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An integrative approach to Jewish and Muslim philosophy in al-Andalus Al-Andalus, the Iberian territory ruled by Islam from the eighth to the fifteenth centuries, was home to a flourishing philosophical culture among Muslims and the Jews who lived in their midst. Andalusians spoke proudly of the region's excellence, and indeed it engendered celebrated thinkers such as Maimonides and Averroes. Sarah Stroumsa offers an integrative new approach to Jewish and Muslim philosophy in al-Andalus, where the cultural commonality of the Islamicate world allowed scholars from diverse religious backgrounds to engage in the same philosophical pursuits. Stroumsa traces the development of philosophy in Musli...
The study of Islamic philosophy has entered a new and exciting phase in the last few years. Both the received canon of Islamic philosophers and the narrative of the course of Islamic philosophy are in the process of being radically questioned and revised. Most twentieth-century Western scholarship on Arabic or Islamic philosophy has focused on the period from the ninth century to the twelfth. It is a measure of the transformation that is currently underway in the field that, unlike other reference works, the Oxford Handbook has striven to give roughly equal weight to every century, from the ninth to the twentieth. The Handbook is also unique in that its 30 chapters are work-centered rather t...
Türkiye Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu, Sosyal Bilimler alanında araştırmalarını sürdüren profesyoneller ile bu alanda eğitimlerine devam eden lisansüstü öğrencileri bir araya getirerek tecrübe aktarımına imkân sağlamak, disiplinler arası çalışmaları güçlendirmek ve akademik üretime katkı sağlamak amacıyla Oku Okut Akademi tarafından düzenlenmektedir. Sempozyuma; Arkeoloji, Antropoloji, Edebiyat, Eğitim, Felsefe, Filoloji, Hukuk, İktisat, İlahiyat, İletişim, İşletme, Mimarlık, Psikoloji, Sanat, Siyaset Bilimi, Sosyal Hizmet, Sosyoloji, Tarih ve Uluslararası İlişkiler alanlarında hazırlanan bildiriler ile başvuru yapılabilmektedir. Başvurular, Sempozyum Bilim Kurulu tarafından incelenmekte ve en az iki hakemin değerlendirmesine sunulmaktadır. Kabul edilen bildirilerin özetleri ve tam metinleri Oku Okut Yayınları tarafından açık erişim olarak okuyucularla buluşturulmaktadır. Bu kitap, 28 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde gerçekleştirilen Türkiye Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu'nda sunulan bildiri özetleri içermektedir.
Al Ándalus fue la cuna de una floreciente cultura filosófica para aquellos musulmanes y judíos, y un contexto histórico, cultural e identitario que permitió a sabios como Maimonides o Averroes abordar las mismas cuestiones filosóficas. Al Ándalus y Sefarad ahonda en el origen de la Filosofía durante el periodo andalusí y su evolución, desde el aristotelismo y el neoplatonismo hasta la teología racional y la filosofía mística, y arroja luz a cómo el gobierno de Omeyas, Almorávides y Almohades, así como las luchas internas y las mantenidas con cristianos y fatimíes, influirían de forma desigual en su desarrollo en ambas comunidades. La indispensable obra de Sarah Stromusa, inédita hasta hoy en nuestro idioma, ofrece una visión integradora de la Filosofía judía e islámica en Al Ándalus, incidiendo en cuanto unió a los pensadores judíos e islámicos mas allá del diferente estatus entre musulmanes y las minorías religiosas andalusíes.
The book description for the previously published "Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law" is not yet available.
Since the remarkably strong increase in scholarly activity concerning research on the Ibadiyya in the recent decades it is high time to provide insight into the topical state of affairs. The present volume is devoted in particular to the study of Ibadi history and its sources, thus covering the long period of time from early Islam to our days, and extending geographically from the Indian Ocean region to the Mediterranean. Scholars from all over the world deal in their contributions to this volume with a great variety of topics and approaches, thereby revealing in several respects the challenging character of this field of research, just to mention the question of regional specifics and interrelations of the dispersed Ibadi community, the filling of information gaps in its historical narrative, or the reconstruction of sources and their appropriate interpretation. In that way this book also may serve as an ample source of inspiration to future research on Ibadi history.
This collection takes a new approach to understanding religious plurality in the Iberian Peninsula and its Mediterranean and northern European contexts. Focusing on polemics—works that attack or refute the beliefs of religious Others—this volume aims to challenge the problematic characterization of Iberian Jews, Muslims, and Christians as homogeneous groups. From the high Middle Ages to the end of the seventeenth century, Christian efforts to convert groups of Jews and Muslims, Muslim efforts to convert Christians and Jews, and the defensive efforts of these communities to keep their members within the faiths led to the production of numerous polemics. This volume brings together a wide ...
This text gives a formative account of the development of Islamic thought from the death of Muhammad in 632, to 950. It demonstrates how various religions and political movements within Islam contributed to what has become standard form, including the positive contribution of sects later regarded as heretical, and the key interaction of religion and politics. Drawing on many previously unresearched Arabic sources, it presents a comprehensive, balanced and clear picture of the main lines of philosophical development in this important period.
A collection of articles written by experienced primary, secondary, and collegiate educators. It explains why discrete mathematics should be taught in K-12 classrooms and offers guidance on how to do so. It offers school and district curriculum leaders material that addresses how discrete mathematics can be introduced into their curricula.