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Representing the latest thinking in this fast-moving and often emotive field, this book offers a remarkably comprehensive international coverage of the public aspects of archaeology. The process of survey and inventory, rescue and archaeology, conservation and protection have until now been studied largely on the basis of individual countries and their administrative and legislative structures. Now, by virtue of its broad geographical coverage, this volume provides many rights and guidelines not hitherto brought into focus: the history and philosophy of archaeological heritage management, case studies (regional, national and specialised), and the training and qualification of archaeologists for heritage management. This book is essential reading for all students, researchers and practitioners concerned with archaeological heritage management, public administration and the legal community whose work involves archaeological issues.
Al 1715 José Patiño informava a Felip V que el Braç Militar de Catalunya «se había hecho formidable y se entrometía en todas las materias de estado, publicándose celadores de la observancia de sus fueros». Aquest llibre pretén explicar com funcionava el Braç Militar i entendre de quina manera el seu desenvolupament històric en va fer una institució clau per entendre la Guerra de Successió a Catalunya. Preguntar-se pel Braç Militar suposa endinsar-se en els trets específics de la noblesa catalana al segle xvii, una noblesa que en aquell moment pateix una crisi d’identitat a nivell europeu. En aquest context: quin paper van tenir els membres de l’estament militar? Qui controlava la institució i quina va ser la reacció de la noblesa catalana davant la crisi generalitzada de l’estament? La resposta a aquesta i altres preguntes les podreu trobar dins les planes d’aquesta obra.
Aquesta antologia pretén donar una visió històrica del conflicte a partir de testimonis escrits per autors que el visqueren. Aquesta mena de documents personals constitueixen un gènere que, malgrat la seva càrrega subjectiva, ens permet conèixer aspectes que gairebé mai no surten en les reconstruccions històriques fetes a posteriori; d'aquí l'interès creixent que han despertat entre els especialistes. Afortunadament, Catalunya és molt rica en aquesta mena de documentació d'època, que s'ha pogut aplegar, sobretot al llarg d'aquests darrers anys, gràcies a l'esforç de nombrosos estudiosos. Agrupats en capítols que segueixen cronològicament les principals etapes de la Guerra, e...
[In this book, the author's] analysis of the effects and causes of capitalist underdevelopment in Latin America present [an] account of ... Latin American history. [The author] shows how foreign companies reaped huge profits through their operations in Latin America. He explains the politics of the Latin American bourgeoisies and their subservience to foreign powers, and how they interacted to create increasingly unequal capitalist societies in Latin America.-Back cover.
After Piaget proves that Jean Piaget's work is critical for understanding some of the most current proposals in the study of psychological development. It analyzes Piaget's legacy, moving beyond the harsh critiques that have circulated since he lost prominence. It also brings together new developments and research practices that have grown out of Jean Piaget's tradition, while providing a retrospective glance into the intellectual atmospheres of different periods at which the contributors encountered Piaget.This book reveals the richness and coherence of the School of Geneva's research during the last decades before Piaget's death. Contributions from scholars who formed part of the School of Geneva during the 1970s and '80s demonstrate Piaget's influence on such diverse fields as infant development, ethnology, neuropsychology, semiotic development, and epistemology. After Piaget is part of Transaction's History and Theory of Psychology series.
The processes of de-construction and re-construction of the Barceloneta market, an architectural project by Josep Mias. This market in the neighbourhood of la Barceloneta was one of the first covered markets built in Barcelona, It was 1884, and was constructed with a metal structure. It was partially destroyed by bombs during the Civil War. This recent remodelling is seen as a continuity of the old structure from 1884, and as a continuity of all the changes in this highly dense neighbourhood. The market seeks to form part of its urban fabric and Miàs project is a clear example of integration. This book, richly illustrated, gives a comprehensive insight to the remodellation project.
En el verano de 1706, lo impensable se había tornado en realidad. Madrid estaba ocupada por las tropas del archiduque Carlos, proclamado ya como Carlos III. Mientras tanto, Felipe V, de campamento en campamento, esperaba los refuerzos provenientes de Francia, y rogaban fidelidad a los reinos de Andalucía. La Corona de Aragón se había perdido, y la situación en la Corona de Castilla era muy delicada. La guerra parecía haber alcanzado un punto de no retorno. Un año después, la situación no podía ser más diferente: en el verano de 1707 las tropas borbónicas avanzaban sobre Lérida tras ocupar Zaragoza y hacerse con el control del valle del Ebro, y sitiaban las últimas plazas archid...