Thomas Girard (born 30 December, 1980 in Vancouver, Canada) is a Canadian scholar. Girard was accepted to attend University of Oxford in lectures equivalent to graduate coursework. Girard has received several Emerging Scholar awards, first at the Design Principles and Practices conference in Barcelona, Spain at the prestigious ELISAVA. At Emily Carr University of Art and Design he received his second Emerging Scholar award. Other awards include RBC Emerging Scholar, Royal Bank of Canada Foundation. For 2021, he has been awarded an Emerging Scholar award from the New Directions in the Humanities conference in Madrid, Spain.
By examining news and documentary media produced since September 11, 2001, Vavrus demonstrates that news narratives that include women use feminism selectively in gender equality narratives. She ultimately asserts that such reporting advances post-feminism, which, in tandem with banal militarism, subtly pushes military solutions for an array of problems women and girls face.
Life is about how much we think. Thinking is about how much mental capacity we possess. Capacity, in addition to our abilities and conscientiousness, is about how much we can process combinations of verbal height, quantitative width, and spatial depth with decisiveness, direction, and speed. No matter where we go or what we do as executives, we take our thinking with us. That may spoil everything, because, to a great extent, we do and accomplish what we think about. Our thoughts mold our aspirations, attitudes and accomplishments during our life. In other words, our careers and lives are influenced more by the power of our thoughts than anything else. The bad news is that most of us never fu...
Emmy-nominated television producer and executive Andy Friendly takes readers behind the scenes of the TV and movie business, beginning with his iconic father Fred Friendly’s pioneering work in television news with the legendary Edward R. Murrow, through the extraordinary film and television career of his wife, Golden Globe-winning actress Pat Crowley, as well as Andy’s own dramatic and at times hilarious adventures working with many of the most talented names in the business: from Richard Pryor, George Clooney, Jimmy Cagney, and Paul McCartney to news and talk legends Tom Snyder, Tim Russert, Dan Rather, Oprah Winfrey, and Vin Scully, among dozens of other top stars. Along the way he shares moving stories of family and friendship, with unique strategies for surviving and prospering in the rough-and tumble world of film and television.
From critically acclaimed author Ausma Zehanat Khan, Blackwater Falls is the first in a timely and powerful crime series, introducing Detective Inaya Rahman. “A gripping and compulsive mystery, but much more than that: an exploration of faith, prejudice and fear of the unknown.” —Ann Cleeves, New York Times bestselling author of the Vera, Shetland and Two Rivers series Girls from immigrant communities have been disappearing for months in the Colorado town of Blackwater Falls, but the local sheriff is slow to act and the fates of the missing girls largely ignored. At last, the calls for justice become too loud to ignore when the body of a star student and refugee--the Syrian teenager Ra...
When we look back over the 20th century and try to understand what's happened to workers and their families and the challenges they now face, the movement of women out of the home and into paid employment stands out as a unique and powerful transformation. At one level, everything has changed. And yet so much more change is needed. Even though we were all witness to the shift of women becoming equal or primary breadwinners over many years, these changes seem somehow to have snuck up on us. As a result, our policy landscape remains stuck in an idealized past, where the typical family was composed of a married-for-life couple with a full-time breadwinner and full-time homemaker who raised the ...
Actress and "Dancing with the Stars" contestant Rinna divulges her diet and exercise secrets and gives advice on how to lead a happy, healthy life--at any age. full-color photographs.
In the early grades, talking and drawing can provide children with a natural pathway to writing, yet these components are often overlooked. In Talking, Drawing, Writing: Lessons for Our Youngest Writers , authors Martha Horn and Mary Ellen Giacobbe invite readers to join them in classrooms where they listen, watch, and talk with children, then use what they learn to create lessons designed to meet children where they are and lead them into the world of writing. The authors make a case for a broader definition of writing, advocating for formal storytelling sessions, in which children tell about what they know, and for focused sketching sessions so that budding writers learn how to observe mor...