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Developing Support Technologies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 294

Developing Support Technologies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-10-30
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book shows the advantages of using different perspectives and scientific backgrounds for developing support technologies that are integrated into daily life. It highlights the interaction between people and technology as a key factor for achieving this integration and discusses relevant methods, concepts, technologies, and applications suitable for interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration. The relationship between humans and technology has become much more inclusive and interdependent. This generates a number of technical, ethical, social, and practical issues. By gathering contributions from scholars from heterogeneous research fields, such as biomechanics, various branches of engineering, the social sciences, information science, psychology, and philosophy, this book is intended to provide answers to the main questions arising when support technologies such as assistance systems, wearable devices, augmented reality, and/or robot-based systems are constructed, implemented, interfaced and/or evaluated across different application contexts.

Handbook of Qualitative and Visual Methods in Spatial Research
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 377

Handbook of Qualitative and Visual Methods in Spatial Research

Listening, experiencing, drawing or interpreting spaces: narratives, experiences, visualizations and discourses can be helpful for the empirical investigation of spaces. This interdisciplinary handbook presents a broad spectrum of established methods and innovative method development to capture and understand different facets of spaces. Instructive explanations and concrete examples make the varied qualitative methods of spatial research understandable and applicable across disciplines. The theoretical and methodological aspects of qualitative spatial research form the framework of this handbook.

Research Methods in the Social Sciences
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 331

Research Methods in the Social Sciences

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Research Methods in the Social Sciences is a comprehensive yet compact A-Z for undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking research across the social sciences, featuring 71 entries that cover a wide range of concepts, methods, and theories. Each entry begins with an accessible introduction to a method, using real-world examples from a wide range of academic disciplines, before discussing the benefits and limitations of the approach, its current status in academic practice, and finally providing tips and advice for readers on when and how to apply the method in their own research. Wide ranging and interdisciplinary, the text covers both well-established concepts and emerging ideas, such as big data and network analysis, for qualitative and quantitative research methods. All entries feature extensive cross-referencing, providing ease of navigation and, pointing readers to related concepts, and to help build their overall understanding of research methods.

Arts, Politics and Social Movements
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

Arts, Politics and Social Movements

  • Categories: Art

As reflected in the title of the book, the contributions here describe a series of artistic and activist actions in different places sing different forms of aesthetic styles to challenge the existing order of things. Nine chapters present specific situations in Europe and the US in a multilocal dialogue. This multifaceted collection questions contemporary ideas and actions in the face of the Great Transition. It offers a suite of case studies that are linked by elective affinities, an immediate and intuitive accordance between both the activists and the authors despite their differences. All actors tend to reflect a similar concern for their direct environment in proposing and documenting utopian forms which are also dealing with the past and present with a form of tenderness for the “here and there”. This shared sympathetic interest explains why the book also corresponds to a form of engaged scholarship. The chapters contribute to the long roll of historical debates and conflicts on “what is to be done” at present and in the near and distant future.

Alternating Current – Social Innovation in Community Energy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 355

Alternating Current – Social Innovation in Community Energy

Community energy projects give their own answers to the challenges of energy system change: They are social innovations. By building new relations between local economies, communities and technical infrastructures, these projects not only change the energy system but also respective power structures. Drawing on case studies from Germany, Denmark and Scotland, this book shows the importance of community ties, and shared symbols for successful processes of transformation and develops recommendations for policy decision-makers.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 239


Dieser Sammelband befasst sich mit der rapiden Verbreitung von Innovationen, die zu einem ubiquitären Phänomen geworden sind, welches alle gesellschaftlichen Teilbereiche erfasst. In den Beiträgen werden Innovationsphänomene interdisziplinär in Bezug auf verschiedene gesellschaftliche Teilbereiche in ihren heterogenen Facetten analysiert, um so einen empiriegeleiteten Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung der Diagnose „Innovationsgesellschaft“ zu leisten. Die untersuchten Phänomene reichen von der Planung, Implementierung und Durchsetzung konkreter Innovationen über Praktiken des Innovierens bis zu veränderten Wahrnehmungs- und Deutungsmustern sowie damit einhergehenden neuen Machtbeziehungen.

Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelten
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 581

Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelten

Diese Open Access Publikation bündelt Ergebnisse aus der ersten Förderphase des interdisziplinären DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 2267 „Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelten“. Digitalisierung verändert Arbeit mit vielfältigen Konsequenzen für Arbeit(smarkt) und Qualifizierung. Wie dramatisch und grundsätzlich diese Veränderungen sind, wird seit Jahren kontrovers diskutiert und anwendungsbezogen erforscht. Das Schwerpunktprogramm nimmt die Veränderung der Arbeitsgesellschaft als Ganzes in den Blick – Geschichts-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften analysieren die vielschichtigen und widersprüchlichen Dynamiken als eine systemische Transformation. Leitend ist dabei die These von drei Bewegungsdynamiken: die Durchdringung (z.B. von digitalen Arbeitsprozessen), die Verfügbarmachung (z.B. von Daten über einzelne Arbeitshandlungen) und die Verselbständigung (z.B. von datengetriebenen Wertschöpfungsketten). Methodische Reflexionen zu Erfassbarkeit der Transformation runden den Band ab.

Innovation Society Today
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 389

Innovation Society Today

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-09-21
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  • Publisher: Springer

The book offers new theoretical perspectives on innovation, analyzes innovation processes in diverse innovation fields, and presents case studies that reflect the diversity of innovations fields. To what extent and in what sense does innovation characterize our societies today? Innovations are no longer limited to the economic sphere; we find them in almost all areas of society today. Diverse actors generate innovations in different, increasingly reflexive ways. New concepts, practices, and institutional forms such as open source, crowdfunding, or citizen panels expand the spectrum.

Transformationen der Arbeitsgesellschaft
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 353

Transformationen der Arbeitsgesellschaft

Das Buch versammelt prozesssoziologisch und historisch orientierte arbeits- und organisationssoziologische Ansätze, um den Transformationen (in) der Arbeitswelt auf die Spur zu kommen und so Antworten auf aktuelle, gesellschaftliche Fragen zu entwickeln. Dabei steht die Analyse der Genese, der Struktureigentümlichkeiten und Polyvalenzen von Arbeit und Wissen im Zentrum. Der Zugang ist ein historisch-soziologisches und vergleichendes Vorgehen, das die Untersuchung von Kontinuität und Wandel, von Konflikten und Machtstrukturen von Arbeitsgesellschaften abbildet. Der InhaltDisziplinierung von Arbeit • Arbeit, Geschlecht und Prekarisierung • Digitalisierung, Ökonomisierung und berufskultureller Wandel • Die HerausgeberProf. Dr. Stefanie Ernst lehrt am Institut für Soziologie der Universität Münster. PD Dr. Guido Becke ist als Forschungsleiter am Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft, Universität Bremen, tätig.

Mensch-Technik-Interaktion in medikalisierten Alltagen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 150

Mensch-Technik-Interaktion in medikalisierten Alltagen

Increasing mechanization is profoundly changing our social areas of life as well as cultural orders and knowledge systems. Concepts of health and illness are also permeated by such technology. A variety of communication techniques are used in the medicalized everyday life: new biotechnologies are combining with home and life techniques; for a long time, a digital self-measurement market has been developed by application techniques; such as, Smartphones, data glasses and Smartwatches. In the meantime, it is easier and faster to operate medical devices and systems. In addition, the data obtained can be exchanged and analyzed faster and faster. A so-called assisted health technology and new information and communication options make the interface between human and machine blurred. The anthology addresses fundamental social, cultural and ethical questions of human-technology interaction and, from a cultural and social scientific research perspective, addresses the question of how technology alters everyday life, cultural orders and knowledge systems.