Johannes Calvin entwickelte ein neues Verständnis von Rechten und Freiheiten, von Kirche und Staat, das das Rechtssystem der frühen protestantischen Staaten formte. Seine Lehren, die sich schnell in Westeuropa ausbreiteten, wurden immer wieder durch große Krisen herausgefordert: die französischen Religionskriege, die niederländische Revolte, die englische Revolution, die amerikanische Kolonisation und Revolution. In solchen Krisen waren es Anhänger Calvins, die sein Denken aktualisierten und der neuen Situation anpassten. Eine Reihe grundlegender westlicher Auffassungen von Religion und politischen Rechten, sozialem und konfessionellem Pluralismus, Föderalismus und Gesellschaftsvertrag haben im frühmodernen Calvinismus ihren Ursprung.
The town-chronicles, relations, files and historical paintings of Lubeck form a unique basis of sources for research on the culture of rememberance of German cities in the late middle ages and the early modern era. The military defence of Lubeck's status as an imperial city in the battle of 1227 was remembered for over five centuries by the burghers of Lubeck in many ways. Councillors and burghers quarreled over the nature of the conspiracy of the buthers' guild in 1384 up to the 18th century. The book deals with the development of the different ways of remembering these important events against the background of the town's history, especially the burghers' disturbances. Astonishing continuities come to the surface. Thus neither Reformation nor enlightenment were able to cleanse the appearance of St. Maria Magdalena on the day of from the minds of the Lubeckers. Also the picture of the bloody quelling of the buthers' conspiracy in 1384 as painted by councillors' chronicles was drawn into question by many burghers: was it really a necessary defence against an evil attempt at the counciloors' lives or a cold-blooded judicial murder of disagreeable opponents?
Explores the law on rights of personality in Scotland compared to other jurisdictionsTaking a comparative perspective, this book explores the trends and issues affecting the law on rights of personality in jurisdictions drawn from the families of common law, civilian law, and mixed legal systems. The main focus is on the private law of personality rights, with due regard paid to the impact of constitutional legislation and other instruments protecting human rights.