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Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1151

Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination

This book gathers peer-reviewed papers presented at the 1st International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination (IMG 2019), held in Alghero, Italy, in July 2019. Highlighting interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research concerning graphics science and education, the papers address theoretical research as well as applications, including education, in several fields of science, technology and art. Mainly focusing on graphics for communication, visualization, description and storytelling, and for learning and thought construction, the book provides architects, engineers, computer scientists, and designers with the latest advances in the field, particularly in the context of science, arts and education.

Klick! Mich! An!
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 225

Klick! Mich! An!

Rez.: Dies hier ist keine Geschichte im eigentlichen Sinn, sondern tagebuchartig notierte Anekdoten, Episoden, Gedanken zu weltbewegenden Ereignissen wie z.B. passende Abendgarderobe bei einer Fernsehpreisverleihung, (fiktive) Interviews und Überlegungen zu sonstigen spaßbringenden Begebenheiten. Die Autorin nimmt Film-, Fernseh-, Kno- u. Promiwelt auf die Schippe, von der die Pro7-Wetterfee selbst ein kleiner Teil ist.

From Toleration to Expulsion
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 573

From Toleration to Expulsion

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-02-06
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  • Publisher: AuthorHouse

On April 6, 1948, a significant portion of the population of the village of Ecsny in Somogy County, Hungary, was expelled from their homeland. This was the result of Protocol XIII of the Potsdam Declaration of 1945 calling for the orderly and humane transfer of German populations now living in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. The families involved were descendants of German settlers who began to arrive in what would become the village of Ecsny as early as 1754. They formed an Evangelical Lutheran congregation at the outset that would survive as an underground movement until the Edict of Toleration promulgated by the Emperor Joseph II of Austria in 1782. These two governmental actions tak...

Hälsorevolutionen kokboken
  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 220

Hälsorevolutionen kokboken

Vill du också fylla dina måltider med näring, rikligt med grönsaker, goda proteiner, mättande fetter, smakrika kryddor och härliga såser? Maria Borelius, med bakgrund som vetenskapsjournalist, biolog och författare till flera storsäljande hälsoböcker, har stor passion kring hur livet i köket kan vara både härligt och livsbejakande, samtidigt som det ger balanserad hälsosam mat. Hälsorevolutionen: Kokboken innehåller över 60 recept som stöttar den antiinflammatoriska livsstilen, håller blodsockret stabilt och fyller dig med energi. Här finns också en uppdaterad matpyramid som gör det enkelt att bygga hälsosamma måltider. För dig som söker konkret vägledning finns ett färdigt matschema för sex veckor med inköpslistor till varje vecka.

A Mirror of the Jewish Religion: a Critical Edition and Translation of Christian Petter Löwe's Speculum Religionis Judaicæ (1732)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 346

A Mirror of the Jewish Religion: a Critical Edition and Translation of Christian Petter Löwe's Speculum Religionis Judaicæ (1732)

In 1732, Christian Petter Löwe, a Jewish convert to Lutheranism, published his Speculum Religionis Judaicæ (Mirror of the Jewish Religion), a description of the Jewish religion and ceremonies as practised at the time. Over 50 years before Jews were permitted to settle in Sweden in 1782, the genre of Christian ethnographical writing about Jews and Jewish rituals had arrived in Sweden from Germany. In this volume, Jonathan Adams (University of Gothenburg) introduces the background to Löwe's "mirror" by looking at both the earlier history of Jews in Sweden and the phenomenon of ethnographical writing about Jews. The text of Speculum is presented in its original Swedish with a translation int...

Dörnberg: in the Shadow of the Josefsberg
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 821

Dörnberg: in the Shadow of the Josefsberg

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-02-19
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  • Publisher: AuthorHouse

In the past, the steep, majestic, heavily forested, and somewhat impregnable Josefsberg was the lair of robber bands and brigands following the expulsion of the Turks from the area and all of Hungary. In the future, it would become known as the Jószefhegy. It is one of the highest elevations in northeastern Somogy County. In its lengthening shadow, the village of Dörnberg would emerge in the early decades of the eighteenth century named as such by its German settlers in reference to the abundance of thorns in its lower regions. These first settlers were in large part of Hessian origin, having joined the Schwabenzug (the Great Swabian migration) of the eighteenth century into Hungary at the...

Der neue Serien Guide: L-S
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 826

Der neue Serien Guide: L-S

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2004
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Fabrique: all you need is bröd and love
  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 226

Fabrique: all you need is bröd and love

”En tidig höstmorgon 2008 öppnar David och Lotta Zetterström dörren till den sexton kvadratmeter lilla bageributiken på Scheelegatan 6 på Kungsholmen i Stockholm. Efter månader av förberedelser och slit är det äntligen dags för den efterlängtade premiären av den första Fabriquebutiken. Idag, nästan tio år senare, har Fabrique Stenugnsbageri närmare etthundrasextio anställda, driver tre bagerier och över tjugo brödbutiker i Stockholm, London och Rute på Gotland. Här är berättelsen om hur allt började.” "All you need is bröd and love" är en kul och annorlunda bakbok för dig som älskar bröd och bakning. Boken är full av inspirerande bilder och recept på stenu...

Forever Faithful
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 564

Forever Faithful

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-01-04
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  • Publisher: AuthorHouse

This is the third in a series of genealogical studies of German families that emigrated to the Kingdom of Hungary in the early 18th century and settled in Somogy County. Kötcse is the oldest of the three major German Lutheran parishes that evolved and numerous families from Kötcse were instrumental in the establishment of the other two. The family histories of those who settled in the parish of Somogydöröcske are included in the volume: Dörnberg: In the Shadow of the Josefsberg; and those from the parish of Ecsény in From Toleration to Expulsion that both preceded this publication. In addition to the genealogical information the author provides the historical context and other information vital to an understanding of the lifestyle, traditions and ultimate destiny of their sojourn in Hungary and beyond.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 464


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1999
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  • Publisher: Unknown
