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In this timely book, Brazilian political philosopher Marcos Nobre analyzes the social and political roots of the election of Jair Bolsonaro to the presidency of Brazil and shows how this process is connected to the rise of new far-right movements threatening democracy around the world. Nobre describes the rise of the movement that elected Bolsonaro as a reactionary and anti-democratic highjack of the democratic impulse unleashed by the June 2013 uprisings, when millions of Brazilians took to the streets to protest against a dysfunctional political system, and frames the Brazilian case within the global crisis that exposed the limits of a democracy based on the neoliberal consensus after the ...
While governments prefer to alter budgets to fit their ideological stances, the domestic and international contexts can facilitate or constrain behavior. The Politics of Budgets demonstrates when governments do and do not make preferred budgetary changes. It argues for an interconnected view of budgets and explores both the reallocation of expenditures across policy areas and the interplay among budgetary components. While previous scholars have investigated how politics and economics shape a single budgetary category, or collective categories, this methodologically rich study analyzes data for thirty-three countries across thirty-five years to provide a more comprehensive theoretical approach: a 'holistic' framework about the competition and contexts around the budgetary process and an of examination of how and when these factors affect the budgetary decision-making processes.
Ballots and voting devices are fundamental tools in the electoral process. Despite their importance, scholars have paid little attention to the broader implications of voting procedures. In this Element, the authors contend that ballots have significant implications for democratic representation, as they affect the cost associated with voting for citizens and electioneering for elites. This Element explains how ballot designs affect the behavior of voters, the performance of candidates, and the strategies of parties. It shows how voting procedures structure the likelihood of vote splitting and ballot roll-off. This in turn has implications for candidates. Focusing on gender and experience, this Element shows how ballot form alters the salience of personal vote earning attributes. With respect to political parties, ballot structure can shift both the cost, strategies, and ultimately electoral fortunes of political parties. Finally, it discusses the profound implications ballot forms have for party campaigns and election outcomes.
A relação entre poder e espaço, ainda que pouco evidente na ciência política, é fundamental para essa área.Assim, esta obra pretende analisar essa temática sob uma nova ótica, que contempla a perspectiva da ciência política e das relações internacionais, mas sem deixar de lado o diálogo com outras disciplinas que costumam trabalhá-la, abordando temas como variações de poder e seu exercício, formação de fronteiras, federalismo, teorias comportamentais do voto e análise espacial. Acompanhe-nos nestas páginas que discutem a relação entre poder e espaço de uma maneira não convencional, buscando fomentar o interesse dos leitores no aprofundamento e na diversificação de análise de tal relação.
How Brazilian favela residents engage with and appropriate technologies, both to fight the oppression in their lives and to represent themselves in the world. Brazilian favelas are impoverished settlements usually located on hillsides or the outskirts of a city. In Technology of the Oppressed, David Nemer draws on extensive ethnographic fieldwork to provide a rich account of how favela residents engage with technology in community technology centers and in their everyday lives. Their stories reveal the structural violence of the information age. But they also show how those oppressed by technology don’t just reject it, but consciously resist and appropriate it, and how their experiences wi...
A reclamação constitucional é hoje um dos principais meios de acesso aos Tribunais Superiores e é importante instrumento para o combate ao descumprimento de suas decisões e de súmulas vinculantes. Esta obra trata-se de um verdadeiro manual prático para aqueles que pretendem ajuizá-la ou somente compreendê-la, sistematizando de maneira pormenorizada os filtros impostos pelo STF além de trazer, de forma crítica, após pesquisa de jurimetria, dados empíricos de julgamentos da Corte e da atuação de seus ministros.
Im Mainstream der Beteiligungsforschung fungiert das brasilianische Porto Alegre als ein gelungenes Modell partizipativer Kommunalpolitik. Die Bezeichnung „Stadt der Demokratie“ prägt das Image dieser Stadt, die oft in Verbindung mit dem Verfahren des Bürgerhaushaltes untersucht wird. Doch Rogerio R. Mororó präsentiert ein ganz anderes Bild von Porto Alegre. Er kommt in seiner Analyse zu den Ergebnissen, dass direkte Bürgerbeteiligung in Porto Alegre bislang zwar zu mehr Legitimation politischer Entscheidungsfindungen beigetragen hat, jedoch nicht zu Veränderungen bestehender Machtstrukturen und ebenso wenig zur spürbaren Minderung von Missständen wie krassen räumlichen und sozialen Disparitäten in der lokalen Gesellschaft. Diese Tatsache wird jedoch von einem demokratischen Mythos verklärt.
In Unseen Flesh Nessette Falu explores how Black lesbians in Brazil define and sustain their well-being and self-worth against persistent racial, sexual, class, and gender-based prejudice. Focusing on the trauma caused by interactions with gynecologists, Falu draws on in-depth ethnographic work among the Black lesbian community to reveal their profoundly negative affective experiences within Brazil’s deeply biased medical system. In the face of such entrenched, intersectional intimate violence, Falu’s informants actively pursue well-being in ways that channel their struggle for self-worth toward broader goals of social change, self care, and communal action. Demonstrating how the racist ...
A coletânea aborda diversas perspectivas e desafios na educação contemporânea, aborda temas que vão desde a Didática na Química Inorgânica até a interpretação de metáforas em contos africanos. Explorando estratégias de autoria, impacto da arte-educação, conscientização sobre direitos autorais, influência da espiritualidade e reflexões sobre o ensino de música, enriquecimento curricular, entre outros. A obra proporciona uma contribuição diversificada e valiosa para o aprimoramento educacional, destinada a educadores, pesquisadores e profissionais da educação.
O sistema partidário brasileiro é resultado de numerosos, complexos e peculiares fatores. No entanto, é muito trabalhada na ciência política a ideia de que o sistema partidário existente é influenciado pelo sistema eleitoral vigente. O sistema partidário brasileiro convive com o multipartidarismo exacerbado: em 2017 o número de agremiações registradas perante o TSE era de 35. Assim, pesam-se várias críticas sobre o atual contexto partidário e, inclusive, sobre as alianças celebradas, sejam elas coligações ou coalizões, em especial destacam-se: a celebração de alianças eleitoreiras e casuísticas; o campo fértil para o surgimento de partidos de aluguel; a ausência de co...