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The theme of the book is NEWS every day - due to Globalisation, INTERNET and a lack of ability to reform - and due to fact that platforms of power and adjacent positions are at stake. This is a fact whether it concerns a Corporation, a Nation - or an International Body for Relief and Development supposed to serve a higher end. Two women and two men met to address ethics and enterprise. It became a Voyage for Continuity and resulted in the writing of a trilogy. This book follows up a trilogy: "Voyage for Continuity - the Altruistic Gene." It explains the need of "pro-active guardians of pluralism"; namely, the elected and thereby legitimate persons in vital positions on bodies of governance l...
"Divine interiors" is een onderzoek naar de aankleding van Griekse en Romeinse heiligdommen met wandschilderingen. Machtige marmeren façades, beeldhouwwerken en schilderingen speelden een belangrijke rol in het aanzien van deze monumenten. Terwijl de officiële tempels, die met de steden of de staat waren verbonden, meestal een plechtige maar sobere uitstraling hadden, waren de gebouwen die gericht waren op meer volkse uitingen van religiositeit juist bont beschilderd. Scènes uit het leven van de vereerde godheid, aanhangers en beoefenaren van de cultus, planten en dieren konden de bezoekers van deze heiligdommen in hogere sferen brengen. Het valt op dat er in de uitgestrekte Grieks-Romeinse wereld veel overeenkomsten te vinden zijn tussen vaak ver van elkaar gelegen tempels. De muurschilderkunst kende net als andere kunstvormen stijl- en smaakveranderingen, maar die hadden wel overal dezelfde uitstraling.
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Femicide, the killing of women and girls because of their gender, was until recently included in the category ‘homicide’, obscuring the special features of this social and gendered phenomenon. However, the majority of murders of women are perpetrated by men whom they know from family ties and are the result of intimate partner violence or so-called 'honour' killings. This book is the first one on femicide in Europe and presents the findings of a four-year project discussing various aspects of femicide. Written by leading international scholars with an interdiscplinary perspective, it looks at the prevention programmes and comparative quantitative and qualitative data collection, as well as the impact of culture. It proposes the establishment of a European Observatory on Femicide as a new direction for the future, showing the benefits of cross-national collaboration, united to prevent the murder of women and girls.
An ALTERNATIVE to "Elite-Circulation, Fragmentation and Disintegration" is sketched in the third Book of the Trilogy. The main Characters are "caught in the middle" due to their Visibility in the Small World of Innovation and Enterprise. They are the right Targets for a Terrorist in the making - and his financial Mercenaries, political Warriors, Alliances / Sponsors among Corporate Leadership, who are all for Sale. Today dominating Corporate Leaderships, anti-secular Religious Movements and lobby-oriented Politicians turn an arrogant face towards Democratic Values like Equality, Fraternity and Liberty in order to win visibly - here and now. The Threats and even Terror caused by a demonstrative and wide Grips of Power will not go away, if not addressed pro-actively. A Resistance by Communities and Nations must take Steps in Concert - under United Nations' auspices - and the Surveillance of national Authorities, supported by national Programs for all Member Nations of UN on Ecumenism, Diversity and Secularity - based on a Vision for Pluralism - and Separation of the Roles in order to improve Constitutional Democracy.
Voyage for Continuity: A Search for the Altruistic Gene and its Rationale Contents: Introduction: Corporate Practices vs. Creativity and Accountability; 1. A divided Democracy and a much needed Bridging-Process; 2. Corporatism vs. Pluralism; 3. The Role-divided Value Chain and Independent Surveillance Authorities; 4. Taking a Stance for Ethics & Enterprise; 5. UN/UNDP and Intl. Professional Forums must contribute to vital Dialogue; 6. A New Nobel Prize for Urban Design and Sustainable Environments; 7. The Development Syndromes and the Pivotal Catalysts; Summing Up: Facing Greed driven by a Selfish Gene? Introduction: Corporate Self-Interest & greedy Stewardship vs. Creativity and Accountabil...
Herzegovina: by Mr Joseph MARKO
Chronicles the emergence of an idealized mother figure whose reforming zeal sought to make French society more just. This book contends that this attempt during the eighteenth century to rewrite social relations in terms of greater social equality represents an important but overlooked strand of Enlightenment thought.
After an initial publication on children whose parents use drugs in 2022, the Pompidou Group has continued research on this topic as part of an ongoing effort to give visibility to these children and to develop proposals for creating or strengthening services that both protect children and support families. It also intertwines with the effort of the Pompidou Group to integrate a gender dimension into drug policies in Europe. This volume contains testimonies from 110 women who use drugs, in 11 different countries: Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Mexico, North Macedonia, Romania and Switzerland, and who participated in individual or collective interviews abo...