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A slighted wife escapes her wealthy family for the evening and stumbles into the city's red-light district... The head of security at Barcelona's container port searches for a figure that only he has seen sneak in... An elderly woman brings home a machine that will turn her body into atoms, so she can leave behind a city that is no longer recognisable... Historically, Barcelona is a city of resistance and independence; a focal point for Catalan identity, as well as the capital of Spanish republicanism. Nestled between the Mediterranean coast and mountains, this burgeoning city has also been home to some of the greatest names in modern art and architecture, and attracts visitors and migrants from all over the world. As a result, the city is a melting-pot of cultures, and the stories gathered here offer a miscellany of form and genre, fittingly reminiscent of one of Gaudi's mosaics. From the boy-giant outgrowing his cramped flat on the city's outskirts, to the love affair that begins in a launderette, we meet characters who are reclaiming the independence of their city by challenging common misconceptions and telling its myriad truths.
Born in Mallorca, Pere Joan Riera (known professionally as Pere Joan) thrived in the underground comics world, beginning in the mid-1970s with the self-published collections Baladas Urbanas and MuŽrdago, both of which were released almost immediately after the death of the dictator Francisco Franco and Spain's transition to democracy. The first monograph in English on a comics artist from the Spain, The Art of Pere Joan takes a topographical approach to reading comics, applying theories of cultural and urban geography to Pere Joan’s treament of space and landscape in his singular body of work. Balancing this goal with an exploration of specific works by Pere Joan, Benjamin Fraser demonstrates that looking at the thematic, structural, and aesthetic originality of the artist's landscape-driven work can help us begin to newly understand the representational properties of comics as a spatial medium. This in-depth examination reveals the resonance between the cultural landscapes of Mallorca and Pere Joan's metaphorical approach to both rural and urban environments in comics that weave emotional, ecological, and artistic strands in revolutionary ways.
A New History of Iberian Feminisms is both a chronological history and an analytical discussion of feminist thought in the Iberian Peninsula, including Portugal, and the territories of Spain - the Basque Provinces, Catalonia, and Galicia - from the eighteenth century to the present day. The Iberian Peninsula encompasses a dynamic and fraught history of feminism that had to contend with entrenched tradition and a dominant Catholic Church. Editors Silvia Bermúdez and Roberta Johnson and their contributors reveal the long and historical struggles of women living within various parts of the Iberian Peninsula to achieve full citizenship. A New History of Iberian Feminisms comprises a great deal of new scholarship, including nineteenth-century essays written by women on the topic of equality. By addressing these lost texts of feminist thought, Bermúdez, Johnson, and their contributors reveal that female equality, considered a dormant topic in the early nineteenth century, was very much part of the political conversation, and helped to launch the new feminist wave in the second half of the century.
Catalan Cinema offers a theoretical reading of the most relevant cinematic productions to emerge from Catalonia in the last twenty years. The essays in this collection examine cinema in relation to the Escola de Barcelona (The Barcelona School), a group of cinema directors that drew inspiration from British pop-art, Free Cinema, and the Nouvelle Vague to create works that defied and challenged the Franco dictatorship. Highlighting the aesthetic, social, and political elements of Catalan cinematography, contributors to this volume explore what young directors have in common with works created by more notable directors such as Joaquim Jordà, Jacinto Esteva, Jordi Grau, and Pere Portabella. Catalan Cinema focuses on the importance of modern production and its connection with the avant-garde and underground cinema from the Barcelona School. Establishing a cinematic genealogy, the volume ultimately questions if Catalan cinema’s own push for self-expression may be interpreted as a connection to Catalonia’s current drive for independence.
DIVWhat happens when you turn thirty and still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up? In this witty and sharply observed portrait of a generation, lost thirtysomethings grapple with, and avoid, the responsibilities of adulthood /divDIV On the morning after celebrating her thirtieth birthday in Barcelona, a journalist wakes up to a hangover—and a magician in her bed—and wonders if she’s too old to be living as though she was still twenty years old. Her artist friend, Blai, has already immortalized the rest of their group on canvas. There’s man-eater Cati, drama-queen lesbian Neus, and wild-haired, poet turned teacher Nil. But as she enters a new decade of her life, the nar...
