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Now in its second edition, this textbook is designed to lead adult beginners to a comprehensive knowledge of Spanish. It has been extensively updated and is accompanied by a web companion that hosts expansion exercises, activities, solutions and useful links for each unit, as well transcripts and brand new recordings of all audio examples.
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Now included at the end of the book is a link for a web-based program, PDFs and MP3 sound files for each chapter. Over 300 pages .... Developed by I Corps Foreign Language Training Center Fort Lewis, WA For the Special Operations Forces Language Office United States Special Operations Command LANGUAGE TRAINING The ability to speak a foreign language is a core unconventional warfare skill and is being incorporated throughout all phases of the qualification course. The students will receive their language assignment after the selection phase where they will receive a language starter kit that allows them to begin language training while waiting to return to Fort Bragg for Phase II. The 3rd Bn,...
D-modules continues to be an active area of stimulating research in such mathematical areas as algebraic, analysis, differential equations, and representation theory. Key to D-modules, Perverse Sheaves, and Representation Theory is the authors' essential algebraic-analytic approach to the theory, which connects D-modules to representation theory and other areas of mathematics. To further aid the reader, and to make the work as self-contained as possible, appendices are provided as background for the theory of derived categories and algebraic varieties. The book is intended to serve graduate students in a classroom setting and as self-study for researchers in algebraic geometry, representation theory.
Modern Written Arabic is a complete reference guide to the grammar of modern written Arabic. The Grammar presents an accessible and systematic description of the language, focusing on real patterns of use in contemporary written Arabic, from street signs to literature. Examples are drawn from authentic texts, both literary and journalistic, published since 1990. This comprehensive work is an invaluable resource for intermediate and advanced students of Arabic and anyone interested in Arabic linguistics and the way modern written Arabic works. Features include: comprehensive coverage of all parts of speech full cross-referencing authentic examples, given in Arabic script, transliteration and translation a detailed index.
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This edition explores the history of musical contact, interaction, and exchange between American Indians and Euramericans, as documented in musical transcriptions, notations, and arrangements. The volume contributes to an understanding of American music that reflects our cultural reality, depicting reciprocal influences among Native Americans, scholars, composers, and educators, and illustrating consequences of those encounters for American musical life in general. Culled from a published record of over 8,000 songs, the edition contains 116 musical examples reproduced in facsimile. Included in the volume are the earliest attempts to represent tribal music in European notation, archetypal tra...