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The Transformation of European Private Law
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 351

The Transformation of European Private Law

  • Categories: Law

A critical overview of the Europeanisation of private law at a watershed moment, a point of punctuated equilibrium.

The New Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 513

The New Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution

  • Categories: Law

This book examines the impact of the new EU law in the field of consumer redress. It explores the new European legal framework and the main methods of consumer redress, analyses the implementation of the ADR Directive in various Member States, and evaluates new trends in consumer ADR.

Theory and Practice of Harmonisation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 641

Theory and Practice of Harmonisation

  • Categories: Law

Harmonised and uniform international laws are now being spread across different jurisdictions and fields of law, bringing with them an increasing body of scholarship on practical problems and theoretical dimensions. This comprehensive and insightful book focuses on the contributions to the development and understanding of the critical theory of harmonisation. The contributing authors address a variety of different subjects concerned with harmonisation and the application of legal rules resulting from harmonisation efforts. This study is written by leading scholars engaged in different aspects of harmonisation, and covers both regional harmonisation within the EU and regional human rights treaties, as well as harmonisation with international treaty obligations. With comparative analysis that contributes to the development of a more general theory on the harmonisation process, this timely book will appeal to EU and international law scholars and practitioners, as well as those looking to future legal harmonisation in other regions in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

Online Dispute Resolution
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 117

Online Dispute Resolution

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-11-30
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  • Publisher: AuthorHouse

Online Dispute Resolution Practical examples of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the US and EU - a handbook for best practice today and tomorrow A Promise Unfulfilled and What to Do About It - Complaint Handling Now Marc Grainer; Scott Broetzmann, David Beinhacker, and Richard Grainer Online Dispute Resolution - Designing Systems for Effective Dispute Settlement - a US practitioner perspective Jo DeMars Online Dispute Resolution for Business - Embedding Online Dispute Resolution in the Civil Justice System Pablo Cortes Consumer Trust and Business Benefits with ODR Immaculada Barral-Vials Where Law, Technology, Theory and Practice Overlap: Enforcement Mechanisms and System Design Riika Koulu The Experience of Combining Traditional Face to Face Dispute Resolution Mediation with an Online Dispute Resolution Tool - Benefits and Challenges Amy Koltz Online Dispute Resolution Decision Making - A NetNeutrals Practitioner's View Katherine G. Newcomer One Man's View of One Country - ADR & ODR and the future of complaint management in the UK Adrian Lawes

Consumer Credit, Debt and Investment in Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

Consumer Credit, Debt and Investment in Europe

  • Categories: Law

This topical collection of essays provides a detailed analysis of European consumer protection law in credit and investment.

Unconscionability in European Private Financial Transactions
  • Language: en

Unconscionability in European Private Financial Transactions

  • Categories: Law

Given the unprecedented recent turmoil on financial markets we now face radically challenged, 'post-Lehmann' assumptions on protecting the vulnerable in financial transactions. This collection of essays explores conceptions of, and responses to, unconscionability and similar notions across Europe with specific reference to financial transactions. It presents a detailed analysis of concepts of unconscionability in Europe against a backdrop of Commission initiatives aimed, variously, at securing a single market in financial services, producing greater coherence in EC consumer protection law and consolidating European private law. This analysis illustrates, for example, that concepts of unconscionability depend on context and can be shaped by a variety of factors. It also illustrates that jurisdictions may choose to respond to questions of unconscionability through a variety of legal instruments located in different branches of the law rather than through a single doctrine. Thus this collection illuminates many of the obstacles facing harmonisation in this area.

European Consumer Protection
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 475

European Consumer Protection

  • Categories: Law

This topical volume provides detailed analyses of European consumer protection law in both its theoretical and practical dimensions. Part I casts a critical light over consumer protection strategies and mechanisms in the EU, Part II critically explores responses to vulnerability and Part III contextualises aspects of European consumer protection law.

El Llibre sisè del Codi civil de Catalunya: anàlisi del Projecte de llei
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 1322

El Llibre sisè del Codi civil de Catalunya: anàlisi del Projecte de llei

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-07-24
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  • Publisher: CIMS

\n \nMaterials of the Catalan Law Symposium XVIII in Tossa. \nTossa de Mar, 25 and 26 September 2014\n

La Relació jurídica obligacional
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 179

La Relació jurídica obligacional

La relació jurídica obligacional pretén ser una eina d’estudi, de seguiment i de comprensió de l’assignatura Dret Civil II. Té una estructura didàctica adaptada al programa de l’assignatura, i és el resultat d’anys de docència i d’anàlisi. L’obra exposa els conceptes fonamentals del dret d’obligacions, sense insistir en antecedents històrics o en teories doctrinals, sobre la base de la legislació positiva i d’un estudi acurat dels textos legals. La persepectiva parteix sempre del dret català, aplicable preferentment a Catalunya, tot i que la majoria dels conceptes es troben encara al Codi civil, en espera d’un codi patrimonial català. En definitiva, l’obra es presenta com el complement idoni per cursar de forma presencial l’assignatura. Per la seva claredat, però, també pot ser útil als professionals o a qui vulgui consolidar coneixements sobre aquesta matèria.

Justícia ciutadana. Per a una nova justícia catalana
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 119

Justícia ciutadana. Per a una nova justícia catalana

Aquest llibre pretén reunir punts de vista diversos que permetin fonamentar una reflexió sobre l'actual concepte i capacitat de l'Administració de justícia, al mateix temps que començar a proposar idees de cara a la seva millora, reforma i transformació en benefici, sempre, dels ciutadans i de la mateixa voluntat de fer justícia i no, simplement, administrar un sistema que, en ocasions, esdevé injust, poc eficient i que no resol la imprescindible reparació de les víctimes ni la correcta reforma dels que han perjudicat algú o la societat. La pau, o la resolució dels conflictes, comença a la ment i als cors de les persones. No podem menystenir ni la capacitat de raciocini ni aquella altra capacitat emocional que fonamenta tota idea de justícia.