Laser Systems for Applications
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 322

Laser Systems for Applications

This book addresses topics related to various laser systems intended for the applications in science and various industries. Some of them are very recent achievements in laser physics (e.g. laser pulse cleaning), while others face their renaissance in industrial applications (e.g. CO2 lasers). This book has been divided into four different sections: (1) Laser and terahertz sources, (2) Laser beam manipulation, (3) Intense pulse propagation phenomena, and (4) Metrology. The book addresses such topics like: Q-switching, mode-locking, various laser systems, terahertz source driven by lasers, micro-lasers, fiber lasers, pulse and beam shaping techniques, pulse contrast metrology, and improvement techniques. This book is a great starting point for newcomers to laser physics.

New Directions for University Museums
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 274

New Directions for University Museums

New Directions for University Museums is intended to help university museum leaders to help them plan strategically in the context of the issues and needs of the 2020s by examining trends affecting them and directions in response to those forces. It will lay out a series of potential directions for university museums in the 21st century using examples from the field. Although university museums are similar to other museums in their topic areas (art, natural history, archaeology, etc.) they are a unique category that requires special consideration. Today university museums are grappling with new forces that are affecting their future: University museums still have a dual responsibility to cam...

The Physics of Invisibility
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 220

The Physics of Invisibility

The ability is see is fundamental to our very existence. How true our perceptions really are depends upon many factors, and not least is our understanding of what light is and how it interacts with matter. It was said that the camera, the icon of light recording instruments, never lies, and in the day of the glass plate and celluloid roll-film this might well have been true. But in this modern era, with electronic cameras and computer software, it is often safe to assume that the camera always lies. The advertising images that bombard our every waking moment are manipulated in shape, profile, color, and form. In this new era, light can be manipulated with metamaterials to make one object look like another or even cause that objects to vanish, literally before our eyes; not only can the image we see be manipulated, but so can the light itself.

The Map and the Territory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 638

The Map and the Territory

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-02-13
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  • Publisher: Springer

This volume presents essays by pioneering thinkers including Tyler Burge, Gregory Chaitin, Daniel Dennett, Barry Mazur, Nicholas Humphrey, John Searle and Ian Stewart. Together they illuminate the Map/Territory Distinction that underlies at the foundation of the scientific method, thought and the very reality itself. It is imperative to distinguish Map from the Territory while analyzing any subject but we often mistake map for the territory. Meaning for the Reference. Computational tool for what it computes. Representations are handy and tempting that we often end up committing the category error of over-marrying the representation with what is represented, so much so that the distinction be...

Metamaterial Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 191

Metamaterial Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers

Electromagnetic metamaterials are a family of shaped periodic materials which achieve extraordinary scattering properties that are difficult or impossible to achieve with naturally occurring materials. This book focuses on one such feature of electromagnetic metamaterials—the theory, properties, and applications of the absorption of electromagnetic radiation. We have written this book for undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and practitioners, covering the background and tools necessary to engage in the research and practice of metamaterial electromagnetic wave absorbers in various fundamental and applied settings. Given the growing impact of climate change, the call for innov...

Laser Physics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 392

Laser Physics

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Unknown


God, Stephen Hawking and the Multiverse
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 226

God, Stephen Hawking and the Multiverse

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-01-16
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  • Publisher: SPCK

'An astonishingly good read, gripping and thought-provoking' William Lane Craig 'If you wanted to understand Stephen Hawking but couldn't face the maths, this is the book for you.' Dr Althea Wilkinson, Jodrell Bank Stephen Hawking kept breaking rules. Given two years to live, he managed another 54. He wrote about quantum cosmology - and sold 20 million books. He could not speak, yet the world recognized his voice. Hutchings and Wilkinson shine light on his extraordinary ideas. The result is a thought-provoking theological commentary and critique of black holes, origins, many universes, and Big Questions. In 'God, Stephen Hawking and the Multiverse', Hutchings and Wilkinson explain the key el...

Optics Letters
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 760

Optics Letters

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Odyssey of Light in Nonlinear Optical Fibers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 630

Odyssey of Light in Nonlinear Optical Fibers

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-12-19
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Odyssey of Light in Nonlinear Optical Fibers: Theory and Applications presents a collection of breakthrough research portraying the odyssey of light from optical solitons to optical rogue waves in nonlinear optical fibers. The book provides a simple yet holistic view on the theoretical and application-oriented aspects of light, with a special focus on the underlying nonlinear phenomena. Exploring the very frontiers of light-wave technology, the text covers the basics of nonlinear fiberoptics and the dynamics of electromagnetic pulse propagation in nonlinear waveguides. It also highlights some of the latest advances in nonlinear optical fiber technology, discussing hidden symmetry reductions ...

Donne che comprano l'amore
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 79

Donne che comprano l'amore

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-09-29
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  • Publisher: PubMe

Siamo quello che siamo stati. Anni fa leggevo le discussioni tra chi (psicologi, sociologi) sosteneva che è l’ambiente che incide sulla formazione della personalità, e chi invece sosteneva che quello che determina il carattere della persona è principalmente ereditario. La mia esperienza mi porta a pensare che è il risultato di tutte e due. Una vita spesa tra lavoro e famiglia, con un marito dispotico a cui non interessa nulla se non se stesso. Quando il matrimonio termina, Samantha non può che sentirsi libera: finalmente può vivere la vita che da sempre ricerca. Questo e tanti altri fattori la spingono a cercare la compagnia maschile, perché il desiderio di sentirsi amata è insito in ognuno di noi. Così naviga in alcuni siti di incontri, serate, cene fra single... fino alla scoperta che cambierà per sempre la sua esistenza. Con un tono scanzonato e a tratti liberatorio, l’autrice ha scavato nella sua anima, nella parte più profonda e nascosta di se stessa, per capire e rendersi conto delle motivazioni che l’hanno portata a fare delle scelte diverse e fuori dagli schemi, trasgressive e fino allora impensabili.