pisa (1997), Heraklion (1998), and Paris (1999). One major goal of the ECDL conference series has been to draw information professionals, stakeholders, and user communities from both the research world and from - dustry into a discussion of the alternative technologies, policies, and scenarios for global digital libraries. The success of previous conferences makes them a hard act to follow. The eld of digital libraries draws on a truly diverse set of scienti c and technical disciplines. In the past three years, moreover,...
When does a depiction of the moon become a lunar map? This publication addresses this question from theoretical and historical standpoints. It is argued that moon maps are of crucial importance to the history of cartography, for they challenge established notions of what a map is, how it functions, what its purposes are, and what kind of power it embodies and performs. The publication also shows how terrestrial cartography has shaped the history of lunar mapping since the seventeenth century, through visual and nomenclature conventions, the cultural currency of maps, mapmakers’ social standing, and data-gathering and projection practices. It further demonstrates that lunar cartography has also been organized by an internal principle that is born of the fundamental problem of how to create static map spaces capable of representing a referent that is constantly changing to our eyes, as is the visible face of the moon. It is suggested that moon maps may be classed in three broad categories, according to the kinds of solutions for this representational problem that have been devised over the last 400 years.
This is an eye-witness narrative of a very pleasant trip from the UK to the former Brazilian capital, Rio de Janeiro. It highlights all the attractions that the city has to offer including it's beautiful beaches, mountain sceneries, a wonderful botanical garden, the gigantic mountain-top statue of Christ the Redeemer, many shopping arcades, Maracana Stadium - besides the College of Education of the State University, a few favelas, hundreds of restaurants..., and very lovely people having a good life and willing to share the goodness with visitors to their country. As a first of it's type, the book contains very many photographs and hopefully it is expected to make a huge appeal to all those athletes and spectators that will be attending the Rio Olympics, in August 2016. This is a city well worth visiting - at least once in a lifetime!
The Brazilian economy rebounded strongly after the Covid-19 pandemic. Resilient domestic demand, supported by social transfers, continues to drive growth. Inflation is decreasing, providing room for further monetary policy easing. However, public debt remains high, calling for a credible fiscal framework and improved spending efficiency.
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological chronic disorders characterized by unpredictable recurrent seizures, which leads to brain dysfunction, cognitive, psychological, and social disorders. Various treatment options for epilepsy are: antiepileptic drugs, surgery, neuromodulation, gene therapy and ketogenic diet. However, definitions, diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy are still challenging issues for clinicians and researchers. Antiepileptic drugs play a central and crucial role in the treatment of epilepsy patients. Brivaracetam Cannabidiol (CBD), Cenobamate, Everolimus and Fenfluramine are the five novel anticonvulsant drugs during the last 5 years. Brivaracetam anticonvulsant ef...
A convite da Direção do “Diário de Coimbra”, João Gouveia Monteiro manteve durante quase dois anos uma coluna quinzenal nas páginas deste órgão da imprensa regional. Este livro compila as 40 crónicas que então escreveu, entre Setembro de 2009 e Julho de 2011. Ligeiramente revistas e adaptadas para efeitos desta edição, essas crónicas organizam-se aqui em três territórios confluentes: “Viagens pela História” (20 crónicas, cobrindo temas variados de História política, militar e cultural europeia da Antiguidade, da Idade Média e dos inícios da Época Moderna); “O Olhar da Cultura” (10 crónicas, várias delas sobre o livro e a leitura, em especial entre os jovens...
Digital reprint of this important collection of papers which form the companion to ' Early Roman Empire in the East' (Oxbow 1997) . Fourteen contributions examine the interaction of Roman and native peoples in the formative years of the Roman provinces in Italy, Gaul, Spain and Portugal, Germany and Britain. Contents: Introduction ( Thomas Blagg and Martin Millett ); The creation of provincial landscape: the Roman impact on Cisalpine Gaul ( Nicholas Purcell ); Romanization: a point of view ( Richard Reece ); Romanization: historical issues and archaeological interpretation ( Martin Millett ); The romanization of Belgic Gaul ( Colin Haselgrove ); Lower Germany: proto-urban settlement developm...
"A construção da Biblioteca Joanina parece ter obedecido a dois propósitos claros: um rei que quis eternizar-se e uma Universidade que necessitava de um espaço para guardar os seus livros. (...) Ao escrever agora sobre a Biblioteca Joanina, com critério e desenvolvimento, Carlos Fiolhais revela a erudição e o espírito inquisitivo que bem lhe conhecemos de muitos outros textos e que fazem dele um dos mais aclamados universitários nacionais. Mas o tom em que o faz não pode esconder o fascínio especial que o tomou desde há muito tempo, em especial ao longo dos sete anos em que dirigiu a Biblioteca Geral da Universidade, assumindo então também os destinos da própria Biblioteca Joanina. Para além da importante informação que reuniu sobre a Casa da Livraria, o que mais impressiona no belo texto que assina é justamente esse vínculo de intenso afeto a que poucos têm resistido." Excerto do Prefácio do Prof. Doutor José Augusto Cardoso Bernardes, Diretor da BGUC