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Language and Emotion
  • Language: en

Language and Emotion

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Language and Emotion. Volume 3
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 974

Language and Emotion. Volume 3

The Handbook consists of four major sections. Each section is introduced by a main article: Theories of Emotion – General Aspects Perspectives in Communication Theory, Semiotics, and Linguistics Perspectives on Language and Emotion in Cultural Studies Interdisciplinary and Applied Perspectives The first section presents interdisciplinary emotion theories relevant for the field of language and communication research, including the history of emotion research. The second section focuses on the full range of emotion-related aspects in linguistics, semiotics, and communication theories. The next section focuses on cultural studies and language and emotion; emotions in arts and literature, as w...

Language and Emotion. Volume 1
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 737

Language and Emotion. Volume 1

The Handbook consists of four major sections. Each section is introduced by a main article: Theories of Emotion – General Aspects Perspectives in Communication Theory, Semiotics, and Linguistics Perspectives on Language and Emotion in Cultural Studies Interdisciplinary and Applied Perspectives The first section presents interdisciplinary emotion theories relevant for the field of language and communication research, including the history of emotion research. The second section focuses on the full range of emotion-related aspects in linguistics, semiotics, and communication theories. The next section focuses on cultural studies and language and emotion; emotions in arts and literature, as w...

Language and Emotion. Volume 2
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 698

Language and Emotion. Volume 2

The handbook Language and Emotion is intended to give a historical and systematic profile of the area. It will aim to connect contemporary and historical theories, approaches, and applications and to cover eastern and western perspectives of language, communication, and emotion. It will present all relevant aspects of language and emotion and thus contribute significantly to research in the field of linguistics and semiotics of emotion.

Language and Emotion. Volume 1
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 704

Language and Emotion. Volume 1

The Handbook consists of four major sections. Each section is introduced by a main article: Theories of Emotion – General Aspects Perspectives in Communication Theory, Semiotics, and Linguistics Perspectives on Language and Emotion in Cultural Studies Interdisciplinary and Applied Perspectives The first section presents interdisciplinary emotion theories relevant for the field of language and communication research, including the history of emotion research. The second section focuses on the full range of emotion-related aspects in linguistics, semiotics, and communication theories. The next section focuses on cultural studies and language and emotion; emotions in arts and literature, as w...

Konzepte der Interkulturalität in der Germanistik weltweit
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 433

Konzepte der Interkulturalität in der Germanistik weltweit

Globalisierung, Regionalisierung, Renationalisierung: So unterschiedlich diese Tendenzen auch sein mögen, gleichermaßen sind sie von der Frage nach dem Umgang mit Interkulturalität betroffen. Allerdings wird dabei zunehmend deutlich, dass es an systematischen Analysen in der Interkulturalitätsforschung fehlt. Die Beiträge des Bandes bieten hier einen Überblick aus Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft sowie aus der Perspektive von Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Die Autorinnen und Autoren setzen sich mit weltweiten Phänomenen von Interkulturalität und ihrer (mehrsprachigen) Darstellung in Wissenschaft, Alltag und Literatur, aber auch in Theater und Film auseinander. In der Vielfalt der vertretenen Konzepte wird deutlich, dass diese auch immer »Konzepte der Vielfalt« sind, die gerade in ihrer Unterschiedlichkeit eine Produktivität entfalten, die zur wissenschaftlichen Fortentwicklung beiträgt.

Language and Emotion
  • Language: en

Language and Emotion

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-09-07
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Interjections are linguistic expressions used to express emotion and they can also be used to convey the attitude or mental state of a speaker. As well as being an integral part of language, interjections play an important role in communication. Deficits in social communication and social interaction form part of the triad of impairments in Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Language Disorder impacts upon the communicative abilities of a person. This study is the first to investigate the use of interjections by children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Language Disorder, and a typically developing cohort. To date, the study of interjections is extremely limited in scope as research within this area has been overlooked by linguists. This book strives to address this issue, and a novel approach to eliciting interjections through storytelling and spontaneous play is introduced. The preliminary study is discussed at length along with its findings, but there are also a range of topics covered within the book including neurology, emotions, theory of mind, language acquisition, and interjectional usage.

Für ein Europa der Übergänge
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 255

Für ein Europa der Übergänge

Europa kann neu gedacht werden: nicht von den Grenzen und Leitdifferenzen her, sondern von den Übergängen. Die aus vier Kontinenten stammenden Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger befassen sich mit der Frage, inwiefern die Fähigkeit, ästhetische, sprachliche und kulturelle Übergänge angesichts hoher Heterogenität hervorzubringen, Europa am ehesten ausmacht. Von Fatou Diome bis Yoko Tawada, von mehrsprachigen Räumen wie Siebenbürgen bis zur Mährischen Walachei untersuchen sie Texte, Semantiken und kulturelle Praktiken des Übergangs. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf der deutsch-jüdischen Literatur, der Erinnerung an den Holocaust sowie postkolonialen Perspektiven.

Afrika im deutschsprachigen Kommunikationsraum
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 375

Afrika im deutschsprachigen Kommunikationsraum

Die permanenten Aushandlungsprozesse afrikanischer Selbstwahrnehmungen sind komplexen kultur- und entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Dynamiken unterworfen. Ihnen nähern sich die Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger des Bandes aus interdisziplinären Perspektiven und untersuchen interkulturelle Perspektiven in Literatur und Film, Ansätze der Kolonial- und Reiseliteraturforschung, die Linguistik des Sprachkontakts, die transkulturelle Erinnerungsforschung sowie Debatten aus den postkolonialen Studien. Damit eröffnen sie neue Perspektiven interkultureller Sprach- und Literaturforschung und werfen ein neues Licht auf die kulturgeschichtliche und sprachliche Situation sowie auf transkulturelle Erinnerungskulturen Afrikas.

At the Limit of the Obscene
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 447

At the Limit of the Obscene

As German-language literature turned in the mid-nineteenth century to the depiction of the profane, sensual world, a corresponding anxiety emerged about the terms of that depiction—with consequences not only for realist poetics but also for the conception of the material world itself. At the Limit of the Obscene examines the roots and repercussions of this anxiety in German realist and postrealist literature. Through analyses of works by Adalbert Stifter, Gustav Freytag, Theodor Fontane, Arno Holz, Gottfried Benn, and Franz Kafka, Erica Weitzman shows how German realism’s conflicted representations of the material world lead to an idea of the obscene as an excess of sensual appearance beyond human meaning: the obverse of the anthropocentric worldview that German realism both propagates and pushes to its crisis. At the Limit of the Obscene thus brings to light the troubled and troubling ontology underlying German realism, at the same time demonstrating how its works continue to shape our ideas about representability, alterity, and the relationship of human beings to the non-human well into the present day.