Brotten som skakade Sverige
  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 223

Brotten som skakade Sverige

»Texterna är intressanta, lättlästa och koncisa, och närvarokänslan är stark. Flera av brotten kommer jag ihåg från nyhetsrapporteringen, och nu i efterhand, när pusselbitarna fallit på plats, är det intressant att få en fyllig sammanfattning och bakgrund.« Skaraborgs Allehanda Vilka är människorna bakom några av de mest uppmärksammade svenska brotten? Och hur gick de egentligen till? I fortsättningen på Brotten som skakade Sverige berättar Martin Borg på nytt om spektakulära och häpnadsväckande svenska brott från sent 1930-tal till nutid. Det handlar om konstkupper, kallblodiga mord, miljöskandaler, pyromaner och hänsynslösa terrorister. Boken fördjupar perspektiven med spännande inblickar i polisarbetet och i brottslingarnas tidigare liv.

Advances in Human Factors of Transportation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 773

Advances in Human Factors of Transportation

Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Nice, France, 24-27 July 2024.

HCI International 2021 - Late Breaking Papers: HCI Applications in Health, Transport, and Industry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 682

HCI International 2021 - Late Breaking Papers: HCI Applications in Health, Transport, and Industry

This book constitutes late breaking papers from the 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2021, which was held in July 2021. The conference was planned to take place in Washington DC, USA but had to change to a virtual conference mode due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 5222 individuals from academia, research institutes, industry, and governmental agencies from 81 countries submitted contributions, and 1276 papers and 241 posters were included in the volumes of the proceedings that were published before the start of the conference. Additionally, 174 papers and 146 posters are included in the volumes of the proceedings published after the conference, as “Late Breaking Work” (papers and posters). The contributions thoroughly cover the entire field of HCI, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of application areas.

Designing Interaction and Interfaces for Automated Vehicles
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 523

Designing Interaction and Interfaces for Automated Vehicles

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-03-10
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Driving automation and autonomy are already upon us and the problems that were predicted twenty years ago are beginning to appear. These problems include shortfalls in expected benefits, equipment unreliability, driver skill fade, and error-inducing equipment designs. Designing Interaction and Interfaces for Automated Vehicles: User-Centred Ecological Design and Testing investigates the difficult problem of how to interface drivers with automated vehicles by offering an inclusive, human-centred design process that focusses on human variability and capability in interaction with interfaces. This book introduces a novel method that combines both systems thinking and inclusive user-centred desi...

Introduction to Safety Science
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 240

Introduction to Safety Science

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-04-07
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

The book is designed as an accessible and readable introduction to a rapidly expanding area that is in demand worldwide. A variety of professionals from different backgrounds are being tasked with managing health and safety risks in a wide variety of settings. Many lack current and up-to-date knowledge of the key developments that have taken place in Safety Science in recent decades, as well as a sense of how these developments fit in with previous approaches. This book takes readers on a ‘journey’ across three broad developments in safety science. It covers topics that focus on the individual including human error, risk and the role of cognition in human performance. It then shifts to r...

Architecture Constructed
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 377

Architecture Constructed

Architecture Constructed explores the central, open secret of architecture: the long-suppressed conflict between arche and teckton-between those who design, and those who build. This unresolved tension has a centuries-old history in the discipline, persisting through Classical and Renaissance times to the present day, and yet it has rarely been addressed through a historical and theoretical lens. In this book, acclaimed architectural theorist Mark Jarzombek examines this tension head-on, and uses it to rethink the nature of the history of architecture. He reveals architecture to be a troubled, interconnected realm, incomplete and unstable, where labor, craft, and occupation are the 'invisibl...

Driver Distraction
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 411

Driver Distraction

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-11-14
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Driver Distraction: A Sociotechnical Systems Approach promotes a sociotechnical systems approach to driver distraction. This perspective focuses on analysis of the whole system, its values, and the interactions between human and technical elements at all organisational levels. The book covers the role that the sociotechnical system plays in the theory, study and mitigation of driver distraction. The book will be of interest to accident and incident investigation researchers and practitioners. Provides a review of the current state of driver distraction research Describes the development, application, and validation of a novel model of driver distraction that accounts for the sociotechnical system Discusses a new, systems-based, driver distraction definition Explains AcciMap analysis of the current legislation on driver distraction from technological devices Offers novel approaches to understanding why driver distraction occurs Presents a extensive framework of the causal factors that lead to distraction informed by drivers

Two Soldiers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 687

Two Soldiers

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-04-25
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  • Publisher: Hachette UK

THE MILLION-SELLING AND CWA AWARD-WINNING DCI EWERT GRENS SERIES CONTINUES, AS ROSLUND AND HELLSTRÖM SHIFT THEIR SOCIAL SPOTLIGHT TO SWEDEN'S NETWORK OF CHILD GANGS. 'You will find yourself utterly engaged from the very first chapter' Independent 'Very bold and very scary . . . a book to appreciate' Crime Thriller Fella TWO SIDES. In the Stockholm suburb of Råby, tensions between the Swedish authorities and organised juvenile gangs are approaching critical mass. TWO SENTINELS. Investigators José Pereira and DCI Ewert Grens are increasingly disturbed by the escalating militancy of these criminal enterprises. TWO SOLDIERS. The police are of little concern to blood brothers Leon and Gabriel. They have vowed to secure dominance in the area, at any cost. A dangerous collision awaits both sides. And so does a shocking revelation that will make all four men question the direction their lives have taken. Loved Two Soldiers and now want to start the DCI Ewert Grens series from the beginning? Take a look at Pen 33 . . .

Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement: Kunst, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 239

Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement: Kunst, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Die jährlich in zwei Heften erscheinende, referierte »Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement« initiiert und fördert eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Kulturmanagement im Hinblick auf eine methodologische und theoretische Fundierung des Faches. Das international orientierte Periodikum nimmt nicht nur ökonomische Fragestellungen, sondern ebenso sehr die historischen, politischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen und Verflechtungen im Bereich Kultur in den Blick. Explizit sind daher auch Fachvertreterinnen und -vertreter akademischer Nachbardisziplinen wie der Kultursoziologie und -politologie, der Kunst-, Musik- und Theaterwissenschaft, der Kunst- und Kulturpädagogik, der Wirtschaftswissenschaft etc. angesprochen, mit ihren Beiträgen den Kulturmanagementdiskurs kritisch zu bereichern. Die Herbstausgabe 2018 versammelt Beiträge mit dem Schwerpunkt »Wirtschaftsäthetik«.

Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy/Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement und Kulturpolitik
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 237

Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy/Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement und Kulturpolitik

The Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy offers international perspectives on a wide range of issues in cultural management and cultural policy research and practice. This issue looks at the effects political upheavals and processes of social transformation have on the conditions for cultural production, dissemination, education, policy, and management. The transfer from one political party to another, even when it occurs through legitimate political processes, can mean the difference between funding and lack of funding, restrictive versus liberal policies, or freedom of expression and censorship. The 1989 transformations in Central and Eastern Europe are one example among many others. Current upheavals in many countries have major implications for cultural management and politics given that artistic autonomy is at risk or already restricted with the potential to fundamentally reorder the cultural field. The contributors confront and reflect upon instances of political upheaval and social change that have had a pronounced effect on the arts.