Çalışmanın giriş bölümünde Develi ilçesinin genel özellikleri hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Sosyal bir varlık olan âşıkların yaşadığı toplumu ve mekânı şiirlerinde sıkça işlediği bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışmanın başında kısa bilgilerle ilçeyi fiziki ve sosyal yapısıyla tanıtmanın yararlı olacağı düşünülmüştür. Sonrasında ise âşıklık geleneğinin kökeni ve gelişimi üzerine değerlendirmelerin yapıldığı bir başlık yer almaktadır. Burada da âşık terimi hakkında görüşler aktarılarak bazı yorumlar yapılmıştır. Geleneğin kökenine dair görüşler değerlendirilmiş ve günümüze kadar süregelen bu geleneğin tar...
This volume discusses the sustainability of Egypt’s agriculture and the challenges involved. It provides a comprehensive review and the latest research findings, and covers a variety of topics under the following themes: · Integrated natural resources management for sustainable production · Integrated biopesticides and biofertilizers for sustainable agriculture · Integrated plant and animal production for a sustainable food supply · Policies for sustainable agriculture in Egypt The volume closes with a summary of the key conclusions and recommendations from all chapters. Together with the companion volume Sustainability of Agricultural Environment in Egypt: Part I, it offers an essential source of information for postgraduate students, researchers, and stakeholders alike.
Films often act as a prism that refracts the issues facing a nation, and Turkish cinema in particular serves to encapsulate the cultural and social turmoil of modern-day Turkey. Acclaimed film scholar Gönül Dönmez-Colin examines here the way that national cinema reveals the Turkish quest for a modern identity. Marked by continually shifting ethnic demographics, politics, and geographic borders, Turkish society struggles to reconcile modern attitudes with traditional morals and centuries-old customs. Dönmez-Colin examines how contemporary Turkish filmmakers address this struggle in their cinematic works, positing that their films revolve around ideas of migration and exile, and give voice to previously subsumed “denied identities” such as that of the Kurds. Turkish Cinema also crucially examines how these films confront taboo subjects such as homosexuality, incest, and honor killings, issues that have only become viable subjects of discussion in the new generation of Turkish citizens. A deftly written and thought-provoking study, Turkish Cinema will be invaluable for scholars of Middle East studies and cinephiles alike.
During the last two decades, evidence of increasing trends of several endocrine-related disorders has been strengthened. These disorders often come with lack of uniform diagnosis and/ or even unclear endocrine disruption. The later is mainly due to abnormal classical changes in the blood- released hormone to its targeted organ, abnormal communication between cells within a tissue or organ (paracrine), within the same cell (intracrine) or signals which act on the same cell (autocrine). This challenging status drives endocrinologists to the urgent need to address enormous knowledge gaps in this wide field of research (Endocrinology). From the perspective point of view that "hormones control our bodies", we need to get these hormones rebalanced so we can restore overall health. That is simply endocrinology!