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This 2000 book provides a moral and empirical analysis of contemporary social and economic inequality.
Backed with over 20 years of writing, teaching and professional experience with electronic spreadsheets, the authors have perfected the format and presentation of Microsoft applications material to suit every type of learning style. Comprehensive information for users at various levels of experience, hands-on exercises and a flexible binding make this a must-have series for applications essentials. Areas covered include a tour of Word, working with a document, formatting text and editing documents, taking a tour of Excel, creating a worksheet, improving worksheet appearance and producing/printing well-designed worksheet. Taking a tour of Access, creating a database, entering and editing data and querying your database. Taking a tour of PowerPoint, creating presentations, modifying the presentation's text and structure and working with visual and multimedia elements. For training professionals. is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology.
Backed with over 20 years of writing, teaching and professional experience with electronic spreadsheets, the authors have perfected the format and presentation of Microsoft applications material to suit every type of learning style. Comprehensive information for users at various levels of experience, hands-on exercises and a flexible binding make this a must-have series for applications essentials. Areas covered include taking a tour of Access, building a database, manipulating table data, modifying tables and creating relationships, querying a database, customizing input forms, creating custom reports and integrating access with other applications and the Internet. For training professionals.
For courses in Office Applications. The Essentials Series for Microsoft Office XP has be rewritten and redesigned to meet the needs of today's classroom. These hands-on tutorials with a project orientation are designed to give students a thorough knowledge of software applications. Extensive end-of-project exercises emphasize hands-on skill development.
For courses in Office Applications. The Essentials Series for Microsoft Office XP has be rewritten and redesigned to meet the needs of today's classroom. These hands-on tutorials with a project orientation are designed to give students a thorough knowledge of software applications. Extensive end-of-project exercises emphasize hands-on skill development.
Great for beginners. This outstanding text is exceptional as an introduction to the four bestselling IBM-compatible software programs: 1-2-3, DOS, dBASE and WordPerfect. The basics and benefits of each are discussed.
Backed with over 20 years of writing, teaching and professional experience with electronic spreadsheets, the authors have perfected the format and presentation of Microsoft applications material to suit every type of learning style. Comprehensive information for users at various levels of experience, hands-on exercises and a flexible binding make this a must-have series for applications essentials. Areas covered include taking a tour of PowerPoint, creating presentations, modifying the presentation's text and structure, working with visual and multimedia elements, working with the slide master and slide layout, working with charts, preparing and delivering electronic slide shows and interfacing PowerPoint with other applications and the Internet. Using advanced methods to create and work with presentations, using multimedia effects, adding visual elements to your presentation, creating drawn objects, linking and inserting charts, worksheets, and tables, working with custom slide shows, hyperlinks, and action buttons and using PowerPoint's collaboration features. For training professionals.