The Routledge Handbook of Latin America and the Environment provides an in-depth and accessible analysis and theorization of environmental issues in the region. It will help readers make connections between Latin American and other regions’ perspectives, experiences, and environmental concerns. Latin America has seen an acceleration of environmental degradation due to the expansion of resource extraction and urban areas. This Handbook addresses Latin America not only as an object of study, but also as a region with a long and profound history of critical thinking on these themes. Furthermore, the Handbook departs from most treatments on the topic by studying the environment as a social iss...
The Routledge Handbook on Livelihoods in the Global South presents a unique, timely, comprehensive overview of livelihoods in low- and middle-income countries. Since their widespread adoption in the 1990s, livelihoods perspectives, frameworks and methods have influenced diverse areas of research, policy and practice. The concept of livelihoods reflects the complexity of strategies and practices used by individuals, households and communities to meet their needs and live their lives. The Handbook brings together insights and critical analysis from diverse approaches and experiences, learning from research and practice over the last 30 years. The Handbook comprises an introductory section on k...
The world is in the midst of a storm that has shaped the history of modernity along a double fracture: on the one hand, an environmental fracture driven by a technocratic and capitalist civilization that led to the ongoing devastation of the Earth’s ecosystems and its human and non-human communities and, on the other, a colonial fracture instilled by Western colonization and imperialism that resulted in racial slavery and the domination of indigenous peoples and women in particular. In this important new book, Malcom Ferdinand challenges this double fracture, thinking from the Caribbean world. Here, the slave ship reveals the inequalities that continue during the storm: some are shackled i...
This handbook explores the political economy and governance of the Americas, placing particular emphasis on collective and intertwined experiences. Forty-six chapters cover a range of Inter-American key concepts and dynamics. The flow of peoples, goods, resources, knowledge and finances have on the one hand promoted interdependence and integration that cut across borders and link the countries of North and South America (including the Caribbean) together. On the other hand, they have contributed to profound asymmetries between different places. The nature of this transversally related and multiply interconnected hemispheric region can only be captured through a transnational, multidisciplina...
Estudiar Potosí, el centro minero del Alto Perú que inundó de plata los caminos y rutas que vinculaban a América con Europa y a Europa con Asia en el siglo XVI y la primera mitad del siglo XVII, parecería no tener sentido, gracias a las innumerables investigaciones acerca de su importancia en la economía mundial. Sin embargo, en esta investigación se estudian la condición colonial de la ciudad de Potosí y algunos aspectos de la formación de los mercados locales, regionales e internacionales; el rol de la megaminería en el medio ambiente, los sistemas de trabajo, los mercados, la salud y el malestar de quienes vivían en los socavones extrayendo el mineral; así como la descomposic...
A 2024 Choice Reviews Outstanding Academic Title Natural resource extraction and primary commodity export remain persistent features of the Latin American economy. This edited volume traces the power of labor in extractive sectors in Latin America starting in the 1980s and shows how labor shapes national export sectors, economies, politics, and societies more broadly. Kristin Ciupa and Jeffery R. Webber bring together a team of international experts who look at labor in several extractive sectors—including oil and gas, mining and agriculture, and migrant labor. They present a variety of viewpoints and case studies, exploring themes of the strategic organizing potential of extractive worker...
Kolonialismus ist ein historisches Thema, ein Gegenwartsthema und ein geographisches Thema. Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes verbinden diese drei Perspektiven und zeigen die Relevanz räumlicher und sozialer Machtverhältnisse des Kolonialismus in der Gegenwart auf. Diese »Kolonialität« genannte Kontinuität zeigt sich in der Wissensproduktion, in öffentlichen Debatten, in der Gestalt europäischer Städte, in lokalen Kämpfen sowie internationalen Politikfeldern. Der Sammelband vereint Beiträge aus der Geographie und Stadtforschung, die sich auf Forschungsansätze der Black Studies, Postcolonial Studies und Decolonial Studies beziehen.
Los textos reunidos aquí son testimonios de los debates alrededor de las perspectivas metodológicas y epistemológicas conocidas como monista y pluralista, que con frecuencia se confrontan en el campo de las ciencias sociales y políticas. Los temas que animaron las discusiones fueron: movimientos sociales o sociedades y comunidades en movimiento; saberes sociales: indígenas, populares y ancestrales; estudios sobre el género y la diversidad sexual; ambientalismo, ecologismo, desarrollo, animalismo y estudios sobre el territorio; investigación acción participativa, intervención sociológica y educación popular, y debate epistemológico
É para cuidar da ferida aberta pelas inúmeras crises engendradas pelo sistema capitalista que o martinicano Malcom Ferdinand propõe uma ecologia decolonial, uma abordagem interseccional extremamente sagaz que reúne o ecológico com o pensamento decolonial, antirracista, em uma crítica contundente ao "habitar colonial da Terra". Nesta análise urgente, Ferdinand critica o que chama de "dupla fratura colonial e ambiental da modernidade", de que resultam, por um lado, as teorias ecologistas que desconsideram o legado do colonialismo e da escravidão; por outro, os movimentos sociais e antirracistas que negligenciam a questão animal e ambiental. Como mostra o autor, tal fratura só enfraqu...