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Concrete is the "modern" construction material that has helped shape the fundamental static principles of structural load bearing. Similar to masonry, concrete effectively transmits pressure downward, but its weak point is tractive forces. Concrete has also enabled freer use of architectonic forms. This title imparts the basic knowledge every architect needs to master for planning reinforced and non-reinforced concrete construction.
The Life of Comedy after the Death of Plautus and Terence documents the ongoing popularity of Roman comedies, and shows that they continued to be performed in the late Republic and early Imperial periods of Rome. Playwrights Plautus and Terence impressed audiences with stock characters as the young-man-in-love, the trickster slave, the greedy pimp, the prostitute, and many others. A wide range of spectators visited Roman theaters, including even the most privileged members of Roman society: orators like Cicero, satirists like Horace and Juvenal, and love poets like Catullus and Ovid. They all put comedy’s varied characters to new and creative uses in their own works, as they tried to make ...
Only a small proportion of the population fully relies on barrier freedom, but many people consider it an essential aid in everyday situations. It is therefore important to create a built environment without obstacles in which all people can move and orientate themselves as safely as possible and without help. For this reason, the needs and requirements of people with disabilities – but also of children – are important considerations in the design of buildings, in particular public and residential buildings. Basics Barrier-free Planning illustrates these special requirements as well as options for the design of barrier-free spaces and buildings. In line with all volumes in the series, everything is explained straightforwardly, including practical examples.
Buildings with wide spans, such as industrial plants and warehouses, are usually built with steel. The architect must understand the specific material properties and requirements of steel as a construction material, including its static properties, which influence dimensioning and profile selection. Step by step, Basics Steel Construction imparts the basic understanding needed for planning with steel as a building material.
Once the design has been completed, the architects prepare the tender documents for the contractors, and provide support during the tender procedure. For the purpose of commissioning various building works it is necessary to set up building contracts which contain standard content as well as very individual provisions. The building contract and its extensive drawings and specifications are the basis for the building work; they must be understood by the supervising architect and implemented to create the building. The complexity and diversity of building contracts is increased by the fact that there is hardly a building contract that does not have to be modified after it has been signed. Basics Building Contract offers the typical structures and explanations, as well as the tools for creating project-specific contracts and understanding the inherent complexity.
A roof over one’s head is a basic need – it provides shelter from rain, wind and the cold. In addition to these requirements, the structure must be load bearing and stable. Out of traditional craftsmanship, roof shapes and typologies have developed that fulfill these tasks and endure to this day. Basics Roof Construction describes the different kinds of roofs and which advantages and disadvantages each of them has. It explains which tasks are performed by the structural elements and layers and how to account for these in planning construction. The objective is to provide students with the principles, properties and technical terms of construction so that they can implement this knowledge in concrete design plans: from building, to insulation and sealing, all the way to the basics of drainage.
Fire safety is an important part of building design. It consists of measures to prevent fires from starting, to facilitate the rescue of individuals in a burning building, and to help firefighters contain a blaze. Both statutory provisions and building codes lay down strict fire safety regulations for commercial and residential construction. The main task for architects when it comes to fire safety is to apply the principles and methods of fire prevention at the outset of the design process. The book explains the general concepts and fundamental issues of fire safety in building design beyond the particulars of local building regulations.
Susanne Fleckinger beleuchtet das Verhältnis zwischen haupt- und ehrenamtlich Tätigen in Hospizarbeit und Palliative Care. Hierzu befragt sie die beteiligten Akteure und geht der Frage nach, welche Bedeutung dem Ehrenamt in den unterschiedlichen Versorgungsbereichen zukommt. Im Ergebnis wird deutlich, dass sich Haupt- und Ehrenamt zwar durchaus ergänzen, zugleich aber grundsätzlich unterschiedlichen Handlungslogiken folgen. Eine gelingende Zusammenarbeit scheint vor allem dann möglich, wenn diese zum Gegenstand der kontinuierlichen Aushandlung der Sorgepraxis in der konkreten Einrichtung gemacht wird. Dafür allerdings ist es notwendig, dass der Zusammenarbeit von Ehrenamt und Hauptamt mehr Raum im Rahmen der Aus- und Weiterbildung eingeräumt wird
Biographieforschung verstehen - Praxis und Reflexion interpretativer Methoden Ziel des Methodenhandbuches ist es, Studierenden und Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen einen Überblick über die Praxis der Biographieforschung zu geben. Dabei werden bedeutende Punkte im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs näher behandelt. Durch die hohe Praxisorientierung stellt das Handbuch einen Leitfaden für all jene dar, die Biographieforschung anwenden möchten bzw. erste Projekte damit durchgeführt haben.
Aus historischer Perspektive hat sich Soziale Arbeit stets mit Verlust, Abschied, Trauer, Sterben und Tod beschäftigt. Doch wie ist das heute? Die Autorin präsentiert, wie Verlust, Sterben und Tod als Themen der Sozialen Arbeit in den Bachelorcurricula an österreichischen Fachhochschulen verankert sind. Sie diskutiert die Thematisierung im Kontext des Studiums Sozialer Arbeit kritisch und zeigt konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für Lehre, Praxis und Forschung auf.