A unique review reference featuring nearly 1,000 multiple choice questions. Each question focuses on a key concept or anesthesia problem encountered in daily practice. Answers, explanations, case analyses and references follow, making the information relevant to patient care and standard procedures.
Clinical Anaesthesia Lecture Notes provides a comprehensive introduction to the modern principles and practices of anaesthesia for medical students, trainee doctors, anaesthetic nurses and other health professionals working with anaesthetists. This fifth edition has been fully updated to reflect changes in clinical practice, guidelines, equipment and drugs. Key features include: A new chapter on the roles of the anaesthetist Increased coverage of the peri-operative management of the overweight and obese patient, as well as an introduction to the fundamental aspects of paediatric anaesthesia Coverage of recent developments within the specialty, including the rapidly growing recognition of the...
Anaesthesia at a Glance is a brand new title that provides a concise and visually-orientated summary of a comprehensive lecture course in anaesthesia. Ideal for clinical undergraduate medical students and Foundation Programme doctors undertaking anaesthesia attachments, it gives a systematic, broad view of anaesthesia in various specialties, taking the reader through preparation, management and the pharmacology behind anaesthetic medicine. Anaesthesia at a Glance is supported by a companion website at www.ataglanceseries.com/anaesthesia containing interactive multiple-choice questions and answers together with a selection of interactive cases – perfect for study and revision. Whether you want to refresh your knowledge or need a thorough overview of the specialty, Anaesthesia at a Glance presents all the vital clinical information you need.
Co-integration of sensors with their associated electronics on a single silicon chip may provide many significant benefits regarding performance, reliability, miniaturization and process simplicity without significantly increasing the total cost. Micromachined Thin-Film Sensors for SOI-CMOS Co-integration covers the challenges and interests and demonstrates the successful co-integration of gas-flow sensors on dielectric membrane, with their associated electronics, in CMOS-SOI technology. We firstly investigate the extraction of residual stress in thin layers and in their stacking and the release, in post-processing, of a 1 μm-thick robust and flat dielectric multilayered membrane using Tetr...
The Primary FRCA Structured Oral Examination Study Guide 2 is the definitive revision aid to the Primary FRCA structured oral examination. This second edition is revised and updated in line with the new Royal College of Anaesthetists ‘Guide to the Primary FRCA’, with over 20 new topics to reflect changes to the RCoA’s model questions and major revisions to graphs, diagrams and many of the pre-existing sections. Packed with new guidelines and current hot topics, this second volume covers pharmacology, special patient groups and critical incidents in depth. Over 37 pharmacology topics are covered including mechanisms of drug action, dose-response curves, drug interactions, half-life, var...
Forecasting and Planning for Volcanic Hazards, Risks, and Disasters expands and complements the subject and themes in Volcanic Hazards, Risks and Disasters. Together, the two volumes represent an exhaustive compendium on volcanic hazards, risks, and disasters. Volume two presents a comprehensive picture of the volcano dynamics relevant for volcanic hazard forecasts. It also includes case studies of the associated risks and aspects like operational volcano observatory responses, communication before and across volcanic crises, emergency planning, social science aspects, and resilience from volcanic disasters. Forecasting and Planning for Volcanic Hazards, Risks, and Disasters takes a geoscien...