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A ciência moderna é, acima de tudo, uma coerência com o nosso tempo. Ela promove nossas vivências e demonstra o cuidado com a verdade dos fatos, com os estudos das grandes áreas. As ciências humanas nos colocam no patamar do pensamento crítico, capaz de trabalhar questões educacionais como o ensino e aprendizagem e a formação. Esses métodos de conhecimento, em capítulos de livros com artigos científicos, levam ao pensamento crítico de emancipar o homem do conteudismo estrutural, tirando-o da cratera da ignorância e proporcionando fácil acesso ao conhecimento, à ciência e à própria vida. Como dizia Sócrates (470-399 a.C.): "A vida sem ciência é uma espécie de morte". Alessandro Santos.
"This book disseminates methodologies that would allow public institutions to implement practices, consistent with values of ethics, rigor, transparency and accountability to promote accountable public sector managers and discusses the processes of control and risk management and stress their importance for the reliability of financial reporting"--
O Dono da Chácara é uma obra cativante e vem para quebrar paradigmas. Esta biografia tem personagens atemporais e narrativas regionais. O protagonista do livro, Jamil Seffair, aprecia as histórias biográficas dele em consonância com a região de Manacapuru no Amazonas. Assim, ele segue o instinto que aprendeu na política local e decide defender os indefesos. Ele se envolve em uma série de aventuras políticas e, eventualmente, se torna um líder assistencialista da sua região. Ao longo de sua jornada, ele testemunhou vários eventos sociais. Jamil Seffair conclui sua vida pública, fica doente e morre. Jamil Seffair representa uma resistência nacional brasileira, apresentado por Alessandro Santos, seu pesquisador.
"Construindo Pontes: Diálogos entre Ciências Humanas e Sociais – Volume 3" é uma coletânea que mergulha nas interseções entre diversas áreas do conhecimento, proporcionando uma reflexão profunda sobre questões fundamentais da sociedade contemporânea. Cada capítulo oferece uma janela para compreendermos as complexidades do mundo em que vivemos, explorando temas que vão desde a teoria do valor e o trabalho imaterial até a mediação neuropsicopedagógica em tempos de pandemia.
This book is a pioneer attempt to bring forward the first synthesis on the most diverse and threatened mountain top vegetation of South America, the rupestrian grasslands. It brings to light the state of the art information on this ecosystem geology, soil formation and distribution, environmental filters that lead to biodiversity, species interactions and their fine tuned adaptations to survive the harsh mountain environment. The human dimensions of the rupestrian grassland are also addressed, including the anthropogenic threats that may irreversibly impact biodiversity and ecosystem services. The book also highlights the ongoing studies on ecological restoration and first attempt to model the impacts of climate change on its speciose biota.
Zusammenfassung: This holistic guide brings rabbit production science and medicine together. It considers the full spectrum of commercial rabbit husbandry, including intensive, semi-intensive, and organic systems for meat, fur and leather. Drawn from an international authorship, the book addresses practical and fundamental topics. In comprehensive sections, readers will find easy-to-read chapters on: • rabbit breeds, anatomy essentials and lagomorph physiology • rabbit production with details on animal facilities and farm design, international trading, rabbit meat processing and biosafety, including a vivid appendix on meat inspection • rabbit herd and health management, considering la...
This volume showcases the presentations and discussions delivered at the 2018 POMS International Conference in Rio. Through a collection of selected papers, it is possible to review the impact and application of operations management for social good, with contributions across a wide range of topics, including: humanitarian operations and crisis management, healthcare operations management, sustainable operations, artificial intelligence and data analytics in operations, product innovation and technology in operations management, marketing and operations management, service operations and servitization, logistics and supply chain management, resilience and risk in operations, defense, and tourism among other emerging Operations Management issues. The Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) is one of the most important and influential societies in the subject of Production Engineering and, as an international professional and academic organization, represents the interests of professionals and academics in production management and operations around the world.
This Book of Abstracts is the main publication of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). It contains abstracts of the invited papers and contributed presentations of the sessions of EAAP's eleven Commissions: Animal Genetics, Animal Nutrition, Animal Management and Health, Animal Physiology, Cattle Production, Sheep and Goat Production, Pig Production, Horse Production and Livestock Farming Systems, Insects and Precision Livestock Farming.
The 8-volume set contains the Proceedings of the 25th ECOS 2012 International Conference, Perugia, Italy, June 26th to June 29th, 2012. ECOS is an acronym for Efficiency, Cost, Optimization and Simulation (of energy conversion systems and processes), summarizing the topics covered in ECOS: Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Exergy and Second Law Analysis, Process Integration and Heat Exchanger Networks, Fluid Dynamics and Power Plant Components, Fuel Cells, Simulation of Energy Conversion Systems, Renewable Energies, Thermo-Economic Analysis and Optimisation, Combustion, Chemical Reactors, Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Building/Urban/Complex Energy Systems, Water Desalination and Use of Water Resources, Energy Systems- Environmental and Sustainability Issues, System Operation/ Control/Diagnosis and Prognosis, Industrial Ecology.