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The Gender of Things is a highly interdisciplinary book that explores the power relationship between gender and the material culture of technoscience, addressing a seemingly straightforward question: How does a thing—such as a spacesuit, a humanoid robot, or a surgical instrument—become a gendered object? These 14 short chapters cover an original selection of “things”: from cosmeceuticals to early motor scooters, from Scrum boards to border walls, and from robots to the human body and its parts. By historically examining how significance has been attached to specific things and how things were designed and produced, the chapters reveal how the concept of gender has been embedded and ...
Anniversary publication of the Belvedere The Belvedere in Vienna epitomizes the changes that have taken place over the course of three centuries in the concept of what constitutes a museum. Originally built by Prince Eugene of Savoy to enhance his prestige as a prince, under Maria Theresa, the Upper Belvedere became one of the world’s first public museums. The idea of presenting Austrian art in an international context, which in 1903 motivated the establishment of the Modern Gallery in the Lower Belvedere, remains the key objective of this world-famous cultural institution. In this critical homage, renowned authors explore enduring questions that transcend the different epochs, such as : W...
This book covers the life of the Italian neo-classical sculptor Antonio Canova (1757-1822), some of his works and the lives of two of his contemporaries: John Gibson RA (1790-1866), known as the ‘British Canova’, and the Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844). Both Gibson and Thorvaldsen lived and worked in Rome under the influence and in the shadow of Canova. All three sculptors helped and guided each other. Gibson was under considerable pressure to return to London, which he resisted, while Thorvaldsen returned to his homeland on several occasions and was greeted as a celebrity. The book aims to rectify the dearth of information in English on Canova and updates the information available on Gibson and Thorvaldsen in this bicentenary year of the death of Antonio Canova.
The volume exposes the modus operandi of Wilhelm Bode’s strategic involvement in the art market and the formation and dissolution of public and private collections, showcasing his complex agency within the art marketplace of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
A new account of the renowned Baroque painter, revealing how her astute professional decisions shaped her career, style, and legacy Art has long been viewed as a calling—a quasi-religious vocation that drives artists to seek answers to humanity’s deepest questions. Yet the art world is a risky, competitive business that requires artists to make strategic decisions, especially if the artist is a woman. In Artemisia Gentileschi and the Business of Art, Christopher Marshall presents a new account of the life, work, and legacy of the Italian Baroque painter, revealing how she built a successful four-decade career in a male-dominated field—and how her business acumen has even influenced the...
Close Reading rückt programmatisch das Kunstwerk ins Zentrum konzentrierter kunsthistorischer Interpretationen. 72 internationale Autorinnen und Autoren analysieren jeweils ein Werk der Architektur, Skulptur, Malerei, Zeichnung oder Druckgrafik, von Albrecht Dürer und Matthias Grünewald, über Tizian, Artemisia Gentileschi, Michelangelo und Nicolas Poussin, Francesco Borromini und Fischer von Erlach, bis hin zu Oskar Kokoschka und Shirin Neshat. Sie folgen unterschiedlichen methodischen Zugängen, befassen sich mit dem Entstehungskontext, mit Datierungs- und Zuschreibungsfragen, der Sammlungs-, Provenienz- und Restaurierungsgeschichte, oder widmen sich Bild-Text-Relationen sowie ikonografischen, ikonologischen und bildtheoretischen Aspekten.
The reception of Boccaccio’s works began early on, throughout Europe. This is reflected impressively in the splendidly illuminated manuscripts of Filocolo, Filostrato and Teseida, De casibus virorum illustrium, De mulieribus claris, and The Decameron. The stories of The Decameron, an entertaining and profound universe illustrating the all-too-human, were depicted on wedding chests, and in panel paintings and wall frescoes. They were brought into the modern age primarily by Pier Paolo Pasolini’s film re-enactment dating from 1971. This volume focuses on Boccaccio’s drawings and the development of his portrait iconography, the illuminated manuscripts and their courtly patrons, and on the impact of The Decameron and its stories, which are so significant in art history and theory.
La storia del collezionismo nell’età moderna è caratterizzata da una progressiva diversificazione degli interessi, l’internazionalizzazione del mercato e la crescente professionalità degli attori coinvolti. I saggi nel volume ruotano intorno a importanti figure di collezionisti finora poco indagati, di differenti categorie ed estrazione, quali nobili, commercianti, eruditi e musicisti, oltre ad agenti, conoscitori e mercanti d’arte in Italia, Austria, Spagna e Francia. L’analisi sistematica di nuove fonti documentarie (inventari, corrispondenze, libri di conti) si integra così nella discussione metodologica, aprendo nuove prospettive di ricerca sugli intenti e le pratiche del col...
Sammlungsschwerpunkte und Erwerbungsstrategien, ästhetische Wertschätzung und Preisgestaltung, Präsentation und Aufstellung, Netzwerke von Agenten, Kunsthändlern und Beratern stehen im Zentrum des Bandes, der so unterschiedliche Sammlerpersönlichkeiten wie den Fürstbischof von Olmütz (Olomouc), Karl von Liechenstein-Castelcorno, den Kardinalprotektor der Habsburger im päpstlichen Rom, Kardinal Nicolò del Giudice, den Hofkomponisten Georg Reutter d. J., den Grafen Johann Rudolph Czernin und seinen Sohn Eugen Karl oder den zu großem Reichtum gelangten Tuchhändler Friedrich Jakob Gsell in den Blick nimmt. Übergreifende Analysen behandeln etwa die Herrscherbildnisse Maria Theresias als Sammlungsobjekte, die Frühgeschichte des Wiener Auktionskataloges und die besondere Wertschätzung klassizistischer Skulptur im kaiserlichen Wien.
Wien gehört zu den großen Kunst- und Kulturmetropolen Europas. Neben den kaiserlichen Sammlungen sind hier vor allem seit dem 17. Jahrhundert und bis in die Moderne hinein zahlreiche bedeutende Sammlungen entstanden. Die hier versammelten Biografien behandeln Vizekönige, Staatsminister und Botschafter, Händler, Kaufleute und Bankiers, aber auch Komponisten, Maler, Kunsthändler und Kunsthistoriker. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf heute weniger bekannten Sammlern, die anhand zeitgenössischer Quellen erstmals umfassend dokumentiert werden. Zu den zentralen Fragestellungen gehören die Motivationen der Sammler und ihre Erwerbungsstrategien ebenso wie Aufbewahrung und Präsentation der Objekte. In Summe leisten die Biografien einen wichtigen Beitrag zu einer differenzierten Kulturgeschichte des Sammelns und positionieren Wien zugleich in einem gesamteuropäischen Kontext.