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"Bothy" - Book 1 of a series: A Future History of Scotland (Book 2:, Book 3: Summary of "Bothy" from back cover: Circa 2500 AD. Laddie is daein aricht, runnin a oor the Strathmore Valley, mindin ees fields, scrappin. Bit thir is ees fucked heid an ees pair deid fether thit ee cannae stop thinkin aboot. And Eberdeen wi thir aggressive land acquisitions an great ugly fields o gren. So Laddie is awa up tae Eberdeen tae sort it oot, an ee disnae mean tae start a war but it’s a war ee gits. And afore lang it’s three wumin fae the Strathmore Valley thit ir sooked intae the hale mess; charged wi pittin a bullet atween the ene o the heid lad o Abe...
"Pool Party" - Book 2 of a series: A Future History of Scotland (Book 1:, Book 3: Summary of "Pool Party" from back cover: Circa 2100 AD. Here! What’s this? I thoucht you lads wirnae supposed tae be in here. Git that thing oot o my face. What are yi askin? What do I think o Davie Roach? Weel, I kin tell fae the look o yi what yi want me tae say. Yi want me tae say ees an evil bastard like abuddy else is saying. But that’s no the Davie Roach I mind o a they years ago. Davie wis a fine lad back then. It wis him thit started this braw wee community here in Fintry. Ee wis generous tae abuddy and guid tae ees bairn and wife. Fur muny years thir...
The Path to the 5th Dimension provides the reader with a wealth of inspiration on how to cope with the challenges of life in our complicated world of duality. It shows how each of us has the power to change our world for the better; not only for ourselves - but for Humanity at large and our Planet. Humanity and Earth are going through a time of transition as we are leaving the end times of the Age of Pisces. Our entry into the Golden Age of Aquarius holds great promise for the fulfilment of ascension into a fifth-dimensional reality of higher consciousness. The Path to the 5th Dimension contains valuable pearls of wisdom from esoteric and hermetic teachings suggesting ways of applying our mental capacities to attain inner peace of mind and true freedom. The book is a constructive aid to those aspiring to master the Art of Living.
Each issue of Transactions B is devoted to a specific area of the biological sciences, including clinical science. All papers are peer reviewed and edited to the highest standards. Published on the 29th of each month, Transactions B is essential reading for all biologists.
For læsere interesseret i den åndelige side af tilværelsen er Vejen til 5. Dimension en gave, der indeholder værdifuld inspiration til at håndtere livets udfordringer på vejen hen imod en højere bevidsthedstilstand. Forfatteren deler af erfaringer fra sit eget liv med eksempler på, hvordan vi hver især er i stand til at forandre verden til det bedre, ikke kun for os selv, men for menneskeheden og planeten. Bogen tager hul på dybe emner som karma, reinkarnation og tidligere liv. Med vor indtræden i Vandbærerens Tidsalder står jorden og menneskene med muligheden for at skabe Den Gyldne Tid, som er blevet forudsagt for årtusinder siden af vore vise forfædre. Forfatteren lader os betragte aktuelle begivenheder ud fra et åndeligt perspektiv. Visdomsperler fra store tænkere giver læseren en bedre forståelse af jordens og verdens tilstand, og der anvises metoder til, hvordan vi ved at ændre vore tanker og modtage kærlighedslyset fra Det Kosmiske opnår fred i sindet og styrer mod ægte frihed. Vejen til 5. Dimension er en konstruktiv hjælp til at mestre livet.
"Hunt and gather" - Book 3 of a series: A Future History of Scotland (Book 1:, Book 2: Summary of "Hunt and gather" from back cover: The year 2999 AD. The Strathmore Valley is the last remaining stronghold of nature and humanity in Scotland, and likely the rest of the world. The remaining landmasses lie smothered in a thick microbial mat that evolved opportunistically due to human-induced environmental degradation. When tragedy befalls a hunter-gatherer of the Strathmore Valley called ji sha, he and his farmer neighbour venture into the microbial wasteland seeking revenge. It is a journey of violence, brutality, and pain; of friendship and love and loss. A journey where the men discover what they can become, and what they must always be. Colin Tosh grew up in the Strathmore Valley in Scotland and now lives in North East England. He is a renowned ecologist and evolutionary biologist as well as a writer of stories (