A Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbra dispõe de um espólio museológico valioso e com significativo interesse para a história da farmácia e do ensino farmacêutico, com destaque para uma valiosa colecção de fármacos de origem natural, enriquecida sobretudo a partir dos anos 40 do século XX. O livro que aqui se apresenta pretende mostrar este vasto espólio, que inclui alongas de diversas dimensões e formatos contendo partes de plantas e seus metabolitos, uma colecção da E. Merck intitulada Drogen-Lehrsammlung e modelos botânicos didácticos do fabricante R. Brendel (finais do século xix). Esta obra constitui um suporte importante do ensino e investigação no domínio da farmacognosia, bem como tem inegável valor para a investigação e ensino no campo da história da farmácia e da história das ciências e para a museologia da ciência.
The description and analysis of the Mexican and other countries desertic plants from the point of view of their use in traditional medicine and their potential use in integrative medicine is the overall theme of this book. Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of Drylands and Deserts: Ecology, Ethnobiology and Potential Uses describes the historic use of drylands plants, botanical and geological classification, also describes the endemic plants used in traditional medicine, going through the most relevant aspects of biomedicine and integrative medicine. The chemical and bioactive compounds from desertic medicinal and aromatic plants and the analytic techniques to determine chemical and bioactive com...
Vols. for 1951-53 include "Authors" and "Subjects."
The last decade or so has witnessed tremendous progress in methodology in the field of drug development in general and pharmacokinetics in particular. Clinical pharmacokinetics is using new tools for probing into the "black box" once being ac cessible only partly through experimental techniques and, mostly through mathemati cal and computer means. Development of computerized scanning, positron emission tomography (PET), stereoselectivity and other techniques are now enabling investi gators to have better pictures of the systems they are studying. Mathematical models through computer simulation and statistical estimation, mostly due to easy access be cause of inexpensive yet powerful personal...