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This book is the first to give a comprehensive and detailed overview of the complete geography of Slovenia in English. Only very few countries, even considerably larger ones, can boast the landscape diversity found in Slovenia since the Alps, the Pannonian Basin, the Dinaric Alps, and the Mediterranean meet and interweave in this small corner of Central Europe, as do Germanic, Hungarian, Slavic, and Romance cultural influences. The book provides a systematical overview of physical and human geographical elements of Slovenia from landforms to cultural characteristics. Special attention is given to landscape diversity, to the presentation of Slovene landscape types and regions, to some particularities and interesting facts of Slovenia, and to the position of Slovenia in the World. The book also illustrates some other important geographical phenomena, processes and interactions between nature and society in nowadays Slovenia. This volume appeals to researchers as well as students in the field of regional geography. It can also serve as a source for complete background information as well as a field guide for Slovenia.
V knjigi je štirinajst poglavij s področja naravnih nesreč. V poglavjih so opisana raziskovalna spoznanja ter primeri uporabe sodobnih tehnologij v primeru naravnih nesreč, s poudarkom na domačih odzivih na globalne izzive. Knjiga vsebuje različne teme, kot so na primer potresi, suše, vročinski valovi, poplave, snežni plazovi ter odzivanje in komuniciranje v primeru naravnih nesreč.
V jubilejnem, desetem vodniku iz zbirke Slovenija je predstavljenih šest ekskurzij, izvedenih med oktobrom 2019 in oktobrom 2020, sedma pa je star dolg iz novembra 2013. Pet med njimi jih obravnava pokrajine v Republiki Sloveniji. Povsem sveža je predstavitev Zgornjesavske doline, medtem ko so bila območja Kranja, dela Zadrečke doline, Mirnske doline in Kočevske že obravnavana, a je tokrat poudarek na drugačnih vsebinah. Tako so v prispevku o Kočevski glavni protagonisti Kočevski Nemci, samosvoja narodnostna skupnost, ki do druge svetovne vojne skozi stoletja tvorila svojstven jezikovni otok. Narodnostna problematika zaznamuje tudi oba prispevka iz slovenskega zamejstva. Čeprav je bil Trst že predmet obravnave, je prispevek v pričujočem vodniku vsebinsko povsem svež, saj izpostavlja bogastvo njegove stavbne dediščine, praviloma v navezavi na zgodovinske pripetljaje. Eden stebrov slovenstva je tudi dolina Lepena v zaledju Železne Kaple na avstrijskem Koroškem, ki je izpostavljena kot prizorišče romana Angel pozabe zamejske pisateljice Maje Haderlap.
What does a Magician do when he can have as many lives as he wishes to have but is tired of living the life of a Magician? He makes himself a knight. Sir Stefan experiences the joys and sorrows of living as a knight when he fights against an evil King, in his quest to restore the balance between good and evil in his world. His new life finds him romancing a Queen and her maid, leading armies, combatting Assassins and seeking vengeance.
Evropska unija želi z Zelenim dogovorom do leta 2050 doseči podnebno nevtralnost Evrope, spodbuditi gospodarstvo z zeleno tehnologijo, ustvariti trajnostno industrijo in mobilnost ter zmanjšati onesnaževanje. Ob okoljskih in ekonomskih ciljih izpostavlja tudi socialno pravičnost in vključevanje vseh. Zeleni prehod je pomemben še zlasti na regionalni ravni, saj je močno navezan na regionalne vire, njegov uspeh pa odvisen od možnosti in usposobljenosti regij za preoblikovanje v zelena, trajnostno naravnana in socialno pravična okolja z uspešnim gospodarstvom. Prispevek k temu je tudi ta monografija. Avtorji v njej obravnavajo prostorske vidike energetskega prehoda in problematiko lo...
Scientists have a choice concerning what role they should play in political debates and policy formation, particularly in terms of how they present their research. This book is about understanding this choice, what considerations are important to think about when deciding, and the consequences of such choices for the individual scientist and the broader scientific enterprise. Rather than prescribing what course of action each scientist ought to take, the book aims to identify a range of options for individual scientists to consider in making their own judgments about how they would like to position themselves in relation to policy and politics. Using examples from a range of scientific controversies and thought-provoking analogies from other walks of life, The Honest Broker challenges us all - scientists, politicians and citizens - to think carefully about how best science can contribute to policy-making and a healthy democracy.
“Funny, razor-sharp, and full of juicy tales that feel urgent and illicit . . . the author has created a singular, resonant voice, an American teenager raised by Old World Afghan storytellers.” —New York Times Book Review “More than well crafted; it’s phenomenal. . . . Kochai’s book has a big heart.” —The Guardian A dog on the loose. A boy yearning to connect to his family's roots. A country in the midst of great change. And a vibrant exploration of the power of stories--the ones we tell each other and the ones we find ourselves in. Twelve-year-old Marwand's memories from his previous visit to Afghanistan six years ago center on his contentious relationship with Budabash, the...