From the international bestselling authors of THE TOOLS and GOOP’s resident psychotherapists comes a ground-breaking new book to help us overcome the side of us that is destructive and negative to find a deep level of happiness and fulfilment. Just as we are all motivated and driven by a positive desire to be our best, live by our values and to follow our dreams, so too are we all held back by a negative, destructive and fear-driven side of ourselves. It is this part of us that compromises our ability to realise our potential and be truly happy – the side of us that the authors called our Part X. We all have a Part X and we cannot get rid of it, but we can learn to manage it with the hel...
In a compelling history of the Jewish community in New York during four decades of mass immigration, Tony Michels examines the defining role of the Yiddish socialist movement in the American Jewish experience. The movement, founded in the 1880s, was dominated by Russian-speaking intellectuals, including Abraham Cahan, Mikhail Zametkin, and Chaim Zhitlovsky. Socialist leaders quickly found Yiddish essential to convey their message to the Jewish immigrant community, and they developed a remarkable public culture through lectures and social events, workers' education societies, Yiddish schools, and a press that found its strongest voice in the mass-circulation newspaper Forverts. Arguing agains...
The FIFA coach of the Century presents his thoughts and observations on the art of Team Building in the world of soccer and beyond. All the facets of the team building process, including team tactics and psychology, are included down to the minutest detail. Also included is how youth talent, per age group category, should be developed. And finally, how to set up training sessions to achieve the best results. All the chapters are interspersed with examples from Rinus Michels` personal experiences as a trainer. At the same time he gives a reference framework for everyone who is, on a daily basis, involved with the team building process: from youth and professional coaches to managers in the business world. Because of these unique examples, most of which were never published, this will be a fascinating book for anyone involved in a team building process.
The authors present a psychological model based on the proven methods of Hollywood's greatest psychotherapists.