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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 527


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-12-04
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  • Publisher: Hachette UK

He is a new kind of human He may mean the end for the rest of us... One bright morning in Washington D.C., the US President learns of a terrifying new threat to national security. Soon afterwards, American mercenary Jonathan Yeager is asked to lead a team into the Congo to eliminate a mysterious enemy - a job which will help him pay for treatment for his dying son. But when they reach Africa, the threat turns out to be a three-year-old child named Akili: the next step in human evolution. The soldiers are under orders to kill the boy before his full potential can be realised. Yet Akili's advanced knowledge might be the only hope Yeager has to save his son's life... With time running out to choose a side, Yeager must decide whether to follow his orders or to save a creature who may not be as harmless or innocent as he appears. Because Akili is already the smartest being on the planet, with the power to either save humanity - or destroy it. [This novel was first published in 2014 as GENOCIDE OF ONE.]

Itch and Pain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 490

Itch and Pain

Providing for the first time a comprehensive overview of the common and different pathways and mechanisms of itch and pain, this unique title explores these two distinct and still somehow similar sensory experiences and utilize the cross-fertilization between the two fields to develop better treatments for patients. Itch and Pain: Similarities, Interactions and Differences is the only available, up-to-date guide to current information in this important area, ideal for basic scientists as well as clinicians in dermatology, pain, neurology, medicine, psychology, or other specialties.

  • Language: es
  • Pages: 480


Él es un nuevo tipo de ser humano. Y puede significar el fin para todos nosotros... Durante una sesión informativa en Washington, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos se entera de que una nueva forma de vida aparecida en el Congo podría suponer una terrible amenaza para la humanidad. El mercenario Jonathan Yeager, que fue soldado de las fuerzas especiales y se pasó al ejército privado para poder pagar el tratamiento de su hijo enfermo, es el elegido para dirigir la misión con el propósito de eliminar al misterioso enemigo. Pero al llegar a África, la amenaza se convierte en un niño de tres años llamado Akili: el ser más inteligente sobre el planeta y el siguiente paso en la evolución humana.Los soldados tienen la orden clara de eliminar al niño antes de que desarrolle todo su potencial. Sin embargo, los conocimientos avanzados de Akili podrían ser la única esperanza que tiene Yeager para salvar la vida de su hijo…Con el tiempo en contra, Yeager se verá atrapado entre seguir las órdenes o proteger a Akili… ¿Podría un niño, de apariencia tan frágil, destruir la humanidad? O por lo contrario, ¿es su única salvación?

The Sakai Collection, Ukiyo-e-gaku
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 232

The Sakai Collection, Ukiyo-e-gaku

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1978
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Fibrosis, inflammation, and cancers: Dangerous liaisons to be depicted and targeted
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 141
The Sakai Collection
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 232

The Sakai Collection

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1978
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  • Publisher: Unknown


  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 569


Sera-t-il l'avenir de l'humanité... ou la cause de sa destruction ? À trois ans, Akili, né dans une famille de Pygmées, est capable de mettre au point des algorithmes plus rapidement que les meilleurs ordinateurs. Lorsque le président des États-Unis apprend l'existence de ce représentant d'une nouvelle étape dans l'évolution, il nomme Jonathan Yeager, militaire surentraîné et père d'un enfant atteint d'une maladie incurable, à la tête d'une opération commando au cœur de la jungle du Congo. La mission de de cette troupe d'élite internationale ? Éliminer Akili, menace pour l'humanité, avant que ce dernier n'ait atteint son plein potentiel. Mais comment tuer de sang froid un enfant de trois ans – surtout quand l'intelligence de cet enfant représente peut-être le seul espoir pour Yeager de voir vivre son propre fils ? Pendant ce temps, à Tokyo, un jeune chercheur hérite de son père, virologue, deux ordinateurs remplis de calculs... Dense et brillant, un thriller qui mêle enjeux scientifiques, tableau de la violence à l'œuvre dans certaines zones d'Afrique et observations géopolitiques pour bâtir une ambitieuse réflexion sur la nature humaine.

Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1082

Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1985-03
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Undersea Journal
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 124

The Undersea Journal

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Approaches to Language: Data, Theory, and Explanation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 281

Approaches to Language: Data, Theory, and Explanation

The study of language has changed substantially in the last decades. In particular, the development of new technologies has allowed the emergence of new experimental techniques which complement more traditional approaches to data in linguistics (like informal reports of native speakers’ judgments, surveys, corpus studies, or fieldwork). This move is an enriching feature of contemporary linguistics, allowing for a better understanding of a phenomenon as complex as natural language, where all sorts of factors (internal and external to the individual) interact (Chomsky 2005). This has generated some sort of divergence not only in research approaches, but also in the phenomena studied, with an...