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Recent public squabbles between American and Turkish leaders and lawmakers have led many to question what kind of an alliance Turkey and the United States have. This book is directly concerned with this question and attempts to shed light on every single detail related to the nature of this alliance. With discussions on the historical evolution of the bilateral relations and current disagreements on various issues such as the Turkish acquisition of Russian air defense systems and the Kurdish question in the Middle East, this study offers a lucid genealogy of the Turkish-American alliance for all those interested in the subject.
Presents a comprehensive A-to-Z reference to the empire that once encompassed large parts of the modern-day Middle East, North Africa, and southeastern Europe.
This book examines the insurgency and flight of the Armenian communities in Musa Dagh between 1915 and 1939. It analyzes the narratives surrounding the Armenian rebellion against the Ottoman Empire, including the community’s resistance against the imperial order for relocation and the flight to the Musa Mountain.
The Armenian Question is part of a larger problem, formulated under the name "The Question of the Orient”, which has been brought up in different forms at different times and places. Throughout history, it is part of the games that have been played countless times against the Turkish people and state. Again, this problem constitutes a different face of the imperialist politics applied by the great states throughout the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Middle East and Anatolia throughout history. Although those who direct the issue of "relocation” have acted individually or collectively, the target has always been the Turkish people and state. This valuable work of Kemal Çiçek seeks an answer to this question. It is an extremely rigorous and, most importantly, an impartial study. In addition, this book provides sound information not only for scholars, but also for the general reader who is interested in this problem.
By the early twentieth century, consumers around the world had developed a taste for Ottoman-grown tobacco. Employing tens of thousands of workers, the Ottoman tobacco industry flourished in the decades between the 1870s to the First Balkan War—and it became the locus of many of the most active labor struggles across the empire. Can Nacar delves into the lives of these workers and their fight for better working conditions. Full of insight into the changing relations of power between capital and labor in the Ottoman Empire and the role played by state actors in these relations, this book also draws on a rich array of primary sources to foreground the voices of tobacco workers themselves.
Upturning the typical view of Turkey’s democratic trajectory as a product of authoritarian assault or unfortunate circumstances, this book argues that the AKP, first elected in 2002, has consistently advanced a narrative of democracy as the work of an elite working for the 'National Will'. Beginning with an analysis of the historical processes that led to the AKP’s rise at the beginning of the 21st century, the book then focuses on the AKP since 2002. Though Turkey’s democratic transition was originally characterised by Western co-operation, the author outlines the gradual deterioration of these relations since the 2010s, as well as the decline of political rights, freedom of expressio...
Kıbrıs Adası, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu tarafından 1571 yılında fethedilmesinden 19. yüzyılın son çeyreğine kadar Türklerin egemenliğinde kalmıştır. Ruslarla savaşta oldukları bir dönemde İngilizlerin ittifak teklifini kabul etmek zorunda kalan Osmanlılar, adayı anlaşma ile İngilizlere devretmiştir. Yönetimin Türklerin elinden çıkmasından sonra adada güven ve huzur ortamı kaybolmuştur. Kıbrıs 1900’lü yılların başından itibaren ise Rumların adayı Yunanistan ile birleştirme çabalarının hedefi olmuştur. Rumların uluslararası platformlara da taşıdığı bu çabalar özellikle 1960’lı yıllardan itibaren kanlı çatışmalara dönüşmüş ve...
Giresun şehrinde mevcut veya yıkılmış Osmanlı dönemi yapılarıyla ilgili elde edilebilin tüm veriler, elinizdeki bu kitapta derlenerek bir metin ortaya konulmaya çalışılmış, halkımızın bilgi sahibi olması amaçlanmıştır. Ulusal arşivlerden elde edilebilen ve mahilli kaynaklardan sağlanan bilgi ve belgeler değerlendirmeye tâbi tutularak neticeye gidilmiştir. Böylece şehrin geçmişine ışık tutan bilgilerle gelecek nesillerin buluşturulması, kuşkusuz önemli bir hizmet olacaktır.
İstanbul Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi, İstanbul’un 1453’te fethiyle beraber Osmanlı’nın idarî sistemine dahil edildi ve Patrikhane’nin Osmanlı bünyesine girişi problemsiz şekilde gerçekleşti. Nitekim Katoliklerden yardım istenmesini teklif edenlere o devrin bir din adamının “Bizans’ta Katolik külahı görmektense, Osmanlı sarığı görmeyi tercih ederim” şeklindeki o meşhur tarihî cevabı bu bakımdan mühimdir. Yani Osmanlı İmparatorluğu hakimiyetine girmekten pek de rahatsız olmamışlardı. Osmanlı padişahı ve İstanbul fatihi Sultan Mehmet de onları, dinlerinde serbest bırakarak ve cemaatlerinin idaresini de kiliselere vererek rahatlatmıştı. Bu,...