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The best informal de?nition of the Semantic Web is maybe found in the May 2001Scienti?cAmericanarticle“TheSemanticWeb”(Berners-Leeetal. ),which says“TheSemanticWebisanextensionofthecurrentWebinwhichinformation is given well-de?ned meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation. ” People who work on the Semantic Web quite often base their work on the famous “semantic web tower”, a product of Tim Berners-Lee’s inspiring drawing on whiteboards. The lowest level is the level of character representation (Unicode) and the identi?cation of resources on the Web (URIs). The highest level concerns the problem of trusting information on the Web. Somewhere in the midd...
The PPSWR 2005 workshop was part of the Dagstuhl seminar on the Semantic Web ..., held in Dagstuhl, Germany, 11–16 September 2005.
This volume contains the tutorial papers of the Summer School “Reasoning Web,”July25–29,2005(http://reasoningweb. org). TheSchoolwashostedbythe University of Malta and was organized by the Network of Excellence REWERSE “Reasoning on the Web with Rules and Semantics” (http://rewerse. net), funded by the EU Commission and by the Swiss Federal O?ce for Edu- tion and Science within the 6th Framework Programme under the project ref- ence number 506779. The objective of the school was to provide an introduction into methods and issues of the Semantic Web, a major endeavor in current Web research, where the World Wide Web Consortium W3C plays an important role. The main idea of the Semant...
This book contains a collection of thoroughly revised tutorial papers based on lectures given by leading researchers at the Second International Summer School on the Reasoning Web in Dresden, Germany, September 2007. The nine tutorial papers cover methods and research issues of the Semantic Web, ontology languages and their relation to description logics, techniques in Web information extraction, employing ontologies to ease construction of software applications, and more.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP 2002, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in July/August 2002. The 29 revised full papers presented together with two invited contributions and 13 posters were carefully reviewed and selected from 82 submissions. All current aspects of logic programming and computational logic are addressed.
Databases have been designed to store large volumes of data and to provide efficient query interfaces. Semantic Web formats are geared towards capturing domain knowledge, interlinking annotations, and offering a high-level, machine-processable view of information. However, the gigantic amount of such useful information makes efficient management of it increasingly difficult, undermining the possibility of transforming it into useful knowledge. The research presented by De Virgilio, Giunchiglia and Tanca tries to bridge the two worlds in order to leverage the efficiency and scalability of database-oriented technologies to support an ontological high-level view of data and metadata. The contri...
Constraint programming is the fruit of several decades of research carried out in mathematical logic, automated deduction, operations research and arti?cial intelligence. The tools and programming languages arising from this research ?eldhaveenjoyedrealsuccessintheindustrialworldastheycontributetosolving hard combinatorial problems in diverse domains such as production planning, communication networks, robotics and bioinformatics. This volume contains the extended and reviewed versions of a selection of papers presented at the Joint ERCIM/CoLogNET International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming (CSCLP2003), which was held from June 30 to July 2, 2003. The venue ...
RuleML 2003 was the second international workshop on rules and rule markup languages for the Semantic Web, held in conjunction with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). The aim of the RuleML workshop series is to stimulate research on all issues related to web rule languages and to provide an annual forum for presenting and discussing new research results. The Semantic Web is a major world-wide endeavor to advance the Web by enriching its multimedia document content with propositional information that can be processed by inference-enabled Web applications. Rules and rule markup languages, such as RuleML, will play an important role in the success of the Semantic Web. Rules will ...
50 Jahre Lehre in Informatik an den drei Münchner Universitäten (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Technische Universität München und Universität der Bundeswehr Neubiberg) sind der Anlass für diese Sammlung aktueller Informatik-Aktivitäten in Forschung und Lehre im Jahr 2017. Ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit dokumentieren sie Bedeutung und Vielfalt der heutigen Universitäts-Informatik. Die Beiträge beziehen sich auf die Fachgebiete Sicherheit in der Informatik, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Bioinformatik, Neuro-Robotik, Algorithmen in BWL und Operations Research, Internet-Forschung, Big Data und Maschinelles Lernen, Connected Mobility, das Münchner Wissenschaftsnetz, Computerspiele, automatische Verifikation, mobiles Internet, Medieninformatik. Den Abschluss bildet eine kurze Zusammenfassung der historischen Entwicklung der Informatik in München.