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Variations on the theme of the ornament in Kracauer's urban writings, suggesting ways in which the subjective can reappropraite urban life. For Siegfried Kracauer, the urban ornament was not just an aspect of design; it was the medium through which city dwellers interpreted the metropolis itself. In Ornaments of the Metropolis, Henrik Reeh traces variations on the theme of the ornament in Kracauer's writings on urbanism, from his early journalism in Germany between the wars to his "sociobiography" of Jacques Offenbach in Paris. Kracauer (1889-1966), often associated with the Frankfurt School and the intellectual milieu of Walter Benjamin, is best known for his writings on cinema and the phil...
An original exploration of the role of aesthetics in contemporary design, uniquely combining philosophical aesthetics and cultural analysis of design. As a product of human ingenuity, design functions as an artificial interface through which we meet the world. While the ubiquity of design seems to render it imperceptible, when we truly reflect on design, we see that it is inextricably entwined with our experience of the world. In Design Aesthetics, Mads Nygaard Folkmann provides an engaging introduction to the field of design aesthetics and its role as a concept. Engaging with sensual, conceptual, and contextual considerations of design aesthetics, this book investigates design experience in...
Architecture and Control makes a collective critical intervention into the relationship between architecture, including virtual architectures, and practices of control since the turn of the twentieth to twenty-first centuries. Authors from the fields of architectural theory, literature, film and cultural studies come together here with visual artists to explore the contested sites at which, in the present day, attempts at gaining control give rise to architectures of control as well as the potential for architectures of resistance. Together, these contributions make clear how a variety of post-2000 architectures enable control to be established, all the while observing how certain architectures and infrastructures allow for alternative, progressive modes of control, and even modes of the unforeseen and the uncontrolled, to arise. Contributors are: Pablo Bustinduy, Rafael Dernbach, Alexander R. Galloway, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Maria Finn, Runa Johannessen, Natalie Koerner, Michael Krause, Samantha Martin-McAuliffe, Lorna Muir, Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, Anne Elisabeth Sejten and Joey Whitfield
After Taste is an inquiry into a field of study dedicated to the reconsideration, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the concept of Taste. Taste is the category, whose systematic, historical and actual dimensions have traditionally been located in a variety of disciplines. The actuality and potential of the study is based on a variety of collected facts from readings and experiences, which materialize in the following features: One concept (figurative Taste), two thinking traditions (analytic and synthetic/continental) and three interrelated dimensions (systematic, historic and actual) are presented in three volumes. As such, the study presents a salient comprehensive companion for wider r...
Paul Valéry (1871-1945) har sin glanstid som digter i mellemkrigstidens Frankrig. Han er også en prominent intellektuel, der aldrig forsømmer en lejlighed til at overveje kunstens betydning. Utallige essays, forord, foredrag, taler og artikler bliver det til: lejlighedstekster om litteratur, arkitektur, malerkunst, dans og kunsthåndværk samt om kunstnere som Leonardo da Vinci og Edgar Degas. Alle disse tekster skærper Valérys særlige blik for den kunstneriske arbejdsproces, der hermed sættes på æstetikkens dagsorden. At gribe lejlighedsskrifternes Valéry, er denne bogs mål. At eftervise, hvordan skrifterne ét efter ét giver anledning til æstetisk tænkning, er dens opgave. At...
Sommaire Editorial Danielle Cohen-Levinas – Jérôme Lèbre Jean-Luc Nancy Vif traité d’exposition Danielle Cohen-Levinas Comme une peau s’expose à ce qui la blesse. Levinas lecteur de Proust Gianfranco Dalmasso Il dono in-debito Massimo Donà In trasparenza. Il vetro: ovvero l’enigma di un’aporetica “esposizione” Bracha L. Ettinger No Title Yet Eurydice Jérôme Lèbre Sous Presse Elio Matassi … esposti al suono: dal suono cosmologico a quello subiettivo – comunitario Carmelo Meazza Le retrait exposé Henrik Reeh Exposer l’architecture vide: Le Musée Juif de Berlin par Daniel Libeskind Caterina Resta Un’esposizione vulnerabile Anne Elisabeth Sejten Proust Valéry Exposition
Diderot avait une foi inebranlable dans le projet des lumieres qu'il incarnait en sa personne de directeur de l'encyclopedie. Mais parallelement a ses propres experiences d'ecrivain, de romancier et de dramaturge, Diderot portait un vif interet a l'art, a sa nature et a ses problemes. Les neuf Salons livres a la revue de son ami Grimm, la confidentielle et elitiste Correspondance litteraire, forment une oeuvre en soi monumentale qui, redigee durant vingt ans, ne temoigne pas seulement de la passion d'un amateur pour l'art, mais de la reflexion esthetique infatigable du philosophe. L'oeuvre de Diderot apparait alors comme une etape decisive du dialogue aujourd'hui renoue entre la philosophie, l'art et l'esthetique. L'auteur parvient ainsi a degager et a interpreter une perspective actuelle a l'evolution des idees esthetiques du jeune Diderot, en s'inspirant par exemple des concepts de corps et de chair chez Merleau-Ponty.
Mellem 1750 og 1850 genopdagede danske forfattere den nordiske middelalder, dens historie, kultur og litteratur, og de genfortolkede den i en ny tids ånd. Med inspiration fra Saxos Danmarkskrønike, den norrøne digtning og folkeviserne skabte digtere som Ewald, Oehlenschläger og Ingemann værker, der kom til at definere romantikken i Danmark. Drømmen om middelalderen blev en fællesnævner for dansk litteratur frem til midten af det 19. århundrede. For nogle var den forestillede middelalder en anledning til at fantasere om eventyr, heltedåd og romantisk kærlighed, mens andre gendigtede den som en storhedstid, der kunne dyrkes som en kilde til national stolthed og til oprejsning af folkeånden. Bogen er den første samlede fremstilling af middelalderisme – dvs. genfortolkning af middelalderen – i dansk romantisk litteratur. Den viser, hvordan et kosmopolitisk København blev centrum for en ny middelalderfascination, der bredte sig til resten af Europa, og som i vores egen tid giver genlyd i romaner, film og tv-serier om perioden.