Thirty-five years after its original publication, Mystical Dimensions of Islam still stands as the most valuable introduction to Sufism, the main form of Islamic mysticism. This edition brings to a new generation of readers Annemarie Schimmel's his
Islam mengajarkan bahwa nama memiliki hubungan erat dengan doa, harapan, dan nasib seseorang. Bahkan, disebutkan dalam hadis, nama merupakan panggilan yang akan dilekatkan kepadanya di akhirat kelak.
Part 2 of Baran-e-Rahmat (Rain of Mercy) Seerat (Biography) of the Prophet of Islam by Khawaja Shammsuddin Azeemi. It discusses the role of man in the Cosmic Administration, the miracles performed by Seyedna Hazoor alaihis-salat was-sall
The first-ever English language version of a virtually unknown book of wisdom and insight by Bahauddin, the father of beloved Sufi poet Rumi.
It is a splendid introduction—carefully researched and comprehensive, yet readable. It corrects many popular and erroneous notions about Islam that prevail in non-Muslim societies. For the general reader there are many profound insights of great consequence, for example, the passages on women, marriage, and inheritance, or the section on jihad, nearly always completely misunderstood in the press.
Bacterial Diseases provides readers an overview of a broad variety of bacterial infections. Chapters cover the description of specific disease and its causative agent, followed by information about symptoms, diagnosis and clinical management. This easy-to-read resource is a suitable introductory textbook for pharmacy, medical, and dental students, as well as M Phil, and Ph.D. candidates for Pharmacology, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Pharmacy, Biotechnology and allied health science programs. Readers interested in a simple clinical summary of bacterial diseases can also benefit from the information provided. Key Features: - Coverage of a broad spectrum of bacterial infections over 41 topical chapters - Easy-to-read presentation which provides a basic description of diseases covered to clinical diagnosis and management - Emphasis on the route of infection - References for further reading
Get drunk on Love, for Love is all that exists. Unless you make Love your business, you will not be admitted to the Beloved.' (Divan-i Shams-i Tabriz 455:A1:54) The thirteenth-century saint Jalaluddin Rumi has been called the greatest mystical poet of any age, and his work compared to that of Dante and Shakespeare. Over a period of 25 years he composed over 70,000 verses of poetry on the subjects of divine love, mystic passion and ecstatic illumination. Rumi was also a master story-teller, as this comprehensive exploration of his work so rewardingly reveals. Primarily an introduction to Rumi and the path of self-surrender, it is arranged in such a way that it guides the reader from the poet's outer, historical world to the inner, spiritual essence of his teaching. The Essence of Rumi offers us the opportunity to overcome the limitations of our human view of the world and transform our sensory eye into the poet's all-seeing Ocean of Reality.
Discover moving meditation with one of today's top-selling poets Rumi was a 13th-century Sufi theologian and poet who spoke of love, unity with God, and spiritual growth. Rumi and his followers, known as the Whirling Dervishes, employed music, poetry, and dance to become closer to God. This guide brings the unique practice of moving meditation to American readers, offering more than 40 meditations based on Rumi's poems. • Includes a timeline of Rumi's life, a glossary, and resources for further exploration