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What is the nature of reality according to the Scriptures? What is the nature and purpose of God’s creation, and of humanity within creation? Did our role change after evil entered the world in Genesis 3, or is it fundamentally the same as at creation? What is “the meaning of life” according to the Scriptures, and how can such a vision be lived out and conveyed meaningfully in our generation? These are the sorts of questions this book is beginning to address, the first fruits of more than twelve years of research at the intersection of philosophy and biblical studies. Reality According to the Scriptures is written by a Christian disciple for Christian disciples: a call for the church t...
The Bible's opening chapter includes these words: "So God created humans in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." We are created beings, with a unique status in creation. Nothing is more fundamental to Christian faith. Yet biologists present extensive data and provide a picture of how our species came to be, but there is no Creator in the intricate details of the painting they provide. If the scientific evidence for the evolution picture is reasonable--and, in general, it is--and if humans were indeed created from a common ancestor of the great apes, then what can be said about the Artist who Christians believe was at work? Vague answers are not satisfactory anymore--not in this scientific age. Recent mainstream data from paleoanthropology and genetics suggest that the basis of our species' success was not that they were superior fighters. Rather, the reason our ancestors thrived was likely their ability to function cooperatively in groups--to respect each other and to get along. This reframes the question about the nature of the hovering Spirit's activity in bringing our species into being. And that is the subject of this book.
Examines four key ways that writers of the Hebrew Bible conceptualize and critique acts of violence.
In Silenced: The Forgotten Story of Progressive Era Free Methodist Women, Christy Mesaros-Winckles delves into the gender debates within the Free Methodist Church of North America during the Progressive Era (1890-1920). This interdisciplinary work draws on narrative research and gender studies to reconstruct the lives of forgotten women who served as Free Methodist evangelists and deacons, examining their writings and speeches to illustrate how they promoted and defended their ministries. Mesaros-Winckles argues that the history of Free Methodist women is a microcosm of the struggle for recognition and acceptance faced by women across numerous evangelical traditions, especially amidst rising fundamentalism at the turn of the twentieth century. This book provides an important contribution to the fields of American history, theology, media studies, and gender studies, and will also be of interest to rhetorical history and communication theory scholars.
In today’s world, Christian leaders are being exposed to the public through sex scandals or abuse, gender wars fill social media feeds, and religious institutions are viewed with distrust, disgust, and disenchantment. Thankfully, everlasting hope and the answers we seek are always found within a relationship with Jesus Christ. Shane Anderson relies on his experience as a lay-theologian to explore and connect biblical concepts to reveal how Jesus Christ is at the center of human relationships and how the first promise of God in Genesis 2:18—that God will make for man a suitable helper—is fulfilled in Christ. While offering believers a fresh understanding of the transformative power of the Spirit of truth, Anderson reframes the ancient story of man and woman in the garden to rediscover the mystery of God’s radiant love, embrace the timeless truths clearly laid out in the scripture, and repent, restore, and find new hope while fulfilling Christ’s mission to save a hurting and lonely world. Helper is a groundbreaking narrative of how Jesus Christ fulfills God’s first promise, found in Genesis 2:18, to make for humanity a mutual helper.
Discover and understand the different Christian views of what heaven will be like. Christians from a variety of denominations and traditions are in middle of an important conversation about the final destiny of the saved. Scholars such as N. T. Wright and J. Richard Middleton have pushed back against the traditional view of heaven, and now some Christians are pushing back against them for fear that talk about the earthiness of our final hope distracts our attention from Jesus. In the familiar Counterpoints format, Four Views on Heaven brings together a well-rounded discussion and highlights similarities and differences of the current views on heaven. Each author presents their strongest bibl...
구원받은 자들의 최종 운명은 어떠할 것인가? 성경과 신학과 전통에 근거한 천국 논쟁 권연경(숭실대학교 기독교학과 교수) 김진혁(횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교 조직신학 부교수) 김형국(하나님나라복음DNA네트워크 대표) 추천! 다양한 교파와 전통에 속한 학자들이 구원받은 자들의 최종 운명에 대한 논의를 시작한다! ‘천국’ 하면 어떤 생각이 드는가? 대체로 빛보다 하얀 옷을 입고 입가에 미소를 띠며 하나님을 영원히 찬양하는 모습을 상상할 것이다. 하지만 천국에 대한 우리의 지식은 태아가 바깥세상을 아는 만큼일 뿐이다. 핵심은 이것이다. 누구도 천국을 안다고 자신할 수 없지만, 제한된 지식을 갖고 있더라도 우리는 끊임없이 천국을 소망해야 하며 올바르게 이해하려고 노력해야 한다. 그러한 희망을 품고 탄생한 이 책은 다양한 교파와 전통에 속한 학자들의 관점을 제시하면서, 천국에 관해 널리 알려진 견해들의 유사점과 차이점을 조명하는 균형 잡힌 논의를 종합해서 보여 준다.
¿Qué es la realidad según las Escrituras? ¿Cuál es la naturaleza y el propósito de la creación de Dios, y de la humanidad dentro de la creación? ¿Cambió nuestro papel cuando el mal entro al mundo en Génesis 3, o es nuestro propósito fundamentalmente el mismo que al principio? ¿Cuál es “el sentido de la vida” según las Escrituras, y cómo podemos vivir y transmitir esta visión en nuestra generación? Este es el tipo de preguntas que este libro comienza a abordar, los primeros frutos de más de doce años de investigación en la intersección de los estudios bíblicos y la filosofía. La Realidad según las Escrituras fue escrito por un discípulo cristiano y para discípulos cristianos: un llamado a la iglesia para que aclaremos nuestra historia, que nos encontremos en el mundo narrativo de la Biblia, y que desempeñemos bien nuestro papel.