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This is an annual international conference held by this faculty involving four departments, Accountancy, Economics, Management and Shariah Economics. This year we come with the theme of “Sustainability and Digital Transformation in Global Vulnerability: Current Issues in Accounting and Shariah Economics”. There is a greater consciousness today of the links and inter-dependence of the two topics; scientific research which leads to a better understanding and knowledge of sustainability issues and massive transformation in digital development where the degree of susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets, or system to the impact of hazard has increased because of the physical, social, economic and environmental factors.
This is an annual international conference held by this faculty involving four departments, Accountancy, Economics, Management and Shariah Economics. This year we come with the theme of “Sustainability and Digital Transformation in Global Vulnerability: Current Issues in Economics and Management”. There is a greater consciousness today of the links and inter-dependence of the two topics; scientific research which leads to a better understanding and knowledge of sustainability issues and massive transformation in digital development where the degree of susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets, or system to the impact of hazard has increased because of the physical, social, economic and environmental factors.
Buku ini merupakan buku ajar serian / bagian pertama, sebagai pengenalan awal dalam memahami dasar-dasar hukum bisnis terkait hukum bisnis dan hukum perusahaan. Buku ini sebagai pedoman dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah hukum bisnis, hukum keperdataan, maupun hukum perusahaan. Buku ini berisi edukasi terkait konsep dasar hukum bisnis dan hukum perusahaan. Beri lanjutan dari buku ini akan segera dipublikasikan.
Perjanjian merupakan salah satu perbuatan hukum yang tercapai dari kata sepakat dari kehendak bebas beberapa pihak. Di dalam kegiatan hukum sehari-hari banyak ditemukan perbuatan-perbuatan hukum yang berkenaan dengan perjanjian atau kontrak antara dua pihak atau lebih. Umumnya mereka melakukan perjanjian-perjanjian dengan sistem terbuka, yang artinya bahwa setiap orang bebas untuk mengadakan perjanjian, baik yang diatur maupun yang belum diatur di dalam suatu undang-undang. Namun demikian, sering kali ditemui ada beberapa kontrak yang dibuat tanpa berdasarkan asas-asas yang berlaku dalam suatu kontrak. Hal seperti ini terjadi karena kekurangpahaman para pihak terhadap kondisi dan posisi mere...
Keruntuhan bisnis acapkali dikarenakan keputusan bisnis yang diambil kurang lengkap. Kekuranglengkapan itu dalam banyak hal akibat tidak dicakupnya pertimbangan tentang aspek hukum. Buku ini meliputi 12 pokok permasalahan. Bab 1 mengenai hukum perikatan dan hukum perjanjian. Bab 2 sampai 4 membahas kontrak. Bab 5 sampai 7 membahas beberapa jenis perusahaan yaitu CV, Firma, PT, serta yayasan. Bab 8 sampai bab 9 membahas cek, bilyet giro, dan kartu kredit. Bab 10 sampai 11 membahas hukum jaminan. Dan bab 12 mengenai hak tanggungan dan hipotek
Kajian dan perbincangan tentang modal spiritual saat ini mempunyai tempat tersendiri, baik di Timur maupun di Barat. Bahkan akademisi-akademisi di dunia Barat yang sekuler tak luput membahas serta menghubungkan unsur spiritualitas dengan topik-topik seputar aktivitas entrepreneurship, leadership, dunia kerja, serta keagamaan. Konsep modal spiritual telah mengubah persepsi dan pandangan kita tentang modal yang sebelumnya cenderung bersifar materialistis. Capital (modal) selama ini dimaknai sebagai hal-hal yang dapat memberikan keuntungan, profit, kekayaan, serta kekuasaan. Berbeda dengan modal spiritual yang mempunyai tujuan, makna, serta perspektif yang dimiliki secara kolektif tentang sesua...
A landmark textbook on digital libraries for LIS students, educators and practising information professionals throughout the world. Exploring Digital Libraries is a highly readable, thought-provoking authorative and in-depth treatment of the digital library arena that provides an up-to-date overview of the progress, nature and future impact of digital libraries, from their collections and technology-centred foundations over two decades ago to their emergent, community-centred engagement with the social web. This essential textbook: • Brings students and working librarians up to date on the progress, nature and impact of digital libraries, bridging the gap since the publication of the best-...
The field of management is, without a doubt, one of the most important and fastest changing fields in today's society. There is not any organisational structure — families, enterprises, towns, industries, countries, for example — which performs well without good management. For this reason, many resources are allocated to improve the management in the largest companies and also to management research/education and training.In the transition to the knowledge-based economy of today, the 'smart economy', management faces new challenges and opportunities. Challenges, Opportunities and Tendencies in Organisation Management is an invaluable volume that seeks to deal with the myriad of issues f...
The Faculty of Education and Teaching Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Bukittinggi, West Sumatera Indonesia, organized the 2nd International Conference on Education (BICED 2020) on 14-15 September 2020 in Bukittinggi, West Sumatera, Indonesia. The number of participants who joined the zoom room was recorded at 736 participants. 224 participants attended the conference via the zoom application and 539 participants via YouTube Channel. Participants came from 5 countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand and Australia. BICED 2020 is implemented with the support of a stable internet network system and a zoom application. In the implementation there were sev...
Creativity is being recognized as an important source of competitive advantage because a single creative idea that is both novel and useful may take an organization in a profitable new direction. This work aims to promote the burgeoning interest in group creativity by identifying new questions that will drive future research in this area.