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Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2021 offers a selection of articles that were prepared on the basis of talks given at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages 14 or at the satellite workshop on secondary imperfectives in Slavic, which were held on June 2–5, 2021, at the University of Leipzig. The volume covers all branches of Slavic languages and features synchronic as well as diachronic analyses. It comprises a wide array of topics, such as degree achievements, clitic climbing in Czech and Polish, typology of Slavic l-participles, aspectual markers in Russian and Czech, doubling in South Slavic relative clauses, congruence and case-agreement in close apposition in Russian, cataphora in Slovenian, Russian and Polish participles, prefixation and telicity in Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian adjectives, negative questions in Russian and German and imperfectivity in discourse. The numerous topics addressed demonstrate the importance of Slavic data and the analyses presented in this collection make a significant contribution to Slavic linguistics as well as to linguistics in general.
This book provides a novel analysis for the syntax of the clausal left periphery, focusing on various finite clause types and especially on embedded clauses. It investigates how the appearance of multiple projections interacts with economy principles and with the need for marking syntactic information overtly. In particular, the proposed account shows that a flexible approach assuming only a minimal number of projections is altogether favourable to cartographic approaches. The main focus of the book is on West Germanic, in particular on English and German, yet other Germanic and non-Germanic languages are also discussed for comparative purposes.
Als ein „Naturelement, das uns zum Äußern unserer Gedanken gegeben ist“ bezeichnete Alexander Puschkin die russische Sprache. Mueller-Reichau erklärt am Beispiel des modernen Russischen, wie Gedanken ihre passende sprachliche Form finden. Er erläutert die Prinzipien, nach denen Sprecherinnen und Sprecher auf der Basis memorisierter (lexikalischer) Wissenseinheiten komplexe, ihrem spontanen Kommunikationsbedürfnis angepasste (grammatische) Bedeutungsstrukturen aufbauen. Dabei zeigt er, wie neue Lexikoneinheiten gebildet werden, wenn sich unsere Gedanken durch besondere Ereignisse auf neue Themenfelder richten. Zum Beispiel, wenn eine Pandemie ausbricht … Die Corona-Seminare vermitteln linguistisches Grundlagenwissen und richten sich primär an Studierende der Slawistik, darüber hinaus an alle, die noch nie bewusst über ihre Sprache nachgedacht haben – ob es sich dabei nun um das Russische handelt oder um eine andere der ca. 7.000 Sprachen unseres Planeten.
Das Bulletin wird im Auftrage des Slavistenverbandes von Daniel Bunčić sowie dem Redaktionskollegium Bernhard Brehmer, Hermann Fegert, Christoph Garstka, Klavdia Smola, Anna-Maria Sonnemann, Dirk Uffelmann und Monika Wingender herausgegeben. Die Publikation bietet alljährlich aktuelle Informationen zu den Slavistik-Standorten in Deutschland, zu slavistischen Forschungen und Veröffentlichungen, zu Tagungen, Kooperationen, Studiengängen und einschlägigen Entwicklungen im Fach. Der aktuelle Band würdigt Fachvertreter, während sich Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler mit einem Kurzporträt selbst vorstellen. Das Bulletin ist zugleich ein Forum für kritische Auseinandersetzungen in und mit dem Fach und beschränkt sich dabei nicht auf nationale Grenzen.
The second half of the nineteenth century was a turbulent and momentous time in Russian history, during which were sown the seeds of the revolution that would rout the monarchy and transform Russian society in the next century. In literature, this was the age of the great Realist novel, of the novelists and novels that first put Russian literature on the map of European culture.
Winner of the W. Bruce Lincoln Book Prize Dynasty Divided uses the story of a prominent Kievan family of journalists, scholars, and politicians to analyze the emergence of rivaling nationalisms in nineteenth-century Ukraine, the most pivotal borderland of the Russian Empire. The Shul'gins identified as Russians and defended the tsarist autocracy; the Shul'hyns identified as Ukrainians and supported peasant-oriented socialism. Fabian Baumann shows how these men and women consciously chose a political position and only then began their self-fashioning as members of a national community, defying the notion of nationalism as a direct consequence of ethnicity. Baumann asks what made individuals i...
Never give up, even if you’re a hopeless loser and the whole world is against you. Your previous life as a nerd was just preparing you for your role as the chosen one. That’s exactly what happens when the Emperor of Herandia sends mild-mannered archivist Unizel Virando as the official interpreter for a group of government officials looking to make contact with a secretive land called Virilan. His life and the fate of the Known World hang in the balance. Can a bookworm survive the hazards of the trip, become an expert swordsman, and find true love? Will his learned mind and kind heart help him unlock the mysteries of the strange new land, achieve the Emperor’s goals, and avert war? While Uni struggles to complete his quest, his loyal friends at home try to find out who put a price on his head and find themselves in the middle of a struggle between the Empire’s most powerful shadow forces.
This book completes the author's study of the sociology of the literary process in Soviet Russia, begun in The Making of the State Reader: Social and Aesthetic Contexts of the Reception of Soviet Literature (Stanford, 1997). The author demonstrates that Socialist Realism is not so much directed as it is self-directed; the transformation of the author into his own censor is the true history of Soviet literature.
This is the first comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and multilingual bibliography on "Women and Gender in East Central Europe and the Balkans (Vol. 1)" and "The Lands of the Former Soviet Union (Vol. 2)" over the past millennium. The coverage encompasses the relevant territories of the Russian, Hapsburg, and Ottoman empires, Germany and Greece, and the Jewish and Roma diasporas. Topics range from legal status and marital customs to economic participation and gender roles, plus unparalleled documentation of women writers and artists, and autobiographical works of all kinds. The volumes include approximately 30,000 bibliographic entries on works published through the end of 2000, as well as web sites and unpublished dissertations. Many of the individual entries are annotated with brief descriptions of major works and the tables of contents for collections and anthologies. The entries are cross-referenced and each volume includes indexes.