Superintegrable systems are integrable systems (classical and quantum) that have more integrals of motion than degrees of freedom. Such systems have many interesting properties. This title is based on the Workshop on Superintegrability in Classical and Quantum Systems organized by the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques in Montreal (Quebec).
This volume is a collection of papers presented at the XIII International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, held from July 27–August 8, 2014, in São Carlos, Brazil, in honor of María del Carmen Romero Fuster's 60th birthday. The volume contains the notes from two mini-courses taught during the workshop: on intersection homology by J.-P. Brasselet, and on non-isolated hypersurface singularities and Lê cycles by D. Massey. The remaining contributions are research articles which cover topics from the foundations of singularity theory (including classification theory and invariants) to topology of singular spaces (links of singularities and semi-algebraic sets), as well as applications to topology (cobordism and Lefschetz fibrations), dynamical systems (Morse-Bott functions) and differential geometry (affine geometry, Gauss-maps, caustics, frontals and non-Euclidean geometries). This book is published in cooperation with Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME)
Ten years have passed since It Hooft and Polyakov demonstrat ed that superheavy magnetic monopoles were a natural consequence of any Grand Unified Theory (GUT) in which the unifying group contains a U(l) factor as a subgroup. An analysis of these GUTs in an expanding, cooling universe yields a phase transition at an energy ~l015 GeV and at a cosmic time ~lO-35 seconds after the big bang. The general consequences of GUTs and this phase transition are the prediction of proton decay, the production of superheavy magnetic monopoles, and an understanding of the observed excess of matter over anti-matter in the universe. Attempts to provide experimental verification of GUTs has led to valiant expe...
This book recounts a few ingenious attempts to derive physical theories by reason only, beginning with Descartes' geometric construction of the world, and finishing with recent derivations of quantum mechanics from natural axioms.
This volume contains the greater part of the papers submitted to the High Energy Physics portion of the 1983 Orbis Scientiae, then dedicated to the eightieth year of Professor P. A. M. Dirac. Before the vol,ume could be published, Professor Dirac passed away on October 20, 1984, thereby changing the dedication of this volume, and its companion, on Information Processing in Biology, to his everlasting memory. Since 1969, Professor Dirac had given the opening address at each of these conferences. He was unable to prepare a manuscript of his last paper in 1983. His impact on science already has been enormous. The consequences of his thought and work for future developments are incalculable. Reg...
This textbook — appropriate for a one-semester course in classical mechanics at the late undergraduate or early graduate level — presents a fresh, modern approach to mechanics. About 150 exercises, covering a wide variety of topics and applications, have solutions roughly outlined for enhanced understanding. Unique to this text is the versatile application of programming language Mathematica™ throughout to analyze systems and generate results. Coverage is also devoted to the topic on one dimensional continuum systems. The extensive discussions on inverse problems of mechanical systems and the detailed analysis of stability of classical systems certainly make this an outstanding textbook.
This book is the second volume of the proceedings of the joint conference X. International Symposium “Quantum Theory and Symmetries” (QTS-X) and XII. International Workshop “Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics” (LT-XII), 19–25 June 2017, Varna, Bulgaria. The QTS series started around the core concept that symmetries underlie all descriptions of quantum systems. It has since evolved into a symposium on the frontiers of theoretical and mathematical physics. The LT series covers the whole field of Lie Theory in its widest sense together with its applications in many facets of physics. As an interface between mathematics and physics the workshop serves as a meeting place for mat...
Proceedings of a symposium held in Landesbildungszentrum Schloss Hofen, Lochau, Vorarlberg, Austria, July 30-August 3, 1990
This proceedings volume is sixth in the series of international conferences covering the fission, quasi-fission, fusion-fission phenomena and synthesis of superheavy nuclei, mainly at low or near barrier energies. Both experimental and theoretical issues are covered. The topics are discussed by a group of participants, and an overview of the current activities in the field is given.