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Buku ini disusun untuk memberikan panduan langkah demi langkah berkenaan dengan Akuntansi dan diharapkan dapat menambah pemahaman, wawasan dan khazanah keilmuan di bidang Akuntansi yang dapat digunakan dalam aktivitas pembelajaran maupun implementasi. Akuntansi didefinisikan sebagai proses menganalisis, mengklasifikasikan, mencatat, meringkas, dan menafsirkan transaksi keuangan organisasi. Oleh karena itu, Akuntansi yang akuntabel memerlukan keterlibatan aktif dari manajemen terhadap akuntabilitas dalam aktivitas yang meningkat pada organisasi. Adapun sistematika penulisan yang terkandung di dalamnya terurai dalam dua puluh bab, yaitu mengenai: Pengertian, Fungsi dan Ruang Lingkup Akuntansi; Siklus Akuntansi; Buku Besar dan Neraca Saldo; Jurnal Penyesuaian; Neraca Lajur Laporan Keuangan; Laporan Keuangan; Jurnal Penutup dan Neraca Saldo Penutup; Jurnal Pembalik; Jurnal Khusus; Laporan Arus Kas; Kewajiban Lancar; Analisis Laporan Keuangan; Akuntansi Kas; Akuntansi Aset; Akuntansi Piutang; Akuntansi Persediaan; Akuntansi Manajemen; Akuntansi Perusahaan Dagang; Akuntansi Firma; dan Akuntansi Perseroan.
Penerimaan pendapatan negara terdiri dari pendapatan pajak dan pendapatan bukan pajak. Hingga saat ini pajak masih memiliki peran yang sangat penting sebagai sumber utama penerimaan negara. Hal ini terbukti dari laporan penerimaan pajak mencapai 108,8% terhadap target APBN. Menggunakan sistem perpajakan self assesment, menuntut wajib pajak untuk secara mandiri mengerti dan memahami, menerapkan tata cara perpajakan serta mematuhi pelaksanaan setiap peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku. Buku ini disusun sesuai dengan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Perpajakan terbaru, sehingga dapat digunakan sebaga referensi bagi siapa saja yang sedang mendalami bidang perpajakan. Secara keseluruhan, buku ini membe...
Buku ini mengungkapkan perjalanan sejarah dan pemikiran ekonomi Islam sejak zaman Rasulullah Muhammad SAW hingga periode kekhalifahan awal, serta menyoroti peran tokoh-tokoh ekonomi Islam yang berpengaruh dalam mengembangkan gagasan-gagasan ekonomi Islam yang unik. Penulis membawa pembaca kembali ke zaman Rasulullah, menyoroti prinsip-prinsip ekonomi yang diterapkan dalam masyarakat awal Islam, seperti keadilan dalam perdagangan, distribusi kekayaan, dan pembayaran zakat. Kemudian, buku ini menjelajahi masa kekhalifahan, di mana gagasan-gagasan ekonomi Islam berkembang pesat pada zaman khulafaur Rasyidin, Khilafah Umayyah, Khilafah Abbasiyah dengan kontribusi tokoh-tokoh yang menerapkan prin...
"[This is] a subject of such relevance and importance that one wonders why nobody else dealt with it in book form before."—Dr. Wilfried Hofmann Muslim civilization has experienced a decline during the last five centuries after previously having undergone a long period of prosperity and comprehensive development. This raises a number of questions such as what factors enable Muslims to become successful during the earlier centuries of Islam and what led them to their present weak position. Is Islam responsible for this decline or are there some other factors which come into play? M. Umer Chapra provides an authoritative diagnosis and prescription to reverse this decline. M. Umer Chapra is a research advisor at the Islamic Research and Training Institute of the Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, and author of The Future of Economics and Islam and the Economic Challenge.
This unique book highlights the contributions made by Muslim scholars to economic thought throughout history, a topic that has received relatively little attention in mainstream economics. Abdul Azim Islahi discusses various ways in which Muslim ideas
This book presents a historical overview of the Indonesian film industry, the relationship between censorship and representation, and the rise of Islamic popular culture. It considers scholarship on gender in Indonesian cinema through the lens of power relations. With key themes such as nationalism, women's rights, polygamy, and terrorism which have preoccupied local filmmakers for decades, Indonesia cinema resonates with the socio-political changes and upheavals in Indonesia’s modern history and projects images of the nation through the debates on gender and Islam. The text also sheds light on broader debates and questions about contemporary Islam and gender construction in contemporary Indonesia. Offering cutting edge accounts of the production of Islamic cinema, this new book considers gendered dimensions of Islamic media creation which further enrich the representations of the 'religious' and the 'Islamic' in the everyday lives of Muslims in South East Asia.
'Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir' by Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad ibn Sa'd is one of the most important and earliest surviving collections of biographical details of the early Muslims, spanning just over the first two centuries of Islam. It is a rich storehouse of information compiled from all the sources available to Ibn Sa'd, as a result of which, the reader is given a vivid insight into the lives of the early Muslims and how extraordinary they were.
For MBA students and graduates embarking on careers in investment banking, corporate finance, strategy consulting, money management, or venture capital Through integration with traditional MBA topics, Taxes and Business Strategy, Fifth Edition provides a framework for understanding how taxes affect decision-making, asset prices, equilibrium returns, and the financial and operational structure of firms. Teaching and Learning Experience This program presents a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students: *Use a text from an active author team: All 5 authors actively teach the tax and business strategy course and provide students with relevant examples from both classroom and real-world consulting experience. *Teach students the practical uses for business strategy: Students learn important concepts that can be applied to their own lives. *Reinforce learning by using in-depth analysis: Analysis and explanatory material help students understand, think about, and retain information.
Almost unique among the works of Muslim scholars, this book, which for Malikis is THE Risalah, was written for children when the author was 17 years old. The sheer pedagogical audacity of introducing children to what is in effect a complete overview of life and human society escapes most people and most Muslims today. The author commences with usul ad-deen - the roots of the deen - a survey of the vital Muslim worldview, proceeding then through purification and the acts of 'ibadah, the ordinary transactions such as marriage, divorce, buying and selling and so forth, and concluding with chapters of a general and miscellaneous nature. The book is here matched by the outstanding lucidity of the...
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