This book provides theoretical and empirical discussions around the impact of MOOCs and other pedagogical strategies for online learning in international contexts. Through discussions of inverse blended learning and other teaching and learning approaches, Part I navigates the pressing conceptual issues around global online education. By analyzing the Malaysia MOOC Initiative—the first governmental MOOC project in the world—Part II offers insight into the developmental strategies, learning design, and integrative approaches of these pioneering efforts. Edited by leading scholars in the field of globalized online learning, this volume offers a valuable contribution to research around collaborative initiatives between governments and universities, especially ones dedicated to open and distance education.
The oil palm is a remarkable crop, producing around 40% of the world’s vegetable oil from around 6% of the land devoted to oil crops. Conventional breeding has clearly been the major focus of genetic improvement in this crop. A mix of improved agronomy and management, coupled with breeding selection have quadrupled the oil yield of the crop since breeding began in earnest in the 1920s. However, as for all perennial crops with long breeding cycles, oil palm faces immense challenges in the coming years with increased pressure from population growth, climate change and the need to develop environmentally sustainable oil palm plantations. In Oil Palm: Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, world leading organizations and individuals who have been at the forefront of developments in this crop, provide their insights and experiences of oil palm research, while examining the different challenges that face the future of the oil palm. The editors have all been involved in research and breeding of oil palm for many years and use their knowledge of the crop and their disciplinary expertise to provide context and to introduce the different research topics covered.
This is the definitive account of the Royal Bank of Scotland scandal. For a few brief months in 2007 and 2009, the Royal Bank of Scotland was the largest bank in the world. Then the Edinburgh-based giant - having rapidly grown its footprint to 55 countries and stretched its assets to £2.4 trillion under its hubristic and delinquent former boss Fred Goodwin - crashed to earth. In Shredded, Ian Fraser explores the series of cataclysmic misjudgments, the toxic internal culture and the 'light touch' regulatory regime that gave rise to RBS/NatWest's near-collapse. He also considers why it became the most expensive bank in the world to bail out and why a culture of impunity was allowed to develop...
Metal Oxide Powder Technologies: Fundamentals, Processing Methods and Applications reviews the fundamentals, processing methods and applications of this key materials system. Topics addressed comprehensively cover chemical and physical properties, synthesis, preparation, both accepted and novel processing methods, modeling and simulation. The book provides fundamental information on the key properties that impact performance, such as particle size and crystal structure, along with methods to measure, analyze and evaluate. Finally, important applications are covered, including biomedical, energy, electronics and materials applications. - Provides a comprehensive overview of key topics both on the theoretical side and the experimental - Discusses important properties that impact metal oxide performance, processing methods (both novel and accepted), and important applications - Reviews the most relevant applications, such as biomedical, energy, electronics and materials applications
Although this is a very important issue for us Muslims to address, paradoxically, it is an issue we seldom address. Why is it so important, and why do we seldom address it? It is important because it affects our relationship with one another as well as with non-Muslims, and thus the spread of Islam- all crucial concerns for the future of the Ummah. Why then do we seldom speak about it? Because to do so is to run the risk of being abused, misunderstood and quoted out of context by people who cannot tolerate any opinion other than their own, even if that other opinion has a sound basis in Islamic teachings.Brief as it may appear, and dealing with such a topical subject, this book is quite comp...
WARNING: This book is not about politics nor does it promote being a jerk; however, victims, wimpy-minded, and lazy people will hate it. This real estate handbook is not like the others: it has flow charts and over 100 common (and not-so-common) real estate agent tasks presented as simple, step-by-step recipes. And it has pictures. And it's funny (or at least grin-worthy). In other words, it's comprehensive and not boring. The best part is: as a collection of brief articles, this book is easy to digest in small bites; however, because real estate tasks are so interrelated, each article is heavily cross-referenced. This way, the reader may delve deep into any topic (or train of thought) by ei...