Cities across the globe are growing fast. Today many are environmental nightmares with polluted air, excessive energy consumption and an absence of nature. But big cities don’t have to mean a dystopian future. They can be turned around to be powerhouses of well-being and environmental stability – if we empower women. This book is a unique collaboration between C40 and Friends of the Earth showcasing pioneering voices in the environmental and feminist movements. This book reveals just how women’s empowerment is critical to environmental sustainability. This book is a rallying call – for the planet, for women, for everyone.
Kisah-kisah Ganjil tentang Maut dan Cinta Anton Kurnia Ingatan datang dan pergi, tetapi hanya cinta yang bisa mengawetkan kenangan. (“Karanfil”) Kumpulan cerita ini disusun sebagai kisah berbingkai atau cerita-cerita di dalam satu kesatuan cerita layaknya “Kisah Seribu Satu Malam”. Setiap cerita bisa dibaca sebagai bagian tersendiri, bisa pula dilihat sebagai kisah yang saling berkelindan satu sama lain. Bagian “Surat Pengantar” yang berperan sebagai bingkai pembuka dan bagian “Kronologi” yang memuat senarai peristiwa di bagian ujung, misalnya, bisa dibaca sebagai “cerita” tersendiri yang juga berkaitan dengan cerita-cerita lain di dalam buku ini. Kisah-kisah di dalam Nostalgia mengupas keganjilan watak manusia dan peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi di tengah kecamuk maut dan cinta dengan segala suka-dukanya. Tokoh-tokoh fiktif dan faktual berbaur dalam narasi yang melintasi berbagai negeri dan zaman; terbentang dari Bandung sampai Moskow, dari zaman Sunda kuna hingga era pandemi global.
Als bars, al carrer, dalt d'una moto, als festivals de porno, als restaurants típics, als trens de rodalies, als anuncis de la tele: estem envoltats d'idiotes! La idiotesa campa per tot arreu i adopta noves formes que Quim Monzó detecta i descriu en els seus escrits. 'Ments preclares' és un repertori de la idiotesa contemporània. També hi apareixen els espavilats que es pensen que ens poden prendre el pèl tranquil·lament. I els qui creuen que ens ho han de donar tot mastegat perquè som ximples. El capítol "¿Com puc ser tan idiota?" demostra que de la idiotesa ningú no se n'escapa. Monzó despulla la bestiesa contemporània amb un final apoteòsic dedicat als idiotes i la intel·ligència artificial.
Barcelona, 2003. En Jaume Pedrol és un professor de literatura retirat abans d'hora i de mala manera. Després de perdre un amic i una orella amb pocs dies de marge, ho deixa tot i acaba treballant en un bar de mala mort del Raval. Allà, per atzar, li salva la pell a un personatge tèrbol que està ficat en una teranyina de negocis corruptes. Com a «agraïment», aquest home li ofereix una feina en una immobiliària fantasma que es dedica a blanquejar diners de grans fortunes. En Jaume accepta l'oferta, i allà topa amb en Vallès, un arquitecte milionari obsedit en comprar una colla de remuntes aberrants que afecten edificis històrics de la ciutat. Vol enderrocar-les, esborrar-les del mapa, i en Jaume s'haurà de barallar amb aquest caprici. Tots dos, com la mateixa ciutat, intenten redimir-se dels pecats del passat, i això no és fàcil. «VET AQUÍ AQUESTA CIUTAT QUE QUEIA, PERÒ SEMPRE ES TORNAVA A AIXECAR, QUE DES DELS ROMANS ES DESTRUÏA I ES RECONSTRUÏA. I QUE GENERAVA TOTA MENA D'ESPÈCIMENS PECULIARS, DE CRIATURES ESTRANYES COM EL SENYOR VALLÈS O COM JO MATEIX...»
Egosurfing és el terme que designa la pràctica que consisteix a navegar per Internet a la recerca d'informacions sobre un mateix, amb l'objectiu de trobar-se però sobretot de sentir-se buscat, i per tal de sentir-se viu. L'obra de Llucia Ramis critica i al mateix temps és deutora d'aquesta nova cultura i de la tendència a l'egolatria en la nostra societat.Una anònima escriptora mallorquina de llibres d'autoajuda rep l'acusació d'un programa televisiu sensacionalista d'haver comès un "quasihomicidi imprudent". La seva víctima és un jove hospitalitzat a causa de l'impacte al seu cap d'una bossa d'escombraries. Algú ha llançat la bossa des del pis on ella va viure dotze anys enrere,...