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Advances in the knowledge of the tangible components (position, size, shape) and intangible components (identity, habits) of an historic building or site involves fundamental and complex tasks in any project related to the conservation of cultural heritage (CH). In recent years, new geotechnologies have proven their usefulness and added value to the field of cultural heritage (CH) in the tasks of recording, modeling, conserving, and visualizing. In addition, current developments in building information modeling (HBIM), allow integration and simulation of different sources of information, generating a digital twin of any complex CH construction. As a result, experts in the area have increased...
Besides their notable historical and cultural significance, heritage buildings crucially contribute to the economy of those countries that rely heavily on the tourism industry. Investigation and monitoring of the origins of deterioration and damage are therefore key to the preservation of architectural heritage. Diagnosis of Heritage Buildings by Non-Destructive Techniques offers an up-to-date overview of state-of-the-art knowledge by collating specialized studies written by an international group of experts in the field, while also examining the value of these non-intrusive methods through a number of real-life case studies which prove NDT techniques' global relevance. The volume is an inva...
Rilievo e restauro; Complessi monumentali; Formazione e comunicazione; HBIM per la conservazione del patrimonio costruito; Dall’analisi dei dati alla gestione del rischio; Referenziazione dati tematici
Il volume affronta il tema dell’impiego educativo del video a 360° all’università, per avvicinare i docenti all’adozione di pratiche didattiche innovative. L’uso di questa tecnologia sta conoscendo una fase di rapida evoluzione, attraendo l’interesse di docenti di aree disciplinari diverse per le potenzialità del video a 360° di anticipare esperienze, specie in contesti a rischio. Il volume offre un quadro teorico e metodologico delle dimensioni coinvolte, accompagnato da un approfondimento sugli aspetti tecnici. Ampio spazio è dedicato ai risultati di SEPA360, un progetto di faculty development sul video a 360°, e alle buone pratiche che ha generato. Il volume può essere un valido strumento per docenti universitari, insegnanti, formatori, interessati all’uso delle tecnologie immersive nella formazione.
This eBook is a collection of articles from a Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers Research Topics are very popular trademarks of the Frontiers Journals Series: they are collections of at least ten articles, all centered on a particular subject. With their unique mix of varied contributions from Original Research to Review Articles, Frontiers Research Topics unify the most influential researchers, the latest key findings and historical advances in a hot research area! Find out more on how to host your own Frontiers Research Topic or contribute to one as an author by contacting the Frontiers Editorial Office:
L’Italia è stata per decenni, se non per secoli, la patria del restauro e della conservazione. Un ambito frizzante, ricco di idee e di personalità eccellenti per ingegno, abilità manuali e lungimiranza. Questo libro raccoglie gli atti del convegno, tenutosi a Vicenza il 19 marzo 2016, che si è proposto come un’occasione di aggiornamento e di rinvigorimento del settore, offrendo nuovi spunti per riportare l’Italia al centro dell’odierno dialogo internazionale in tema di conservazione. Ciascuno può constatare l’innegabile effetto delle tecnologie digitali sulla quotidianità. Che si legga il giornale attraverso il proprio cellulare, si utilizzi un social network per comunicare o...
Mobile Mapping technologies have seen a rapid growth of research activity and interest in the last years, due to the increased demand of accurate, dense and geo-referenced 3D data. Their main characteristic is the ability of acquiring 3D information of large areas dynamically. This versatility has expanded their application fields from the civil engineering to a broader range (industry, emergency response, cultural heritage...), which is constantly widening. This increased number of needs, some of them specially challenging, is pushing the Scientific Community, as well as companies, towards the development of innovative solutions, ranging from new hardware / open source software approaches and integration with other devices, up to the adoption of artificial intelligence methods for the automatic extraction of salient features and quality assessment for performance verification The aim of the present book is to cover the most relevant topics and trends in Mobile Mapping Technology, and also to introduce the new tendencies of this new paradigm of geospatial science.
This book brings together contributions from researchers, GIS professionals and game designers to provide a first overview of this highly interdisciplinary field. Its scope ranges from fundamentals about games and play, geographic information technologies, game design and culture, to current examples and forward looking analysis. Of interest to anyone interested in creating and using Geogames, this volume serves as a channel for sharing early experiences, discussing technological challenges and solutions, and outlines a future research agenda. Games and play are part of human life, and in many game activities, place, space and geography plays a central role in determining the rules and interactions that are characteristic of each game. Recent developments and widespread access to mobile information, communication, and geospatial technologies have spurred a flurry of developments, including many variations of gaming activities that are situated in, or otherwise connected to the real world.