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“The deficiencies are, in and by themselves, mental beasts that are not satisfied by only devouring the useful thoughts and projects, which each individual keeps or cultivates in his mental field. Their eagerness to destroy – e.g. pessimism, obstinacy, carelessness, irritability, vehemence, etc. – induces them to attack the noblest feelings, and even attempt against the very life of their owner. It is, therefore, imperative to eliminate these thoughts before they destroy us.”
With authority granted by the work we have been carrying on as well as by live testimonials of successful experiments, we are able to affirm that the aesthetic pleasure experienced by the individual, as he realizes that he possesses inner resources which exceed all that the he may have imagined about a better life, is much more intense than the one derived from the joys of material life, including short-lived personal pleasures and satisfactions. It is understood that primarily these congnitions should be of interest to the young, since they are still undergoing the process of mental, psychological and spiritual formation. However, parents, guardians, and teachers should contribute with thei...
Modernity of Religiosities and Beliefs: A New Path in Latin America From the Nineteenth to Twenty-First Century synthesizes new research on various phenomena related to religions and beliefs in Latin America. The contributors provide comprehensive analytical interpretations of Latin American spheres of religious ideas and worldviews and show that they are a key element to understanding the history of the region. Overall, this book gives an account of the whole spectrum of religious phenomena in Latin American societies, providing a “global” interpretation that will contribute to the study of political, economic, and cultural modernities in Latin America.
In an amusing and colorful way, the author narrates his childhood memories of Egypt; the warm family gatherings, the dishes cooked by his mother with their aromatic smells, and the sounds and sights of the Egyptian lifestyle at the time. The author then takes us on his harrowing exodus from Egypt for Brazil. He shares his initial challenges in this unknown land and talks about his life in Rio de Janeiro, then in Canada. He finally ends his journey in Boston, Massachusetts, when he is given a permanent transfer to his company's headquarters there. He discusses his move up the demanding management staircase, one step at a time, honing his leadership skills at every level. He finally arrives at...
To look outside the discipline of sociology is to find little credibility given to the field as science. Bernard Phillips argues that we are learning to see ever more clearly the contradiction between scientific standards and what in fact has been achieved by sociology. Instead of knowledge based on the full range of our findings, we have separate pieces of knowledge located within the diverse areas of the discipline, and fads and fashions in the ideas and terms we use with relatively little cumulative development. This has led many to question whether any "scientific method" can be applied to human behavior. If the arguments and alternative interpretations in this book on the problematic na...
De maneira divertida e pitoresca, o autor narra suas memórias da infância no Egito, das reuniões de família e os aromas dos pratos preparados por sua mãe aos sons e imagens da vida egípcia daquela época. O autor, então, nos leva em seu amargo êxodo do Egito para o Brasil. Ele compartilha com o leitor seus primeiros desafios naquela terra desconhecida e fala sobre sua vida no Rio de Janeiro e, posteriormente, no Canadá. Finalmente, ele encerra sua jornada em Boston, nos Estados Unidos, após a oferta de uma transferência definitiva para a sede da companhia naquela cidade. Ele, então, discorre sobre sua árdua ascensão na empresa, de passo em passo, afiando suas habilidades de ger...
A estruturação deste livro, que encerra um alto objetivo pedagógico e formativo, mostra com muita evidência que a Logosofia vai diretamente à raiz do velho e até hoje insolúvel problema do aperfeiçoamento humano, resolvendo-o definitivamente. Não podemos negar que uma ou outra vez se tenham mencionado as deficiências e propensões dadas a conhecer nesta obra. Ninguém ignora, é verdade, que há pessoas vaidosas, impulsivas, egoístas, indolentes, indiscretas, etc. Entretanto, quem se encarregou de tratar delas a fundo, não só como deficiências caracterológicas que afetam a vida psíquica, moral e espiritual do ser, mas também como parte de um estudo integral, derivado de um p...