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This Research in Organizational Sciences volume to explore and question the received wisdom of organizational sciences. The chapters in this volume (and the companion volume) seek to establish boundary conditions for important organizational constructs and processes. They illustrate the importance of context for interpreting the received wisdom of organizational science by showing when constructs must be adapted to changing circumstances. The volume begins with four chapters looking at the construct of leadership. Each of these addresses an important aspect of our understanding of leadership and its practice. The four chapters on leadership are followed by five chapters dealing with other or...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT2021) organized by EuroMid Academy of Business & Technology (EMABT), held in Istanbul, between 06–07 November 2021. In response to the call for papers for ICBT2021, 485 papers were submitted for presentation and inclusion in the proceedings of the conference. After a careful blind refereeing process, 292 papers were selected for inclusion in the conference proceedings from forty countries. Each of these chapters was evaluated through an editorial board, and each chapter was passed through a double-blind peer-review process. The book highlights a range of topics in the ...
Judul : KOMUNIKASI POLITIK PARTAI GERAKAN INDONESIA RAYA (Studi Sosialisasi Pesan Antikorupsi) Nama : Novi Andra,SHI.,M.I.K Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 160 Halaman ISBN : 978-623-497-398-3 SINOPSIS Komunikasi Politik Antikorupsi merupakan suatu hal yang menarik untuk membangun opini publik, karena korupsi di partai politik sudah menjadi hal yang tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat dan bahkan dianggap sudah membudaya di partai politik. Budaya korupsi adalah pola pikir dan pola perilaku efektif untuk mencapai tujuan hidup melalui penggunaan wewenang untuk kepentingan pribadi, keluarga, dan kelompok. Budaya korupsi tumbuh dan hidup subur dalam suatu sistem sosial yang bertumpu paham-paham indivi...
SEBUAH KAJIAN TUNTAS. Membahas tema OPTIMISME berdasarkan Al Qur'an, As Sunnah, Syariat Islam, klsah para Nabl dan Sallhln, Sirah Nabawiyah, sejarah pahlawan-pahlawan Islam, dan kisah-kisah aktual era modern. SEBAB KEPUTUS-ASAAN UMAT. Mengalami kegagalan, sakit berat, kemiskinan, terlibat konflik, merasa banyak dosa, terkenafitnah, kesulitan menikah, keruwetan rumah-tangga, terjebak aliran sesat, melihat kemungkaran dimana-mana, frustasi melihat tingkah elit politik, berjuang belum mendapatkan hasil, sulitnya menyatukan Umat, tidak berdaya hadapi makar Yahudi, melihat banyak tanda-tanda Kiamat. OPTIMISME DALAM AL QUR'AN. Predikat umatterbaik, agamayang diridhai Allah, derajat paling tinggi, ...
Pemasaran politik atau political marketing merupakan serangkaian aktivitas terencana, strategis dan praktis dalam menyebarkan makna politik kepada pemilih untuk mensukseskan kandidat atau partai politik dengan segala aktivitas politiknya yang dilakukan dengan metode atau pendekatan marketing dalam menghadapi persaingan dan memperebutkan pasar (market) melalui saluran-saluran komunikasi tertentu dengan tujuan mengubah wawasan, pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku calon pemilih secara efektif dan efisien. Penggunaan pendekatan marketing dalam dunia politik yang dikenal dengan istilah marketing politik (political marketing) memberikan inspirasi tentang cara seorang kandidat dalam membuat produk beru...
This is an open access book. Hikmahanto Juwana is an Indonesian legal academic. He is a Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia. Since 2020, he has served as Rector of Jenderal Achmad Yani University. He was also an expert staff member for the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Kwik Kian Gie. Hikmahanto was inaugurated as a professor in the field of international law at FHUI at the age of 36 in 2002. He is also the youngest professor in the history of FHUI or even in Indonesia to obtain this title at the age of under 40 years. Hikmahanto is one of the founders of the Indonesia Society of International Law (ISIL) and co-sponsored the implementation of the Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition in Indonesia. In 2021, he was elected President of the Asian Society of International Law (ASIL).
Hosted by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro - Indonesia, International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries (ICISPE) serves as a strategic venue for academicians and practitioners whose interest is Indonesian social and political studies to get interconnected with other academicians and other fields of study. It is also intended to be a venue for scholars from various backgrounds to connect and initiate collaborative and interdisciplinary studies. The papers presented at the ICISPE provide research findings and recommendations that are both directly and indirectly beneficial for public needs, especially policy makers and practitioners in ...
Asia and the Pacific have become the growth engine of the world economy with the contribution of two-third of the global growth. The book discusses current issues in economics, business, and accounting in which economic agents, as individuals, entrepreneurs and professionals, as well as countries in the Asia and Pacific regions compete and collaborate with each other and with the rest of the globe. Areas covered in the book include economic development and sustainability, labor market competition, Islamic economic and business, marketing, finance, accounting standard compliances, and taxation. It will help shed light on what business and economic scholars in regions have done in terms of research and knowledge development, as well as the new frontiers of research that have been explored and opening up. This is an Open Access ebook, and can be found on
Marketing politik telah menjadi fokus perhatian banyak kalangan, tidak hanya antara akademisi maupun praktisi, tetapi juga antara politisi dengan marketer. Berada dalam persinggungan antara ilmu marketing dan politik membuat marketing politik sarat dengan pro dan kontra. Buku ini berdiri di tengah-tengah pro dan kontra dan mencoba mengakomodasi keberatan dari setiap kubu. Marketing politik telah dilakukan tidak hanya di negara maju seperti Amerika dan Eropa, tetapi kita juga dapat melihat fakta-fakta bahwa marketing politik juga telah diterapkan di Indonesia. Marketing politik dilihat sebagai kebutuhan ketimbang sebagai suatu polemik sosial dan politik. Marketing politik menawarkan kepada pa...
Setiap orang hampir pasti mengalami kebosanan menjalani hidup. Seolah-olah begitu-begitu saja. Dari bangun tidur hingga tidur lagi seakan tidak ada perubahan. Rasanya ingin bebas namun tidak menemukan jalan yang tepat. Kebosanan adalah hal yang wajar jika frekuensinya normal. Namun jika sudah keseringan bosan bahkan merasa hidup tidak lagi ada harganya, inilah tanda bahaya yang harus ditangkap. Sebab efeknya akan berpengaruh pada spirit hidup dan berujung pada keputusasaan. Untuk keluar dari perangkap kebosanan tidaklah mudah. Beragam jalan sudah ditempuh tapi hasilnya masih belum maksimal bahkan makin tersiksa. Kalau kita jeli dan berpikir jernih sebenarnya banyak jalan agar hidup kita makin fresh, sukses dan membahagiakan.