Digital Scholarly Editions Beyond Text
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 570

Digital Scholarly Editions Beyond Text

  • Categories: Art

Scholarly editions contextualize our cultural heritage. Traditionally, methodologies from the field of scholarly editing are applied to works of literature, e.g. in order to trace their genesis or present their varied history of transmission. What do we make of the variance in other types of cultural heritage? How can we describe, record, and reproduce it systematically? From medieval to modern times, from image to audiovisual media, the book traces discourses across different disciplines in order to develop a conceptual model for scholarly editions on a broader scale. By doing so, it also delves into the theory and philosophy of the (digital) humanities as such.

Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes

This collection rethinks crisis in relation to critique through the prism of various declared ‘crises’ in the Mediterranean: the refugee crisis, the Eurozone crisis, the Greek debt crisis, the Arab Spring, the Palestinian question, and others. With contributions from cultural, literary, film, and migration studies and sociology, this book shifts attention from Europe to the Mediterranean as a site not only of intersecting crises, but a breeding ground for new cultures of critique, visions of futurity, and radical imaginaries shaped through or against frameworks of crisis. If crisis rhetoric today serves populist, xenophobic or anti-democratic agendas, can the concept crisis still do the work of critique or partake in transformative languages by scholars, artists, and activists? Or should we forge different vocabularies to understand present realities? This collection explores alternative mobilizations of crisis and forms of art, cinema, literature, and cultural practices across the Mediterranean that disengage from dominant crisis narratives. Chapter 1 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

The Camera-Eye Metaphor in Cinema
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 263

The Camera-Eye Metaphor in Cinema

This book explores the cultural, intellectual, and artistic fascination with camera-eye metaphors in film culture of the twentieth century. By studying the very metaphor that cinema lives by, it provides a rich and insightful map of our understanding of cinema and film styles and shows how cinema shapes our understanding of the arts and media. As current new media technologies are attempting to shift the identity of cinema and moving imagery, it is hard to overstate the importance of this metaphor for our understanding of the modalities of vision. In what guises does the "camera eye" continue to survive in media that is called new?

The Voice of Technology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 295

The Voice of Technology

1. This book presents the untold story of the role the emergence of cinematic sound had on Soviet politics and culture. The author contextualizes media technologies in the midst of the political and cultural environment of the early Soviet era. 2. The author is a returning IUP author who is extremely active in both Slavic studies and film and media studies. 3. This book with have a market among both film and Russian/East European studies scholars and is a strong contribution to IUPs growing international film history lists.

Understanding Digital Humanities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 527

Understanding Digital Humanities

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-02-07
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  • Publisher: Springer

Confronting the digital revolution in academia, this book examines the application of new computational techniques and visualisation technologies in the Arts & Humanities. Uniting differing perspectives, leading and emerging scholars discuss the theoretical and practical challenges that computation raises for these disciplines.

Digital Humanities, Libraries, and Partnerships
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 225

Digital Humanities, Libraries, and Partnerships

Digital Humanities, Libraries, and Partnerships brings forward ideas and reflections that stay fresh beyond the changing technological landscape. The book encapsulates a cultural shift for libraries and librarians and presents a collection of authors who reflect on the collaborations they have formed around digital humanities work. Authors examine a range of issues, including labor equity, digital infrastructure, digital pedagogy, and community partnerships. Readers will find kinship in the complexities of the partnerships described in this book, and become more equipped to conceptualize their own paths and partnerships. - Provides insight into the collaborative relationships among academic librarians and faculty in the humanities - Documents the current environment, while prompting new questions, research paths and teaching methods - Examines the challenges and opportunities for the digital humanities in higher education - Presents examples of collaborations from a variety of international perspectives and educational institutions

Gender and World War II in the Yugoslav Media
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 275

Gender and World War II in the Yugoslav Media

This book presents an analysis of the cultural memory of women’s participation in the Yugoslav People’s Liberation Struggle (1941–1945), with a particular focus on the figure of the female soldier. It examines how this subject was treated in socialist Yugoslavia’s popular printed press and how it contributed to the creation of the figure of the Yugoslav New Woman. By examining four popular magazines, this volume aims to reveal the variety of understandings of women’s unprecedented level of wartime engagement and its relevance in creating the conditions for the emergence and development of the New Woman in socialist Yugoslavia. The book delves into the roles and societal impact of these women as portrayed in the printed press from the end of World War II until the watershed moment of socialist Yugoslavia’s history: the death of Josip Broz Tito in 1980. This book is aimed at students, scholars, and researchers interested in women's and gender history in state socialist countries. Its examination of print magazines, an understudied aspect of Yugoslav media, will also be of interest to media and communication scholars.

Women, Ageing and the Screen Industries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 247

Women, Ageing and the Screen Industries

This book explores the challenges facing women from their mid-forties as they attempt to build/maintain careers in the screen industries. Essays are concerned with the intersection of gender and age on screen and behind the camera and how that can create a ‘double jeopardy’. Existing research in this area has been primarily directed to onscreen representation. Female actors, with notable exceptions, struggle to get screen time and expansive roles as they age. Behind the camera, women 45+ also face challenges and roadblocks; to date, less attention has been directed to this group. The cross-cultural research in this collection offers an analysis of representation, on and off screen, touching on film, television, streaming services and film festivals. It includes an exploration of gendered ageism, age bias and stereotyping. It also highlights the achievements of mature female practitioners who, in their work and working lives, embody a resistance to restrictive cultural discourses about ageing women.

Digital Cultural Heritage
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 440

Digital Cultural Heritage

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-06-21
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book provides an overview of various application spheres and supports further innovations needed in information management and in the processes of knowledge generation. The professions, organizations and scientific associations involved are unusually challenged by the complexity of the data situation. Cartography has always been the central field of application for georeferencing digital cultural heritage (DCH) objects. It is particularly important in enabling spatial relation analysis between any number of DCH objects or of their granular details. In addition to the pure geometric aspects, the cognitive relations that lead to knowledge representation and derivation of innovative use pr...

Klassiker des russischen und sowjetischen Films Bd. 1
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 236

Klassiker des russischen und sowjetischen Films Bd. 1

  • Categories: Art

KLASSIKER des osteuropäischen Films* Filme sind kulturelle Artefakte, deren Bilder und Geschichten stets auch einen Einblick in die Kultur und Gesellschaft einer Nation eröffnen. Ziel dieser Reihe ist es daher, die Filmproduktion der osteuropäischen Länder und Nationen sowie deren wechselhafte Geschichte einem deutschsprachigen Publikum anhand ihrer Filmklassiker erstmals umfassend näherzubringen. Die Bände adressieren neben einem Fachpublikum ein breites Publikum, das sich mit dem osteuropäischen Kino in seiner ganzen Vielfalt vertraut machen möchte. KLASSIKER des russischen und sowjetischen Films: Band 1 Ihre Namen sind legendär: Sergej Ėjzenštejn, Dziga Vertov, Vsevolod Pudovki...