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A young woman takes a driverless taxi through the streets of Jakarta, only to discover that the destination she is hurtling towards is now entirely submerged... A group of elderly women visit a famous amusement park for one last ride, but things don’t go quite according to plan... The day before her wedding, a bride risks everything to meet her former lover at their favourite seafood restaurant on the other side of the tracks... Despite being the world’s fourth largest nation – made up of over 17,000 islands – very little of Indonesian history and contemporary politics are known to outsiders. From feudal states and sultanates to a Cold War killing field and a now struggling, flawed d...
Reluctant to observe a new family tradition, a boy finds himself stranded outside a graveyard on the night before Christmas... Three farming brothers, forced to relocate to the city by poor harvests, discover an unexpected demand for their green-fingered talents... Residents of a new apartment block are woken in the early hours by the eerie sound of a table saw that once operated on the building’s grounds... Iceland is a land of stories; from the epic sagas of its mythic past, to its claim today of being home to more writers, more published books and more avid readers, per head, than anywhere in the world. As its capital (and indeed only city), Reykjavik has long been an inspiration for th...
A slighted wife escapes her wealthy family for the evening and stumbles into the city's red-light district... The head of security at Barcelona's container port searches for a figure that only he has seen sneak in... An elderly woman brings home a machine that will turn her body into atoms, so she can leave behind a city that is no longer recognisable... Historically, Barcelona is a city of resistance and independence; a focal point for Catalan identity, as well as the capital of Spanish republicanism. Nestled between the Mediterranean coast and mountains, this burgeoning city has also been home to some of the greatest names in modern art and architecture, and attracts visitors and migrants from all over the world. As a result, the city is a melting-pot of cultures, and the stories gathered here offer a miscellany of form and genre, fittingly reminiscent of one of Gaudi's mosaics. From the boy-giant outgrowing his cramped flat on the city's outskirts, to the love affair that begins in a launderette, we meet characters who are reclaiming the independence of their city by challenging common misconceptions and telling its myriad truths.
By offering perspectives from Indonesian female workers, this book discusses the contemporary progress of working-class feminism from the Global South. It presents a critical reading of the socio-political conditions that allow female workers to narrate their lives and work as precariat labor toiling under the forces of globalization. Its analysis centers on their writings which appear in the form of legal documents, personal accounts, essays, and short stories. Thus, the book shows how these women change their situation by challenging the political order and demanding gender justice with their fearless speech.
Mati Bahagia, novel Albert Camus yang diterbitkan setelah ia meninggal, ditulis ketika ia masih berusia dua puluhan awal. Dalam novel ini, Camus menampilkan lebih banyak tentang dirinya dibandingkan karya-karyanya berikutnya, yang di kemudian hari menjadi lebih kaya akan unsur-unsur mitologi. Melalui pemuda seperti Patrice, protagonis novel ini, pembaca akan mengenali Camus muda—kegemarannya akan pantai, matahari, dan tanah kelahirannya Algeria, relasi romantiknya dengan para perempuan, kebutuhannya akan mereka sekaligus keberjarakannya, usaha alienasi yang intens ia lakukan sebagai seorang petualang yang menempuh perjalanan di Eropa Tengah. Novel ini, pula, menunjukkan keintimannya dengan kematian, yang menggetarkan, dan menggambarkan bagaimana seseorang menempuh hidup untuk mencapai kematian yang ia kehendaki. Mati Bahagia adalah “cahier”-nya yang pertama, yang dibiarkannya tidak terpublikasikan sepanjang hidupnya, yang penerbitannya tentulah melengkapi pencapaian sastrawi Camus.
Bergaya ala kisah 1001 malam, novel ini menghadirkan seorang manusia bijak bernama Zadig, yang muda, kaya, dan hanya mencita-citakan kebahagiaan. Namun, nasib mengombang-ambingkannya: calon istrinya direbut orang, wanita yang akhirnya dinikahinya ternyata kurang sempurna akhlaknya, dan ia menerima berbagai macam tuduhan. Meski begitu, berkat kebaikan hati dan kecerdasannya, Zadig kemudian dekat dengan raja dan ratu Babilonia, paling tidak, sampai Zadig jatuh cinta pada sang ratu. Karena cintanya, Zadig terpaksa harus melarikan diri dari Babilonia. Dalam petualangannya ke berbagai negara, kesialan demi kesialan senantiasa menghampirinya. Voltaire membumbui dongeng ini dengan aforisme-aforisme mengenai ketuhanan, kebahagiaan, moralitas, dan tentu saja lelucon-lelucon satiris yang tajam dan jenaka.
Meskipun dibawa ke kemasyhuran oleh 1984 dan Animal Farm, karya yang mengantar Eric Blair, dengan nama pena George Orwell, masuk ke kancah sastra Inggris, dan pada akhirnya, dunia, adalah Down and Out in Paris and London. Isi buku ini terinspirasi oleh, kalau tidak diambil mentah-mentah dari, pengalaman Orwell hidup miskin di Paris dan London. Setelah melepas kariernya sebagai polisi imperial Inggris di Burma—tanpa persetujuan penuh dari keluarganya, tentu—Orwell, seperti banyak penulis dan calon penulis Anglophone sebelum Great Depression, tinggal di Paris dan mengasah bakat kepenulisannya di sana. Sewaktu di Paris inilah, karena sebagian besar uangnya dicuri, Orwell mulai terpaksa untuk hidup miskin. Kemudian, karena merasa tak kuat lagi bekerja sebagai tukang cuci piring di Paris, ia pindah ke London, dan di kota itu ceritanya tentang kemiskinan berlanjut, dengan kawan-kawan baru, dengan kesengsaraan-kesengsaraan yang baru pula.
Translation of 50 Orwell Essays.
RUANG PEREMPUAN DAN TULISAN adalah kolektif perempuan penulis yang membaca, meneliti, dan membicarakan kiprah para perempuan penulis Indonesia. Didirikan pada 2018 dengan seorang inisiator dan dua belas orang anggota (keterangan biografis bisa dilihat di bagian akhir buku), kolektif ini me- ngumpulkan informasi dan mengolah data mengenai kiprah dan karya perempu- an penulis Indonesia dalam bentuk kajian yang komprehensif dan ilmiah popu- ler, sehingga karya-karya tersebut lebih dikenal dan diapresiasi. Kolektif ini berharap dapat mendorong tumbuhnya para perempuan penulis dan peneliti muda Indonesia yang sadar akan pentingnya narasi perempuan yang berdaya demi terwujudnya sebuah ekosistem so...
There was a long letter that arrived too late. The sender’s name was not written and the letter was partly wet because of the rain. * Since we were little, we felt like aliens that were lost on earth. The man had already forgotten his childhood friend when a bundle of letters arrived at his doorstep. If you really must know, I only have one type of dream. I want to live in a simple house with someone who is truly fitting for me. If I really must pour all of my attention, I will do that to such a person. The man had already forgotten their childhood dreams. For many decades since we first met, I have chosen you in each of my prayers. You never knew that until today. And if you ask me to leave just like that, at my age now, which is nearing forty, it might be too late for me to find a substitute of you. * The man had never known that his childhood friend was still in love with him. The letters dragged that man to the past. Until he found out that it was all too late.