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When an Amish teenager disappears, it’s only the beginning . . . ‘Becca slogged through a deep drift and stumbled toward the front of the shanty. A padlock hung from the hasp, but it wasn’t engaged. Shaking with cold, she shoved open the door. The interior was dark and hushed. The air smelled of kerosene and fish. Out of the wind, it was so quiet she could hear the ice creaking beneath her feet. Her breath puffing out in clouds of white vapour, she pulled out the candle and matches she’d brought from home and lit the wick. The light revealed a small interior with plywood walls and a shelf covered with fish blood and a smattering of silver scales. A lantern sat on the shelf. A coil of...
Rev. William Bruton (1765-1849), son of George Bruton (1744-1811) and Susan Wilson Bruton (1747-1808), was born in Montgomery County, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Virginia. He and his wife, Elizabeth Ozier (1771-1844), had six children, 1787-1794?. He was a plantation owner and an ordained Methodist Episcopal minister in Montgomery County, North Carolina. He died in Montgomery County. Descendants lived in North Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, and elsewhere.
Rumspringa è il periodo in cui gli adolescenti amish sperimentano la vita fuori dalle regole della loro comunità, un momento di scoperte personali e di crescita. Ma un giorno una ragazza scompare senza lasciare traccia, e la paura si diffonde come un contagio. Un figlio scomparso è l’incubo di ogni genitore, tanto più in una società in cui i legami familiari sono così stretti, e quando la ricerca finisce tragicamente col ritrovamento del cadavere, il dipartimento di investigazione criminale è costretto a intervenire. Il capo della polizia di Painters Mill Kate Burkholder sa che per risolvere il caso dovrà impegnarsi con tutta sé stessa, non solo come poliziotto, ma anche come ex a...
Du hättest dich fügen müssen. Du hättest nicht fortlaufen dürfen. Jetzt ist dein Schicksal besiegelt. Polizeichefin Kate Burkholder sucht fieberhaft drei vermisste Amisch-Mädchen. Sadie Miller ist verschwunden. Ein aufmüpfiger Amisch-Teenager aus Painters Mill. Ihre Familie ist verzweifelt. Verbittet sich aber jede Einmischung. Als Kate Burkholder, die Spezialistin für Amisch-Delikte, gerufen wird, ahnt sie Schlimmes. Denn gerade wurde die blutgetränkte Tasche des Mädchens gefunden. Und da sind noch mehr vermisste Mädchen im gesamten County. Wo sind sie und was ist mit ihnen geschehen?
Fjerde bog i serien med tidligere amishpige, nu politichef, Kate Burkholder som hovedperson. Linda Castillo har med god grund fundet sit danske publikum. Hun er en krimiforfatter på højde med Karin Slaughter, hvilket hendes danske fans har fået øjnene op for. Første bog i serien er Tvunget til tavshed, anden bog er Bøn om tavshed, og tredje bog er Bryd tavsheden. De to første findes allerede som store paperbacks og til efteråret gælder det også Bryd tavsheden.
9.1 A Pragmatic Cultural Framework for Legal Analysis -- 9.2 Concluding Remarks -- Bibliography -- Index