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O livro Tecnologia e colaboração no ensino médio destaca a era digital, na qual a informação é amplamente veiculada, as formas de comunicação são ampliadas e as descobertas científicas revolucionam o campo do conhecimento. As chamadas novas tecnologias provocam mudanças culturais e proporcionam ferramentas que contribuem para a transformação da realidade física e social, sendo consideradas aliadas no processo de aprendizagem. Será que a escola se mantém orientada por tempos e espaços rígidos e predeterminados, em uma organização que não se coaduna com as possibilidades interativas e de apropriação da informação disponíveis? Como é possível contribuir para a autono...
As lentes teóricas desta obra são focadas na direção das Ações Afirmativas, Direitos Humanos e Educação, fruto de produções cientificas de diversos pesquisadores que congregam suas análises teóricas para temas específicos dos Direitos Humanos como discriminação, cotas, políticas afirmativas, partos traumáticos, natalidade indígena, estudos de juventudes, repercussões dos processos penais e da formação básica e acadêmica voltada para a valorização das temáticas abordadas. Estudar, pesquisar e publicar sobre Ações Afirmativas, Educação para e (em) Direitos Humanos sempre resultará em múltiplos olhares e inspirações para novas reflexões, contribuindo no enfrentamento às desigualdades raciais, além de trazer reflexões sobre práticas pedagógicas que apresentem formas, métodos e abordagem dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem para e com a Educação em Direitos Humanos.
Against the backdrop of disintegrative tendencies in the EU, this book offers a detailed understanding of the key issues, challenges, and opportunities that educators across Europe and beyond encounter on a daily basis when teaching EU-related course content at higher education institutions.
Esta obra encontra-se dividida em quatro secções que debatem temas relativos ao ensino da Geografia, da História, das Línguas Modernas e do Português (língua e literatura), respetivamente. O volume reúne dezoito capítulos da autoria de professores de didática, de investigadores, de professores estagiários e de professores profissionalizados, associados à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra. Mais do que encontrar receitas para os professores em formação inicial, pretende-se suscitar o debate e proporcionar um espaço de reflexão sobre temas centrais ao ensino das Humanidades.
This collection of essays delves into the Coke brand to identify and decode its DNA. Unlike other accounts, these essays adopt a global approach to understand this global brand. Bringing together an international and interdisciplinary team of scholars, Decoding Coca-Cola critically interrogates the Coke brand as well its constituent parts. By examining those who have been responsible for creating the images of Coke as well as the audiences that have consumed them, these essays offer a unique and revealing insight into the Coke brand and asks whether Coca-Cola is always has the same meaning. Looking into the core meaning, values, and emotions underpinning the Coca-Cola brand, it provides a unique insight into how global brands are created and positioned. This critical examination of one of the world’s most recognisable brands will be an essential resource for scholars researching and teaching in the fields of marketing, advertising, and communication. Its unique interdisciplinary approach also makes it accessible to scholars working in other humanities fields, including history, media studies, communication studies, and cultural studies.
Everything you desire is within your reach, if you learn to tap the miraculous power that lies within your own personality. Success belongs to those lucky people who are blessed with successful personalities. With these outstanding human beings, success is a daily miracle, a way of life, a habit. Businesspeople, preachers, doctors, soldiers, artists—people in every walk of life—are learning to achieve their goals, to overcome all obstacles to their success, to live the life they want, through the miraculous power of the successful personality. You can be one of these people. Napoleon Hill, world-famous author, associate of great and successful people from Andrew Carnegie to Franklin D. Roosevelt, lifelong teacher of the open secrets of success, can give you this knowledge and power.
Having Excel and just using it for standard spreadsheets is a little like getting the ultimate cable system and a 50” flat panel plasma HDTV and using it exclusively to watch Lawrence Welk reruns. With Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming, you can take advantage of numerous Excel options such as: creating new worksheet functions; automating tasks and operations; creating new appearances, toolbars, and menus; designing custom dialog boxes and add-ins; and much more. This guide is not for rank Excel amateurs. It’s for intermediate to advanced Excel users who want to learn VBA programming (or whose bosses want them to learn VBA programming). You need to know your way around Excel...
No one knows more about comedy than Steve Allen. For more than five decades as a writer, performer, and keen observer of the social scene, he has looked into every aspect of who's funny, what's funny, and why. Allen shares his discoveries in How to Be Funny, the book designed to help everyone develop their special talent for funniness. Now reissued in paperback, How to Be Funny covers all the basics, including joke telling, ad-libbing, writing humorously, performing comedy, emceeing, and much more. Allen takes you inside the world of comedy, from the early writings of Mark Twain, to the more contemporary work of Rodney Dangerfield and Bill Maher. Allen even provides homework assignments for the budding comic! Yet How to Be Funny is far more than just a book for aspiring comedians it will help anyone who wants to be a more amusing conversationalist, a more effective public speaker, and everyone who just wants to be the life of the party.
In this dark, moody love story, college student Kusunoki decides to selloff the next thirty years of his life at a mysterious shop in exchange formoney-and maybe a chance to find something worth living for.
Andy Field draws on his experience of teaching advanced statistics to extend existing SPSS windows texts to a higher level. He covers ANOVA, MANOVA, logistic regression, comparing means tests and factor analysis.