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The Continuity of Linguistic Change presents a collection of selected papers in honour of Professor Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda. The essays revolve around the study of linguistic variation and the mechanisms and processes associated with linguistic change, a field to which Villena-Ponsoda has dedicated so many years of research. The authors are researchers of renowned international prestige who have made significant contributions in this field. The chapters cover a range of related topics and provide modern theoretical and methodological perspectives, addressing the structural, cognitive, historical and social factors that underlie and promote linguistic change in varieties of Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Swedish. The reader will find contributions that explore topics such as phonology, acoustic phonetics and processes deriving from the contact between languages or linguistic varieties, specifically levelling, koineisation, standardisation and the emergence of ethnolects.
In this elegantly written study, Alfante explores the work of select nineteenth-century writers, intellectuals, journalists, politicians, and clergy who responded to cultural and spiritual shifts caused by the movement toward secularization in Spain. Focusing on the social experience, this book probes the tensions between traditionalism and liberalism that influenced public opinion of the clergy, sacred buildings, and religious orders. The writings of Cecilia Böhl de Faber (Fernán Caballero), Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Benito Pérez Galdós, and José María de Pereda addressed conflicts between modernizing forces and the Catholic Church about the place of religion and its signifiers in Spanish society. Foregrounding expropriation (government confiscation of civil and ecclesiastical property) and exclaustration (the expulsion of religious communities), and drawing on archival research, the history of disentailment, cultural theory, memory studies, and sociology, Alfante demonstrates how Spain’s liberalizing movement profoundly influenced class mobility and faith among the populace.
Begriffe wie Flucht, (Zwangs-)Migration, Vertreibung, Asyl oder Diaspora beschreiben Phänomene, die auch von der Exilforschung verhandelt werden. Der Band versammelt interdisziplinäre Beiträge, die ihren Gemeinsamkeiten, aber auch den mit ihnen aufgerufenen unterschiedlichen Konnotationen und Kontexten nachspüren. Anliegen ist, für die Implikationen von Begriffen und Narrativen zu sensibilisieren und Dialoge zwischen Disziplinen anzuregen.
This book presents the first English introduction to the broad history of the Gothic mode in Spain. It focuses on key literary periods, such as Romanticism, the fin-de-siècle, spiritualist writings of the early-twentieth century, and the cinematic and literary booms of the 1970s and 2000s. With illustrative case studies, Aldana Reyes demonstrates how the Gothic mode has been a permanent yet ever-shifting fixture of the literary and cinematic landscape of Spain since the late-eighteenth century. He proposes that writers and filmmakers alike welcomed the Gothic as a liberating and transgressive artistic language.
Recursos humanos en investigación y desarrollo.--V.2.
La flamencología primera se ha visto sustituida por un creciente número de multidisciplinarios estudios empíricos, basados en información más fiable y una metodología más rígida y transparente. Sociología del cante flamenco fue uno de los primeros trabajos en este sentido, y quizás el primero en lo que a la síntesis teórica de datos socio-históricos y socio-culturales se refiere;
Come l’acqua, goccia dopo goccia, scava la pietra dandole nuova forma, così gli studi compiuti nell’ultimo secolo hanno scandagliato gli universi fraseologici e paremiologici rivelandone le peculiarità e il carattere interlinguistico, interculturale e interdisciplinare. Continuando idealmente il cammino tracciato da Bally agli albori del Novecento, il presente volume propone una serie di saggi volti a esplorare le molteplici sfaccettature della fraseologia e della paremiologia, soffermandosi su questioni relative alla natura, la definizione e l’uso delle espressioni polilessicali, e indagando la dimensione lessicografica, contrastiva e traduttologica di tali unità.
México y España afrontan a comienzos de 2016 retos importantes. En ambos países, el desarrollo económico debe ir acompañado de una mejor distribución del ingreso, de mayor equidad social, de unas relaciones internacionales más equilibradas y de un aumento de la transparencia en el funcionamiento de las instituciones para alcanzar Estados de Derecho dignos de tal nombre. Los datos indican que México y España ocupan en este comienzo del siglo xxi un lugar estratégico en el escenario occidental atlántico. Los historiadores recordamos, además, que conviene revisar la historia de unas relaciones construidas a través de los siglos, comprobando dónde hubo oportunidades y dónde estrangulamientos, para ser capaces de vislumbrar con mayor libertad sus respectivos futuros.
Als Produkt der europäischen Romantik wurde der andalusische Flamenco lange Zeit hindurch als geheimnisvoller Ausdruck der Poesie und Musik der gitanos verstanden, verklärt und kommerziell genutzt. Die vorliegende Studie entmystifiziert dieses künstlerische Genre als Kunst-Zigeuner-Kunst der Moderne im Rahmen der Dialektik von Tradition und Innovation im Übergang von der ländlich-agrarischen Volkskultur zur urbanen Populärkultur der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Ähnlich wie der amerikanische Blues, der griechische Rebetiko, der argentinische Tango, der portugiesische Fado, der brasilianische Samba oder neuerdings der algerische Raï wird der Flamenco als ethnisch verwurzelte, doch trans...
Guía que se realiza para dar cumplimiento a la Ley 11/83 de Reforma Universitaria y Decretos que la desarrollan.